1.3 | Initial Finding of Fact and Review of Cases
1.3.A | In a case where a non-teaching member of the WTAMU community reports a suspected integrity violation, the case will be referred to the appropriate faculty member, direct supervisor, or dean for initial review. The referral will come from the WTAMU community member to whom the suspected act was first reported.
1.3.B | In a case where a resolution between the student and faculty member has been reached, an Academic Integrity Code Violation Review Form will be completed by the faculty member, signed by all parties, direct supervisor, and dean, and forwarded to the EVPP office to be placed in the student's file.
1.3.C | In a case where a resolution between the student and faculty member cannot be reached, all materials will be presented to the direct supervisor who will then review the case (including evidence, students and professor testimony, any documents, etc.), determine if a violation occurred, and, in the case of a finding of violation, impose through their dean's office, then forward to the EVPP for the appropriate sanction. The direct supervisor will then notify the student and faculty of their decision and the student of their right to appeal to the College Integrity Committee (CIC).
1.3.D | Each college will create a CIC as needed. It will be comprised of the college dean (who will chair the committee and vote only in case of a tie), three students (appointed by Student Senate) and three faculty members from the college (one appointed by the dean for a two-year term, one chosen by the student, and one chosen by the dean). Should the dean feel that chairing the committee would present a potential conflict of interest, they may recuse themselves through the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) office and have another dean appointed to chair the hearing.
1.3.E | In the case of the finding of guilt, the direct supervisor will forward this finding to the VPAA's office to be placed in the student's file. Upon any subsequent violation by the student (if another Academic Integrity Code Violation Review Form, direct supervisor sanction or any combination is already present in the student's file), the EVPP office will notify the dean and have them examine the file to determine if a trend of violation needs to be addressed.
1.3.F | For undergraduate students, "dean" in this document refers to the dean of the college in which the most recent violation occurred. For graduate students, "dean" refers to the dean of the Graduate School. If the dean determines the presence of multiple violations, they will impose or request that the EVPP impose the appropriate sanction. The dean will notify the student of their decision and their right to appeal to the CIC.
1.3.G | Should the student desire to appeal either a direct supervisor's, or dean's decision, the student will notify the dean that they request an appeal hearing before a CIC. The notification must be in writing and delivered to the dean within ten (10) days of the student's initial notification of the direct supervisor's or dean's findings. Such an appeal must specify if the student is appealing the finding of violation or the fairness of the sanction.