In This Section
- College of Engineering
- Programs
- Dr. Fisseha M. Alemayehu
- Mr. William Ambrose
- Dr. Sanjoy Bhattacharia
- Dr. Erick Butler
- Dr. Kristina Gill
- Dr. Nathan Howell
- Dr. Emily Hunt
- Dr. Roy Issa
- Mr. Duane Jacobs
- Dr. Kenneth Leitch
- Dr. Pam Lockwood-Cooke
- Dr. Audrey Meador
- Dr. Anirban Pal
- Dr. David Parker
- Dr. Joshua Partheepan
- Dr. Anitha Subburaj
- Dr. Vinitha Subburaj
- Ms. Melissa Timmons
- Dr. Vinu Unnikrishnan
- Mr. Varatharaj Varatharaj
- Dr. Yong Yang
- Dr. Behnam Askarian
- Dr. Qingquan (Harry) Wu
- Dr. Fatemehsadat (Azi) Tabei
- Dr. Li Chou
- Ms. Ashley Dyer- Ashley
- Mr. Preston Tirey
- Mr. Daniel Raju
- Dr. Mohammad Siddiqui
- Dr. Swastika Bithi
- Ms. Lina Hajje
- Dr. Masoumeh Ozmaeian
- Sulin Song
- Research Information
- Engineering Academic Integrity
- Online Course Offerings
- Student Clubs and Organizations
- College of Engineering Success Stories
- Engineering Camp
- Engineering Outreach
- Water Working Group
- Annual TSPE Scholarship Golf Tournament
- summercampcoe2024
- HMT Laboratory
Whether its special events on campus, class projects, or activities organized by our student organizations, there is always something going on in the College of Engineering at WTAMU. If you would like more information about our teacher and professional development workshops, field trip opportunities, or our summer camp please feel free to contact Vicky Buckelew at 806-651-5275 or by email at