Information about Court Cases
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Sometimes what you really need to look for is information about a case. In fact, this can frequently be the best place to begin your legal research. Explanations and analyses found in books and journal articles can help to make the cases themselves more understandable and can set them into their legal context.
To find books in the Cornette Library on legal subjects, search the online catalog. Click "Advanced Search" to search by "Any field" (keyword) or "Subject." For a new search, can also click on a subject heading link displayed with a particular book. Examples of subject headings include:
- names of particular legal systems, such as CANON LAW
- specific branches of law, such as CRIMINAL LAW
- general topics with the subdivision LAW AND LEGISLATION, such as
TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- LAW AND LEGISLATION - groups of people with the subdivision LEGAL STATUS, LAWS, ETC., such as
TEACHERS -- LEGAL STATUS, LAWS, ETC. - the names of specific litigants with the subheading TRIALS, LITIGATION, ETC., such as
Journal Articles
Scholarly legal journals are often called law journals or law reviews.
Legal Databases
- HeinOnline
- More than 2,300 legal periodicals in the Law Journal Library . Coverage generally begins with volume 1 and goes through current issue. Can browse titles by state to view the 74 periodicals published in Texas. Easy to use "Advanced Search;" options include searching full text and browsing a list of topics.
- Legal Collection
- User-friendly source of full text from 250 legal periodicals, such as Harvard Law Review and Texas Law Review. Numerous search options include keyword, subject, and full text. A subset of Academic Search Complete.
- Westlaw
- Another major source for law journals. Click on "Secondary Sources" > click on "Law Reviews and Journals" > option to click on "Texas," if only want articles from a Texas publisher > can click on "Advanced" for a more focused search. Coverage for most journals beginning in 1993, although some journals begin in the 1980s.
Other Databases
- Academic Search Complete
- Has full text for over 7,300 general and academic periodicals. Legal subjects covered include business law, major cases, and general interest articles on law and legislation.
- Business Source Ultimate
- Has business and management journals. Legal subjects covered include tax law, commercial law, contract law, and other legal areas of interest to businesses.
- Could be useful for articles on historical cases. Generally has back volumes for 136 legal periodicals from the very first issue, but excluding the most current two to five years.
- Taylor & Francis Online
- Can limit search to 80 U.S. and international legal periodicals.
WTAMU faculty, staff, and students may borrow books or obtain articles which are not available from the Cornette Library through Interlibrary Loan.