David W. Craig, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics
Office: Natural Sciences Building, Room 106-C
Email: dcraig@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-5262
Personal Page: http://homedirs.wtamu.edu/~dcraig/
Professional Profile
Dr. Craig has been teaching at WTAMU since 2004, His main emphasis is basic science education. He received degrees in physics from Rhodes College (B.S. '84), New Mexico Tech (M.S. '88) and University of Mississippi (Ph.D. '95).
Teaching and Related Service
While basic science education is Dr. Craig's main emphasis, he also teaches the most advanced physics courses offered at the University. Previously, he was planetarium director at Delta State University for six years.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Craig's research interests are radio astronomy, small-scale optical astronomy of variable stars and educational methods in physical sciences.