4.14 | Early Arrivals

4.14.A | An Early Arrival is defined as a student who would like to move into on-campus housing earlier than the official opening/move-in date in their least agreement/contract. Approval must be obtained prior to arrival and move-in, and there is a fee assessed for each day they are living on campus before the official opening/move-in date.

4.14.B | Residence Halls have an official date every semester when they open for occupancy. If a resident needs to arrive to move in before the official opening date, approval must be obtained. Once the resident has their assignment, they may apply to be an Early Arrival online by logging into myHousing portal and clicking on Early Arrival Request. 

4.14.C | All Early Arrivals must complete a mandatory Early Arrival Agreement prior to moving into their room, and agrees to abide by rules applicable to Early Arrivals.