Part 1: Academic Integrity Code
- Academic Dishonesty
- Reporting Violations of WTAMU Academic Integrity Code
- Initial Finding of Fact and Review of Case
- Hearings Before a College Integrity Committee (CIC)
- Findings of a CIC
- Student Registration
- Transfer Credit
- English Proficiency
- Student Drop Procedure
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Change of Curriculum
- Attendance
- Distinguished Students
- Semester Grading
- Academic Standing
- Classification
- Degree Requirements
- University Honors Program
- Tuition Laws
- Payment of Fees and Charges
- Tuition Refunds
- Classroom Behavior
- Computing Services: Rules for Responsible Computing
Part 2: Student Life Rules
- Students' Rights and Responsibilities
- Reporting Violations of the WTAMU Student Handbook
- Leave Policy
- Community Standards
- Standard of Evidence
- Amnesty
- Student Conduct Proceedings
- Interim Measures and Sanctions
- Student Conduct Files & Records
- Departure from Campus Following Suspension/Expulsion
- Parental Notification
- Abuse of the Student Conduct System
- Alcohol Beverages
- Animals on Campus
- Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
- Campus Security Report
- Damage to Property
- Dishonesty
- Expressive Activity
- Failure to Comply & Disorderly Conduct
- Firearms, Ammunition, & Weapons
- Fire Safety
- Food & Beverages
- Hammocks
- Harassment
- Hazing
- Illegal Substances
- Lost, Found, or Abandoned Property
- Misuse of Transportation
- Photography and Recording of Students and Employees
- Sexual Misconduct
- Soliciting on Campus
- Student Organizations
- Unauthorized Areas
- Violation of Federal, State, Local Law and/or University Procedures
- Violation of Published University Rules or TAMU System Regulations
Part 3: Civil Rights and Title IX
- Title IX, Sex-Based Misconduct & Civil Rights Adjudication Process
- All Other Civil Rights Complaints (Non Sex-Based)
- Decisions (Non Sex-Based Cases) Involving Employees as Respondents
- Appeal of Decisions and/or Sanctions of Allegations of Sex Discrimination
- Appeals – Allegations of Discrimination Not Based on Sex
Part 4: Residential Living
- Residence Hall Rights and Responsibilities
- Alcohol Containers
- Animals
- Balconies
- Business Operations
- Candles and Incense
- Car Washing
- Chalking
- Child Supervision and Endangerment
- Community Living
- Cooperation with University Officials
- Damages or Theft of Property
- Decorations
- Early Arrivals
- Emergency and Safety Equipment
- Exterior Door Locking
- Furniture
- Guests
- Hall Sports
- Identification
- Laundry, Ice, or Vending Machines
- Lost or Found Property
- Lounge Use
- Noise
- Offensive Odor
- Posting Notices
- Prohibited Items
- Room Entry
- Solicitation
- Storage
- Unauthorized Areas
- Vandalism
- Windows/Window Screens
- Child Supervision and Endangerment
- Identification
- Part 5: Student Grievance & Procedures
- Part 6: Propose Revisions
- Definitions
1.22 | Classroom Behavior
1.22.A | West Texas A&M University supports the principle of freedom of expression for both instructors and students. The University respects the rights of instructors to teach and students to learn. Maintenance of these rights requires classroom conditions that do not impede their exercise. Classroom behavior that seriously interferes with either (1) the instructor's ability to conduct the class or (2) the ability of other students to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated. An individual engaging in disruptive classroom behavior may be subject to disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process.
1.22.B | When a student's behavior in a class is so seriously disruptive as to compel immediate action, the instructor has the authority to remove a student from the class on an interim basis, and report the incident to the Office of Community Standards to be adjudicated through the Student Conduct process.
1.22.C | Members of the faculty and staff may outline responsible dress and grooming standards in their syllabus within their respective classrooms, laboratories, and offices, to ensure safety for specific activities.