College of Engineering Student Clubs and Organizations

College of Engineering
Student Clubs and Organizations
There are a variety of student organizations within the College of Engineering. Get involved with students and faculty with shared interests that provide opportunities for volunteering, learning, networking and career resources.
American Academy for Environmental Engineers and Scientists
AAEES strives to provide students with real world experiences in the Environmental Engineering discipline. Organization activities include site visits, guest speakers, and volunteer opportunities. The organization is currently working to fight food insecurity in the Texas Panhandle by partnering with the High Plains Food Bank and a local elementary school.
American Computing Machinery

The WTACM, West Texas A&M chapter of Association for Computing Machinery, is an organization in which students gain access to an expansive network of computing resources, including software, education resources, and career opportunities.


American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE is an organization that prepares their members for the professional world. We strive to inform students of the different opportunities they have once they graduate. We do this by attending ASCE conferences, bringing in professionals that speak about real world experience, and having information sessions about Civil Engineering.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME is an organization that bridges the gap between school and the professional world. We try to inform students of the different routes they can take once they graduate. We do this by bringing in guest speakers, going on field trips, and having information sessions.
Engineers Without Borders
EWB supports community driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders.
Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Math Club
Math Club is comprised of students who love mathematics and coordinate events like Pi Day, the Fibonacci bake sale, and predicting the Zombie apocolypse.
Society of Engineering Technology
SET is best known for industry field trips and cookouts.
Women of Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics
WECSM hosts social events and guest speakers to foster women's involvement in the ECSM fields.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The purpose of our SIAM student chapter at West Texas A&M University is to provide a platform for students to learn from others, to facilitate interactions among students and faculty inside the mathematics department as well as with other science and engineering departments, and to provide more undergraduate and graduate students research programs through SIAM and provide career information in the mathematical sciences.