How Do I Become a Teacher?
West Texas A&M University offers a traditional undergraduate program with teacher certification, a graduate program with teacher certification, or an alternative teacher certification program for those who already have a bachelor's degree. All programs are accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and include course work and training, field-based experiences, certification testing, and supervised teaching experience.
Step 1: Choose the grade level and content area you want to teach.
- Teaching certification areas are available based upon state standards and the content area and grade levels you wish to teach.
Grade Levels and Content Areas:
- Core Subjects with Bilingual Preparation
- Core Subjects with ESL Preparation
- Core Subjects
- English Language Arts & Reading
- English Language Arts & Reading/Social Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics/Science
- Science
- Social Studies
- Agriculture Science & Technology 6-12
- Business Education 6-12
- Computer Science 8-12
- Dance 6-12
- English Language Arts & Reading 7-12
- History 7-12
- Journalism 8-12
- Life Science 7-12 (Biology major)
- Mathematics 7-12
- Physical Science 6-12 (Chemistry major)
- Science 7-12
- Social Studies 7-12
- Speech 7-12
- Art
- LOTE-Spanish
- Music
- Physical Education (SES major)
- Special Education
- Theatre Arts
Step 2: Select the appropriate teacher preparation program.
Teacher Preparation with a Bachelor's Degree
This traditional undergraduate program is for students seeking a bachelor’s degree along with their teacher certification. Students will take the university core curriculum, plus content hours in their teaching field, as well as professional education course work.
Teacher Preparation with a Master's Degree
The Master of Arts in Teaching is a graduate level program for individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree and wish to enter the teaching profession.
Post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification
The Panhandle Alternative Certification for Educators (PACE) program is an online, university-based teacher certification program for individuals with a bachelor's degree who want to make a career transition into the teaching profession. The program, which ultimately culminates in Texas educator certification, begins with testing, early field-based experiences, and online graduate coursework. An eligible candidate may be employed as a Texas teacher or may complete clinical teaching under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
Contact Us
Questions? We're here to help!
Old Main 413 and 415
- Dr. Crystal Hughes, Executive Director of Educator Preparation and Certification Officer, (806) 651-2605
- Gilbert Antunez, Assistant Director of Educator Preparation and Director of Field Experience and Placement, (806) 651-2908
- Robin Johnson, Lead Undergraduate Education Advisor, (806) 651-2610
- Pyxa Sovilay, PACE Coordinator, (806) 651-2613
- Ray Rigoni, Certificate Support & Academic Advisor, (806) 651-2642
- Heidi Brooks, Administrative Associate, (806) 651-2668
- Office of Educator Certification Main Number, (806) 651-2668
Upcoming Certification Changes
Certification Examinations for Health EC-12, Physical Education EC-12, and English Language Arts & Reading 7-12
Effective September 1, 2024, candidates seeking certification in these areas will be required to take new examinations according to the timeline set by TEA and Pearson.
The new preparation manuals for these exams are available on the TEA website. It is important to note that the first score reporting for these new exams will be available on September 27, 2024.
Specific details regarding each exam are as follows:
Effective September 1, 2024, candidates seeking certification in the areas of Health EC-12, Physical Education EC-12, and English Language Arts & Reading 7-12 will be required to take new examinations for these certifications according to the timeline set by TEA and Pearson. The new preparation manuals are available on this website. Please note the first score reporting for these new exams will be available on September 27, 2024.
The redeveloped English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (#331) exam will replace the current English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (#231) exam beginning September 2, 2024.
The current exam #231 will be available until September 1, 2024, and can be used for certification through September 1, 2025.