Annual WTAMU/TASB School Board Conference
Spring 2025. May 21 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.


The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) offers spring training workshops at locations throughout Texas in conjunction with Education Service Centers (ESC), state colleges and universities, and area school board associations. West Texas A&M University is proud to host this event for school boards in the Region 16 ESC area.

Topics for the workshop are selected by the planning committee whose membership consists of school board members, TASB staff, school superintendents, ESC 16 staff, and WTAMU faculty. Workshop sessions are typically conducted by TASB staff, ESC 16 staff, Underwood Law Firm attorneys, and WTAMU faculty.

The spring school board workshop is a joint effort of WTAMU, TASB, and ESC 16.

Spring School Board Workshop

Wednesday, May 21

10:00 am to 5:00 pm

The 2025 school board workshop will be hosted on-campus with an option for synchronous online participation for those who may prefer to join from a distance. Additionally, presentations will be accessible online following the workshop. The day’s activities will include a general session at noon in Legacy Hall in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center on the West Texas A&M University campus, with breakout sessions in the White, Maroon, West Texas, and Thunder rooms before and after the general session. The workshop offers up to five CECs to school board members.

Online Registration

Registration must be completed online. The cost for onsite registrants is $50, which includes lunch and snacks throughout the day. The cost for online-only participants is $25. 

Onsite sign-in begins at 10:00, and the first breakout session starts at 10:30.

Old Main


All onsite sessions and lunch will be in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center

After registering for the conference, virtual attendees are encouraged to join no later than 10:30. Follow the instructions sent to your email address.

Quick Links


  • Workshop Flyer
  • Workshop Materials & Handouts
  • Workshop Meal
  • Planning Committee
  • Zoom Information

