Finding Information
Pardon Our Noise
We wish to apologize for construction noise in the building. The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.
Finding Articles
Articles are generally the source of choice when you need current research, current news, or in-depth information. Articles can be found in newspapers, magazines, and scholarly sources. Articles can be found online and in print.
- Articles, Books, and More Search
- The below search box, also available on the Cornette Library page, finds electronic and physical sources. You can also limit your search to scholarly sources.
- Journals A-Z
- Browse or search our list of Journals by title or subject. When searching by Title, use important words in the title. Don't use A, An or The at the start of a title
- Databases A-Z
- Search specific databases relevant to your need.
- Subject Guides
- Find resources specific to your subject.
- Course Guides
- Find resources specific to your class.
- Browse our physical journals and magazines. Current issues of popular magazines are available on the first floor. Older issues of popular materials and all academic publications are on the second floor. Some older materials are only available in microform. Maps of the library are available on the Building page.
Articles, Books, and More Search
Accessing an Article or Journal
After finding an article or journal title:
- For online resources, click the database link from the "Get It" section, matching the desired date range.
- For titles held at the Library:
- Note the location (bound, current, microfilm, atrium) for the date needed. Current issues of popular magazines are available on the first floor. Older issues of popular materials and all academic publications are on the second floor. Some older materials are only available in microform. Maps of the library are available on the Building page.
- Journals are shelved alphabetically by title, without A, An or The.
- Within a title, journals are by date or volume number, from earliest to most recent.
Request an article we do not own or have access to through Interlibrary Loan. Allow up to 2 weeks for material to arrive.
Scholarly Articles
The above search box will find scholarly materials with the "Scholarly Articles" box checked.
Other Sources for Scholarly Resources
- Look for publications from a professional organization.
- Use databases such as JSTOR that contain only scholarly sources.
- Use databases such as Academic Search Complete or other EBSCO databases that allow you to choose "peer-reviewed journals".
- See whether Ulrich's Periodicals Directory shows that it is a Refereed Journal.
Why are Scholarly Articles Important?
- Your instructor may require only "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed sources"
- Various citation styles treat journals and magazines differently
- Content in a journal is considered more authoritative than a magazine
- Peer-reviewed journals are considered the most authoritative sources
Journals | Magazines | |
Physical format and appearance |
Content |
Typical Authors |
Sourcing |
Review Process |
Audience |
Examples |
Finding Books
Books are the source of choice when you need:
- comprehensive information on a complex subject,
- multiple points of view and experts,
- historical perspective,
- and more.
- Books+ (Catalog) Search
- Searches our physical and eBook collections using the search box below, also available on the Cornette Library page.
- Print Books
- Select "Print" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type"
- eBooks
- Select "Online" under "Availability" and "Books" under "Resource Type"
- Reference Books
- Conduct a search and then select "Reference Dept." under "Shelving Location."
- Children's Books
- Conduct a search and then select "Youth Shelves" or "Old Main Room 214 Williams Children's Literature Collection" under "Shelving Location."
- Print Books
- Books from Other Libraries
- Search the database WorldCat, and request the item through Interlibrary Loan.
- Other eBook Resources
- Browse through databases that contain eBooks.
- Other Reference Books
- Browse through databases that contain reference sources.
- Pleasure Reading
- Browse or search books for pleasure, not just academic.
Books+ (Catalog) Search
Other eBooks Resources
We have multiple databases that contain eBooks. The most notable are:
- ebook Academic Collection. For more information on EBSCO eBooks, please visit our EBSCO eBook Guide.
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
- ScienceDirect
- Wiley
- Overdrive
Visit our eBook Databases A-Z list for a more complete listing.
Othe Reference Sources
We have multiple databases that reference sources. The most notable are:
Pleasure Reading
If you wish to settle down and relax with a good book, we can help.
- Browse the paperback shelves, located near the coffee shop tables.
- Browse the New Books shelves, located near the Research & Access desk.
