Students may complete a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science, which includes pre-veterinary medicine requirements. Students do not have to complete the Bachelor of Science degree to apply for admission to a veterinary college. Once students have completed the preprofessional requirements, they may apply. Completion of the preprofessional requirements can be done in as little as two years but usually takes three or four years of undergraduate study. Preprofessional requirements of the 30 schools and colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States vary. Students interested in applying to a school or college of veterinary medicine outside Texas should contact the school or college to obtain information on preprofessional requirements.
To meet Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine preprofessional requirements, suggested curriculum includes:
- AGRI 3301 or BIOL 3301- Genetics
- AGRI 3318- Agricultural Statistics
- ANSC 3374- Principles of Nutrition
- BIOL 1413- Zoology/ BIOL 1406-Biology
- BIOL 2572- Microbiology
- CHEM 1411- Chemistry I
- CHEM 1412- Chemistry II
- CHEM 2523- Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 2525- Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 4323- Biochemistry I
- ENGL 1301- Composition and Reading
- ENGL 2311- Introduction to Professional and Technical Communication
- PHYS 1401-General Physics I
- PHYS 1402- General Physics II
- COMM 1315, 1318 or 1321- Communication
Prerequisite for the above courses include:
- ANSC 1319- Principles of Animal Science
- MATH 1314- College Algebra
In addition, to meet requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science, suggested curriculum also includes:
- ANSC 2376- Meat Animal and Carcass Evaluation
- ANSC 1329- Food Science
- ANSC 3355- Animal Breeding
- ANSC 3375- Feeds and Feeding
- ANSC 2371- Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Farm Animals
- ANSC 3317- Meat Science
- ANSC 3340- Reproductive Physiology
- Three courses from ANSC 4320- Beef Cattle Management, 4321- Stocker Cattle Management, 4322- Dairy Cattle Management, 4324- Swine Management, 4328- Feedlot Management, 4370- Equine Science and Production.
- AGBE 2317- Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics
- AGBE 3301 - Farm and Ranch Management or AGBE 3304 - Agricultural Business Management
- AGBE 3302- Marketing of Agricultural Products
- AGRI 4103- Senior Seminar
- Two courses from HIST 1301, 1302 or 2301- America 1492-1877, America since 1877, or Texas History Survey
- PSES 1307- Principles of Plant Science
- Two courses from PSES
- POSC 2305- American National Government
- POSC 2306- American State and Local Government
- Three hours from MUSI 1306- Introduction to Music in World Culture, THRE 1310- Introduction to Theatre Arts, HUMA 1315- Art, Dance, Music Theatre Interaction, ARTS 1303- Art History I or 1304- Art History II.
For More Information Please Contact:
Dr. Dan Posey at
Dr. David Lust at
Dr. Lance Baker at
Dr. John Richeson at
For More Information about the Veterinary Education, Research, & Outreach (VERO) center at WTAMU, click here.
For information about the Master of Science (M.S.) degree or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, refer to the "Graduate School" section of this catalog.