1.21 | Tuition Refunds
1.21.A | Students that choose not to complete a class for the semester but intend to remain enrolled in other courses for the remainder of the semester should follow the procedure to drop the class. Dropping a course is not appropriate for students enrolled in only one course for the semester. If the student is enrolled in one course and does not wish to complete it, the student should follow the withdrawal process.
1.21.B | Tution and Fee Refund Procedure is covered under the WTAMU University Catalog, under the current academic year. The refund is calculated ont he total cost of tuition and mandatory fees charged for the courses in whicht he student was enrolled. If a student drops a class on or before the census date of the semester (12th class day for fall and spring semesters, 4th class day for summer terms) and remains enrolled in at least one course for that term, the tuition and mandatory fees for the dropped class will be refunded to the student.
1.21.C | Petition for Waiver of University Regulations: Students who have experienced extenuating circumstances and were unable to withdraw or drop a course within the allotted timeframe may complete a Petition for Waiver of University Regulations. You can complete a Petition at the following link: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?WestTexasAMUniv&layout_id=9. General rules surrounding the Petition process are:
- Petitions must be submitted by the last class day of the following semester - for example: if you wish to Petition Fall 2023, your submission must be received before the last class day of Spring 2024.
- Documentation of the extenuating circumstances must be provided for your Petition to be reviewed.
- A full cancellation/refund of your bill is not guaranteed by the approval of a Petition.
- The committee will convene to review Petitions as they are received. Therefore, a response may take up to 2-3 weeks to be reviewed.
- Decisions made by the committee are final.