Dr. John T. Richeson
Professor of Animal Science
Office: Happy State Bank Academic and Research Building, Room 347
Email: jricheson@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2522
Professional Profile
Dr. Richeson became a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural Sciences and joined the Feedlot Research Group in 2011. He received his B.S. in animal science from Oklahoma State University in 2000, and spent two years working for a major cattle feeding company in Colorado. Dr. Richeson received a M.S. in ruminant nutrition from Texas Tech University in 2004, provided leadership of the Arkansas Beef Improvement Program from 2004 to 2008, and received his Ph.D. in animal science from the University of Arkansas in 2011.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Richeson teaches an undergraduate course in Animal Health and graduate-level courses including Advanced Animal Health, Research Techniques in Animal Science and Agricultural Statistical Analysis.
Dr. Richeson is a member of the American Society of Animal Science, the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists and the Plains Nutrition Council. He currently serves as chair of the Professional Animal Auditing Certification Organization (PAACO) Board of Directors, Organizing Committee member for the 2024 Bovine Respiratory Disease Symposium, Steering Committee member for the Beef Cattle Research Council's BRD Strategy, Guest Editor of the Merck Veterinary Manual, and Advisory Board member for several animal health and nutrition companies. Dr. Richeson also provides consultation for commercial cattle feeders and allied industry.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Richeson’s research interest involves the relationship of management, nutrition, physiological stress, and immunomodulation on the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory disease. Dr. Richeson and his graduate students evaluate respiratory vaccination strategies and the application of new technology and management systems to improve the health, immunity and well-being of beef and dairy cattle.
Selected Publications from Dr. Richeson's Lab:
Richeson, J. T., and R. Falkner. BRD Vaccination: what is the effect of timing? 2021. Vet. Clin. N. Am. 36:473-485.
Munoz, V. I., K. L. Samuelson, D. J. Tomczak, H. A. Seiver, T. M. Smock, and J. T. Richeson. 2020. Comparative efficacy of metaphylaxis with tulathromycin and pentavalent modified-live virus vaccination in high-risk, newly received feedlot cattle. Appl. Anim. Sci. 36:799-807.
Smock, T. M., K. L. Samuelson, J. E. Hergenreder, P. W. Rounds, and J. T. Richeson. 2020. Effects of Bacillus subtilis PB6 and/or chromium propionate supplementation on clinical health, growth performance, and carcass traits of high-risk cattle during the feedlot receiving and finishing periods. Transl. Anim. Sci. 4:1-12(txaa163).
Hudson, R. E., D. J. Tomczak, E. L. Kaufman, A. M. Adams, J. A. Carroll, P. R. Broadway, M. A. Ballou, and J. T. Richeson. 2020. Immune responses and performance are influenced by respiratory vaccine antigen type and stress in beef calves. Animals 10:1119.
Tomczak, D. J., K. L. Samuelson, J. S. Jennings, and J. T. Richeson. 2019. Oral hydration therapy with water and bovine respiratory disease incidence affects rumination behavior, rumen pH, and rumen temperature in high-risk, newly received beef calves. J. Anim. Sci. 97:2015-2024.
Richeson, J. T., K. L. Samuelson, and D. J. Tomczak. 2019. BEEF SPECIES-RUMINANT NUTRITION CACTUS BEEF SYMPOSIUM: Energy and roughage levels in cattle receiving diets and impacts on health, performance, and immune responses. J. Anim. Sci. 97:3596-3604.
Roberts, S. L., H. D. Hughes, J. G. Powell, and J. T. Richeson. 2018. Effect of castration method and meloxicam on behavior, inflammation, growth performance, and carcass traits in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 96:66-75.
Richeson, J. T., J. A. Carroll, N. C. Burdick Sanchez, N. D. May, H. D. Hughes, S. L. Roberts, P. R. Broadway, K. P. Sharon, and M. A. Ballou. 2016. Dexamethasone treatment differentially alters viral shedding and the antibody and acute phase protein response after multivalent respiratory vaccination in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 94:3501-3509.
Richeson, J. T., P. J. Pinedo, E. B. Kegley, J. G. Powell, M. S. Gadberry, P. A. Beck, and S. M. Falkenberg. 2013. Association of hematologic variables and castration status at the time of arrival at a cattle research facility with the risk of bovine respiratory disease in beef calves. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. 243(7):1035-1041.
Richeson, J. T., P. A. Beck, M. S. Gadberry, S. A. Gunter, T. W. Hess, D. S. Hubbell, and C. Jones. 2008. Effects of on-arrival versus delayed modified-live virus vaccination on health, performance, and serum infectious bovine rhinotracheitis titers of newly received beef calves. J. Anim. Sci. 86:999-1005.