- Use the above search box where you can search by title, author, or genre.
- Ask for suggestions at the Research & Access Desk.
- For eBooks, audiobooks and streaming movies, please try out Overdrive
Library of Congress Classification Schedule
Call Number | Subject |
A | General Works |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, Religion |
B - BJ | Philosophy, Psychology |
BL, BM, BP, BQ | Religion: Religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism |
BR - BV | Religion: Christianity, Bible |
BX | Religion: Christian Denominations |
C | Auxiliary Sciences of History |
D | History: General and Old World |
D - DJ | History (General), History of Europe, Part 1 |
DJK - DK | History of Eastern Europe (General). Soviet Union, Poland |
DL - DR | History of Europe, Part 2 |
DS | History of Asia |
DT - DX | History of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and more. |
E - F | History: America (Western Hemisphere) |
G | Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation |
H | Social Sciences |
H - HJ | Social Sciences: Economics |
HM - HX | Social Sciences: Sociology |
J | Political Science |
K | Law |
K | Law (General) |
KD | Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland |
KDZ, KG - KH | Law of the Americas, Latin America and the West Indies |
KE | Law of Canada |
KF | Law of the United States |
KJ - KKZ | Law of Europe |
KJV - KJW | Law of France |
KK - KKC | Law of Germany |
L | Education |
M | Music and Books on Music |
N | Fine Arts |
P | Language and Literature |
P | General Philology and Linguistics |
PA | Classical Languages and Literatures |
PB - PH | Modern European Languages |
PG | Russian Literature |
PJ | Oriental Philology and Literature |
PK | Indo-Iranian Philology and Literature |
PL - PM | Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania, Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages |
PN, PR - PS, PZ | General Literature, English and American Literature, Fiction in English, Juvenile belles lettres |
PQ | Romance Literatures |
PT | Germanic Literatures |
Q | Science |
R | Medicine |
S | Agriculture |
T | Technology |
U | Military Science |
V | Naval Science |
Z | Bibliography, Library Science |
Finding Dissertations/Theses
Cornette Library collects West Texas A&M University student dissertations and theses and provides access to those written elsewhere.
- Use the WT Dissertations/Theses Search below to find those written at WT.
- Browse our WTAMU DSpace Repository for those digitized since the 2010s.
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for assistance finding and viewing physical copies.
- Use the Dissertations and Theses Search to locate most dissertations and theses we have indexed.
- Checkout databases that contain dissertations and theses available on our Databases A-Z list. Notable databases are:
WT Dissertations/Theses Search
Dissertations and Theses Search
Finding Reserves
Reserves are physical (books, pamphlets, and more) and electronic (Word, PDFs, PowerPoint, and more) course and general items. These items may belong to the library or WTAMU faculty.
You can find reserves using the Reserves Search. Try finding your reserves by search for:
- Your faculty's name.
- Your course (e.g. COMM 1315).
- The title of the reserve item.
If you're a faculty member wanting to place items on reserve, please visit the Placing Material on Course Reserves page.
Reserves Search
Information about Reserves
Physical Reserves
Students may checkout items from the Research & Access Desk for a short time. These times ensure everyone gets an opportunity to use the same item.
Possible Checkout Times
- 2-hour
- 1-day
- 3-day
- 7-day
Overdue Fines
Check-out Time | Fine |
2 hours | $ .15 per hour |
1 day | $1.00 per day |
3 day | $1.00 per day |
7 day | $1.00 per day |
eReserves provide online access to course materials. Faculty submit these items to support classroom instruction.
View, print, and download materials 24 hours a day, 7 days. Access is password restricted to students and faculty of WTAMU to comply with Fair Use guidelines of U.S. Copyright law. Students: Buff Portal username (e.g. js123456) and password. Faculty: Network/webmail username and password.
Occasionally, server issues will prevent access. Please Email a Librarian to let us know. Download may vary depending on the file and/or your connection speed. E-Reserves come in varying file formats possibly requiring the following software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Office Suite.