Project aim: To produced biochar from cotton gin waste, an abundant waste biomass in the Texas Panhandle, to improve soil quality and especially increase the ability of agricultural soils to store water from rainfall
Benefits: Rainfed farming is very difficult in the Texas Panhandle due in larger part to the poor condition of our soils and the uncertainty and risk in it with variable rainfall. If biochar can help us to store more rainfall in soils, many farmers will be able to switch to rainfed farming and thereby conserve groundwater instead of using as much for irrigation.
Researchers: Nathan Howell, Craig Bednarz, Sanjoy Bhattacharia, Sanjit Deb, Bridget Guerrero, Joshua Partheepan, David Takal
Funding: USDA Ogallala Aquifer Program (OAP)
Keywords: Biochar, soil health, cotton gin waste, soil quality, water holding capacity, pyrolysis