Educational Leadership Admissions
Masters and Principal Certification

Graduate School Admissions Requirements

Admission to the educational leadership degree and certification options begins with an application to the Graduate School.

Graduate admission requirements and deadlines must be met to be considered for admission to the applicable programs. Applicants may be admitted to the Graduate School under regular or conditional guidelines as described in the academic catalogs. Submit application materials to Emily Key in the Graduate School. For assistance, contact Emily Key or Dr. Ray Barbosa Jr.

Program Admissions Requirements

M.Ed. Degree (w/ Certificate)

Principal Certificate Only

Bachelor's Degree with a 2.75 GPA (or above) Master's Degree in Education
Valid teaching certificate Valid teaching certificate
Two years of creditable teaching experience Two years of creditable teaching experience
Professional resume Professional resume
Two letters of recommendation Two letters of recommendation
Teaching service record Teaching service record
Code of Ethics Code of Ethics
Departmental application Departmental application
Candidate information page Candidate information page
Letter of interest Letter of interest
Leadership Circle Screening Tool Leadership Circle Screening Tool

Texas Education Agency Requirements

English Language Proficiency

An applicant for certification in Texas must be able to communicate, listen, read, write, and comprehend the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in daily communication and teaching. English language proficiency shall be evidenced by one of the following: 

(A) completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States; or 

(B) verification of minimum scaled scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing; (TOEFL scores must not be older than 2 years from the date of application) or 

(C) if an undergraduate or graduate degree was earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States listed in TAC 230.11 

Consult WTAMU’s university policy on language proficiency.

Criminal History Information 

A criminal background check including fingerprinting will be performed by the Texas Education Agency before a certification-seeking candidate will be allowed to certify or gain employment on a non-teacher certificate. TAC 227.1(b)(1)(2). 

Items on a candidate’s criminal history report may render the candidate ineligible for certification.  

Candidates may request a preliminary TEA background check for an evaluation of their criminal history. Please note that applicants may request a preliminary TEA background check for an opinion of charge prior to starting a program

All applicants with any prior or current criminal charges are encouraged to discuss their specific background with the Director of Educator Preparation Programs before enrolling in any academic program that includes a certification route.

Note: Requirements for licensure/certification vary from state to state. Our programs prepare candidates for certification and/or licensure in the State of Texas. We do not represent that our programs prepare candidates for licensure or certification in other states.

We Teach Texas