Dr. Lance Kieth

Dr. Lance Kieth

Associate Dean of the Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences and
Professor of Agricultural Education

Couch Family Professor of Extension Education

Office: Happy State Bank Academic and Research Building, Room 262K
Phone: 806-651-2556

Professional Profile

Dr. Kieth joined the Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences in 2002. He received a B.S. in agricultural education from Texas Tech University in 1989, an M.S. in agricultural education from Texas Tech University in 1991 and an Ed.D. in educational curriculum and instruction from Texas Tech University in 1997.

Teaching and Related Service

Dr. Kieth teaches courses in agricultural education and leadership. Dr. Kieth is the author of several curriculums. Two of his favorite curriculums are "Teaching Effectiveness for County Extension Agents" and "Quality Counts," a youth livestock curriculum. He has coauthored several publications and has made numerous presentations at both the state and national level. Dr. Kieth is a member of the Vocational Agricultural Teachers of Texas Association, the Association of American Agricultural Educators and the Texas 4-H Alumni Association. He serves as Faculty Advisor for the Agricultural Ambassador Program. 

Research and Creative Activity

Dr. Kieth’s research interests include youth leadership in the 4-H and FFA Organizations.  He also engages in student retention and recruitment studies for the Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences.