Endowed Chairs and Professorships
Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

Caviness Davis Distinguished Chair in Meat Science
Dr. Ty Lawrence
The Caviness Davis Distinguished Chair in Meat Science was established in 2021 by Caviness Beef Packers and Gordon W. Davis in recognition and support of the pursuit of excellence by the Meat Science Program at West Texas A&M University.

Couch Family Professorship of Extension Education
Dr. Lance Kieth
The Couch Family Professorship of Extension Education was established in 2023 to honor the family legacy of commitment to youth education through enrichment activities such as 4-H, FFA, and agriculture extension programs.

James A. "Buddy" Davidson Professorship of Wildlife Biology
Dr. Ray Matlack
The James A. “Buddy” Davidson Endowed Professorship in Wildlife Biology was established in 2012 by the James A. “Buddy” Davidson Charitable Foundation to support a hands-on faculty member’s teaching and research activities utilizing a variety of environments and outdoor learning experiences.

Dr. Gordon W. Davis Chair in Meat Judging
Dr. Loni Lucherk
The Dr. Gordon W. Davis Chair in Meat Judging was established in 2021 by Gordon W. Davis in recognition and support of the pursuit of excellence by the Meat Judging Program at West Texas A&M University.

Dr. Russell C. Long and Natrelle Hedrick Long Professorship in Companion Animal Studies
Dr. Sara-Louise Newcomer
WT President Emeritus Russell C. Long and wife Natrelle Hedrick Long have announced a $2.1 million planned gift to the University to establish a new companion animal science program for students planning on a career in veterinary medicine or in a host of other pet related careers. The companion animal science program will provide a new educational pathway for students.

Paul Engler Professor of Agriculture
Dr. Bridget Guerrero
The Engler Professor of Agriculture was established in 2024 by the Paul & Virginia Engler Foundation and Friends of West Texas A&M University to honor the legacy of Mr. Paul Engler. Mr. Engler exemplifies a combination of work ethic, business acumen, and resolve that captures the entrepreneurial spirit of the West Texas regional community.

Paul Engler Professor of Biology
Dr. Carolyn Bouma
The Engler Professor of Biology was established in 2024 by the Paul & Virginia Engler Foundation and Friends of West Texas A&M University to honor the legacy of Mr. Paul Engler. Mr. Engler exemplifies a combination of work ethic, business acumen, and resolve that captures the entrepreneurial spirit of the West Texas regional community.

Paul Engler Professorship of Beef Cattle Feedlot Management
Dr. John Richeson
The Paul Engler Professorship of Beef Cattle Feedlot Management was established in 2021 by the Paul and Virginia Engler Foundation. The purpose of the professorship is to advance the mission of the feedlot management program at West Texas A&M University by supporting the teaching, research, and service activities of an outstanding faculty member in the Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences.

Paul Engler Professorship of Natural Sciences
Dr. David Khan
The Paul Engler Professorship of Natural Sciences was established in 2021 by the Paul and Virginia Engler Foundation. The purpose of the professorship is to advance the mission of the natural sciences programs at West Texas A&M University by supporting the teaching, research, and service activities of an outstanding faculty member in the Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences.

Vernon Harman Professor of Dryland Farming
Dr. Brock Blaser
The Vernon Harman Professorship of Dryland Farming was established in 2021 with gifts from the Harman family. The professorship recognizes Vernon Harman and his family as tremendous examples of successful Texas Panhandle farmers and their support of continuous improvement farming in the community through education and research.

Dean Hawkins Chair in Cow/Calf Management
Dr. Tommy Perkins
Dr. Dean Hawkins Endowed Chair in Cow/Calf Management was established in 2018 to honor Dr. Hawkins’ commitment to West Texas A&M University and the Texas Panhandle.

Plug Piehl Professor of Agriculture
Dr. Mallory Vestal
The Plug Piehl Professor of Agriculture was established in 2021 by Helen and LaDeanna Plug Piehl to advance the mission and student engagement of the Department of Agriculture.

Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson Professorship in Livestock Judging
Mr. Michael Semler
The Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson Professorship in Livestock Judging was established in 2023 to advance the teaching, research, and service activities in the Paul Engler College of Agricultural and Natural Sciences by supporting the livestock judging team leadership.

Stan and Gerry Sigman Professor of Water Resources
Dr. Craig Bednarz
The Stan and Gerry Sigman Professorship of Water Resources was established in 2021 by the Sigman family to support teaching and research programs related to water utilization.

Richard and Mary West Traylor Professorship
Dr. Kevin Williams
The Richard and Mary West Traylor Professorship in Agriculture Education was established in 2019 by a generous contribution in memory of Geneva Schaeffer and in honor of Mr. Stanley Schaeffer. Mary West was a dear friend of Geneva Schaeffer, and the professorship honors Richard and Mary West Traylor for their commitment to supporting the development of future agriculture educators.

Ross W. Wilson Chair in Chemistry
Dr. Jason Yarbrough
The Ross W. Wilson Chair in Chemistry is the first endowed chair in the College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering. It was established by gifts from the late Ross W. Wilson, a 1938 graduate of WT, and the estate of Hazel Kelley Wilson to honor both Ora Mae Harris Wilson, a 1938 WT graduate and wife of Ross W. Wilson, and Dr. Charles A. Pierle, who taught chemistry at WT from 1922-1954.