Scholastic Deficiency/ Probation

1.15 | Academic Standing

1.15.A | Scholastic Deficiency/Probation: Continued enrollment in an undergraduate program at WTAMU is dependent upon a student maintaining satisfactory academic progress toward attaining a degree.

  1. To assist students in maintaining satisfactory progress, WTAMU has adopted academic standards designed to provide early identification through academic advising and academic support programs.
  2. Delineation of Levels of Academic Standing: 
    1. Academic Warning: Is the least severe of the levels in Academic Probation and Suspension, and does not appear on a student's official academic record. Academic Warning serves as an opportunity to address any academic difficulties with the goal of preventing a student from being placed on Academic Probation.
      1. Students must meet with an advisor prior to each semester following inadequate performance to develop a plan and determine any necessary referrals to campus resources. Students must repeat this process every semester they are on Academic Warning.
      2. Students who have earned less than 30 hours must meet with an Advising Services advisor.
      3. Students who have earned 31 or more hours must meet with their academic advisor based on their major's advising model (see If the academic advisor is not available, the student should meet the appropriate associate dean or dean of the college.
      4. At the end of the semester in which a student is on Academic Warning, the student will either:
        1. Be removed from warning status by earning at least a 2.0 semester GPA and completing at least 75% of the courses in which they are official enrolled; or 
        2. Continue on academic warning (WRN2) by earning less than a 2.0 semester GPA or completing less than 75% of the semester credit hours in which they are official enrolled, but maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0; or
        3. Be placed on Academic Probation by earning less than a 2.0 semester GPA and their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0; and
        4. A student remaining on Academic Warning must follow the procedures outlined.
      5. Students who have received three consecutive semesters of Academic Warning (WRN3) must consult with their college dean or Associate dean.
    2. Academic Probation: Is an indication of serious academic difficulty that may ultimately lead to suspension from the University. Probation appears on the student's academic record.
      1. Students will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of any semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.
      2. Students placed on Academic Probation are required to be re-advised (greenlighted) and complete a Probation Conditions and Plan for Academic Improvement form. Failure to comply may result in the deletion of future semester registrations.
      3. Students who have earned less than 30 hours must complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement with an Advising Services advisor.
      4. Students who have earned 31 or more hours must complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement with their academic advisor based on their major's advising model (see If the academic advisor is not available, the student should meet with the appropriate department head. If both faculty advisor and department head are not available, the student should meet the appropriate associate dean or dean of the college.
      5. The individual meeting with the student to complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement form and submit a copy of the Office of the Registrar, provide a copy to the student, retain a copy, and send a copy to the student's faculty advisor, if applicable.
      6. At the end of the semester on which a student is on Academic Probation, the student will either:
        1. Be removed from Academic Probation by earning a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above; or
        2. Continue on Academic Probation by earning at least a 2.0 semester GPA by the cumulative GPA remains below 2.0; or
        3. Be subject to Academic Suspension by failing to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher.