Excellence in Faculty Award Recipients


Congratulations to Dr. Chelsea Arnold for being recognized as the College 2022-2023 Young Faculty Award recipient.

Dr. Chelsea ArnoldDr. Chelsea Arnold is an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Business and Economics and began her career with WTAG in the Spring of 2022. 

Dr. Arnold has been very invested in teaching courses such as Fundamental of Ag Economics, Ag Business Management, and meetings with students on a daily basis helping them with homework assignments and class projects. 

Additionally, Dr. Arnold coaches the WTAMU Quiz Bowl Team, Co-Advises the Ag Business Club, and consistently attends and assists with departmental events. 


Congratulations to Dr. Naruki Hiranuma for being recognized as the College 2022-2023 Intellectual Contribution Excellence Award recipient.

Dr. Naruki HiranumaDr. Naruki Hiranuma has been truly outstanding in research and grantsmanship since he came to WTAMU in 2016. He has the distinction of having both NSF and DOE Career Grants simultaneously (totaling $1.25M), as well as a number of smaller grants. 

In addition to numerous publications, he and his research team of students and postdoctoral fellows present at national and international meetings. 




Congratulations to Dr. Nick Flynn for being recognized as the College 2022-2023 Professional Service Excellence Award recipient.

Dr. Nick FlynnDr. Nick Flynn serves the university, community, and his profession well. He is active on university committees, and has been the American Chemical Society Student Affiliate Sponsor since 2014. 

In the local community, he is serving as President of the Amarillo Homebrew Club and Amarillo High Plains Drafters Brewing Club. He is currently chair of a very active committee to build recruitment efforts for the sciences. 



Congratulations to Lauren Selph for being recognized as the College 2022-2023 Instructional Excellence Award recipient.

Dr. Lauren SelphMs. Lauren Selph is a full-time instructor teaching in the PSES program. Lauren started her career at WT in the fall of 2019 and her primary area of instruction has been in the various layers of soil related courses, such as fundamental of soils, soil fertility, and soil water relations.

Lauren serves as the coach of the WTAMU Soils Judging Team, and last year, lead the Agronomy Club to a win of the President's Cup. This was the first time in the history of the Cup for a Division II University to win the award.

Lauren is also a graduate student at Texas Tech University working on her Ph.D in Soil Science. Lauren commutes back and forth between Lubbock and Canyon twice a week during her spare time. 



Honoring Past Faculty Award Recognition!

Congratulations to the Following Faculty: 



2021-2022 Faculty Award Winners: 

2020-2021 Faculty Award Winners: 

2019-2020 Faculty Award Winners: 

  • Instructional Excellence Award: Dr. Dan Posey
  • Intellectual Contribution Excellence Award: Dr. Naruki Hiranuma
  • Service Contribution Excellence Award: Dr. Greg McGovern