1.4 | Hearings Before a College Integrity Committee (CIC)

1.4.A | The CIC functions only as an appeal committee. This committee will hear the facts of the case to determine the appropriateness of the original finding and/or sanction.

  1. Once an appeal hearing has been requested, the dean's office will, not less than seven (7) working days before the scheduled hearing, make a reasonable attempt to notify:
    1. The appealing party and any accusing parties (as well as the accusing party's witnesses);
    2. Any faculty member(s) involved; and
    3. The selected members of the committee.
  2. These time frames are contingent upon the academic calendar and the necessity of bringing closure to a situation and, at the dean's discretion, may be adjusted as deemed necessary.
  3. If the student is appealing the finding of violation itself, the accuser has the burden of proving their case by the preponderance of the evidence (proof that leads a reasonable person to conclude that the facts in issue are more likely to have occurred than not).
  4. If the student is appealing the sanctions, only facts presented to the committee or that are in the student's file may be considered in judging the fairness of the original sanction. The appealing student is responsible for offering evidence that supports a different sanction.
  5. The appealing party may have one person accompany them to the hearing. This person cannot act as a witness. The appealing party may obtain advice from a legal advisor at their own expense.
  6. An opportunity will be provided for the appealing party to present their version of the facts and to present other evidence, including witnesses, in support of their appeal. The appealing student should notify their witnesses of their request that they present information at the hearing. The appealing student is responsible for making sure their witnesses attend the hearing and/or for providing any notarized written information or official university reports (the student may request these through the presiding dean's office) that they would like considered at the appeal. The appealing party, through the dean, will also have the right to hear and question evidence. The dean may impose reasonable limitations upon the presentation of evidence and the questioning of witnesses.
  7. If the student chooses not to testify at the appeal, the process will continue in their absence with the information available. Evidence that the student was notified of the hearing should be entered into the record. If the student is late for the hearing, the CIC should make a good faith effort to inform the student of what occurred prior to their arrival.
  8. Disorderly or disruptive behavior by any individual in the appeal process may, at the dean's discretion, result in the removal of that individual from the hearing, and the hearing may continue in their absence. The University will record these proceedings and retain a copy in its records. All educational content will be stored and destroyed based on the University's Records Retention schedule. Suspension/expulsion sanctions result in records being maintained permanently in the Office of Academic Affairs. The appealing party may, at their expense, make a personal recording of the hearing. Appeal hearings will be confidential except those directly hearing, or involved, in the case.