Finding Maps
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We wish to apologize for construction noise in the building. The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.
Topographic Maps
To find USGS 7.5 minute topo maps from Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kansas, use the appropriate state index. (Indexes are in the podium at the end of the map cases). First find the block number and then the alphanumerical quadrangle code and map name. Next check the maps cases by state and then map name. Our 7.5 minute topographical maps are filed in the drawers on the west side of the map cases, first by state, and then alphabetically by map name.
- TCEQ USGS Topographic Map Viewer
- The TCEQ U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map Viewer was designed to display the 7.5-Minute USGS Topographic Maps for the State of Texas using an Internet browser. With this viewer, not only can you view and print USGS Topographic Maps, but you can also determine the exact Latitude and Longitude of any feature visible on the topographic maps.
- National Map Viewer
- The National Map concept is to provide high-quality geographic information for all citizens.
BLM Maps
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, administers 262 million surface acres of America's public lands, located primarily in 12 Western States. The BLM sustains the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. To find BLM maps held by the Cornette Library, use the Cornette Library Catalog and set limits to format of MAP and limit to the Government Documents Unit. These maps are shelved by SuDoc order and are in the east side map cases.
Soil Surveys
Soil surveys furnish soil maps and interpretations needed in giving technical assistance to farmers and ranchers; in guiding decisions about soil selection, use, and management; and in planning research and disseminating the results of research. The surveys also are used in educational programs about soil use and conservation. Cornette Library collects soil surveys from Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kansas. To find these maps, use the Cornette Library Catalog and set limits to format of MAP and limit to the Government Documents Unit. These maps are shelved by SuDoc order and are located on the U.S. Shelves area of the Documents Unit. Surveys are now also available online at the NCSS Web Soil Survey site.
- NCSS Web Soil Survey
- Online database of soil surveys.
- How to Use a Soil Survey
- From Montana State University Library. A helpful guide on how to use soil surveys. Also includes: What is a Soil Survey? Please note that specific instructions on how to use a soil survey are found at the very beginning of each print or online survey.
- Soil Surveys by State
- This Web site lists soil surveys that have been published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture since 1899. Some surveys are linked to online pdf formats. Adobe Acrobat is required for viewing.
- Portal to Texas History: Texas Soil Surveys
- Has recent and older (1900-1949) soil surveys.
Other Maps
Cornette Library has other maps, including maps from the Department of the Interior, CIA, Census Bureau, and more. To find these maps, use the Cornette Library Catalog and set limits to format of MAP and limit to the Government Documents Unit. These maps are shelved by SuDoc order and are in the east side map cases. Some maps may be in CD-ROM form. Sorry, WTAMU does not have Sectional Aeronautical Charts or Nautical Charts.
- National Weather Service
- Use this site for forecasts for aviation, marine, hurricanes, severe weather and fire weather.
- Daily Weather Map
- The charts on this web site are the principal charts of the former Weather Bureau publication, "Daily Weather Map." They are the Surface Weather Map, the 500-Millibar Height Contours chart, the Highest and Lowest Temperatures chart, and the Precipitation Areas and Amounts chart.
- C 55.195: and C 55.213: for older maps from 1974-2002 (incomplete).
Internet Resources
- Texas Digital Sanborn Maps
- Scanned images of maps from 1867-1970 of more than 400 Texas towns and cities. Large scale maps at a scale of 50 feet to an inch, originally drawn for fire insurance purposes. Maps list street names, block numbers in existence when drawn.
- Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
- The University of Texas has placed a lot of maps online. Most are in the public domain, but double-check to not violate copyright. This is a great place for Texas maps.
- Texas State Library Map Collection
- The Texas State Library has placed some historical maps online. Cannot browse, but may do a general search, including by subject headings.