U.S. Guides
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Search Engines
- USA.gov
- Intended to provide "one-stop access to all online U.S. Federal Government resources."
- Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (MoCat)
- Free index to print and electronic United States government items published since July 1976. Many electronic items begin around 1994. Searchable by keyword or can limit search to title, publication year, SuDoc number, depository item number, or GPO sales stock number. Note that phrases must be in quotation marks. The Cornette Library also subscribes to the GPO Monthly Catalog database with the same information.
- GPO MetaLib
- For reports, articles, and citations. You may link directly to a database, search pre-selected QuickSets subject groups, or create your own set of databases. First-time users will benefit from the "brief" and "detailed" search information under the Basic tab. Also has complete list of the over 60 federal government information resources. From the Government Publishing Office.
- Can limit search results to government websites by adding site:.gov (site colon dot gov) or site:.mil (site colon dot mil) to the search. Besides federal government websites, may also find state, county, and city websites. Can also limit search results to all the web pages of a particular website with the "site" search, such as site:.usda.gov/ which includes the USDA URL. When typing in search terms in Google, be sure to put a phrase in "quotation marks."
Browse by Subject
- USA.gov: All Topics and Services
- May browse for topics such as Education. Includes option for Military and Veterans. Subtopics include Find and Contact Elected Officials and Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans. May search by keyword. Spanish language version available.
Browse by Agency
- A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies
- From USA.gov. May browse extensive list. Also includes state resources.
- Government Catalogs, Indexes, and Databases
- From the University of North Texas Libraries. Good source for indexes of government publications.