5.1 | Grievances
5.1.A | Types of grievances may include, but are not limited to:
- Discrimination:
- West Texas A&M University students, employees, faculty, vendors, visitors, or others with an online method to file a formal complaint or report specific information related to an alleged incident(s) of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation can complete a Complaint Form located here: https://apps.wtamu.edu/complaint/.
- Disability Accommodation:
- Students with disabilities needing accommodations must request them through the Director of Office of Student Accessibility (OSA). Any approved accommodations will be based on documentation demonstrating eligibility under state and federal regulations. If a student disagrees with accommodation decisions made by OSA, they may discuss the concern with the Director of OSA. If the complaint is still not resolved satisfactorily, the student may visit the Assistance Vice President of Student Affairs. More information about this process can be found here: https://www.wtamu.edu/student-support/student-accessibility/index.html.
- Title IX, Sex-Based Misconduct:
- WTAMU does not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on, or related to, color, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, or protected veteran status. To report an incident(s), please utilize WT's online reporting form, found here: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?WestTexasAMUniv&layout_id=0.
- Grade Disuptes:
- Before a student may submit a Grade Challenge, the student must make the initial appeal to the faculty member of that particular course; if the faculty member is no longer with the University, the student must appeal to the head of the department that offered the course. If no resolution is reached at the department head level, the student may appeal to the dean of the college in which the course was offered. If at this point the problem has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may file a formal appeal with the Academic Appeals Committee. A student desiring a hearing before the Academic Appeals Committee must file a written request for an appeal hearing with the dean of the college in which the course was offered. The dean will forward the appeal to the EVPP. More information can be found in 1.14.I of the Student Handbook.
- Academic Suspension and Holds:
- WTAMU Rule 13.01.99.W1 outlines the University's procedure in regards to Academic Probation and Suspension for Undergraduate students. A student may appeal an Academic Suspension in accordance with the dealines established by the Registrar, and should complete the following form: https://www.wtamu.edu/_files/docs/registrar/Request%20for%20Reinstatement%20After%20Serving%202nd%20Suspension%20Form%20May%2022%202020.pdf.