Placing Items on Course Reserves
Pardon Our Noise
We wish to apologize for construction noise in the building. The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.
Course reserves provides students access to physical and online items placed on reserve by professors. Faculty teaching courses may place library or their own items on reserve.
The sections below explain policies and procedures for adding items to reserves:
Course Reserves Guidelines
- Cornette Library’s Course Reserves, both hard copy and electronic, may include, at the most, one or two articles from a journal issue, or one or two chapters from a book. Additionally, it is acceptable to copy one poem. Fair Use does not allow for copying sections of works that make up a substantial portion of the work as a whole (this proportion is considered to be 15% or more).
- Course Reserves will only include items that are lawfully obtained either by the library or the instructor requesting the item. Lawfully obtained is defined as anything that is either purchased, or obtained by way of the Fair Use provisions.
- The proportion of materials placed on Course Reserves should be small in relation to materials used for the course overall.
- Items to be repeatedly placed on Course Reserve for the same instructor and the same course will require copyright permission from the publisher. Similarly, items used by multiple instructors will require copyright permission or purchase of the item.
Copyright Fair Use Consideration From Title 17, U.S. Code:
- The purpose and character of use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes;
- The nature of the copyrighted work;
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and,
- The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
Physical Reserves
- Complete the Faculty Request for Course Reserve form.
- Bring your items and your Buffalo Gold Card within two business days:
- If the items that you want placed on reserve are a part of the library's collection, the staff will be happy to retrieve them for you
- You may send students and/or secretaries to the Library with your items as long as you have submitted the form.
Preparing Personal Items
- All photocopied items must follow copyright law guidelines.
- Please do the photocopying yourself, and place the photocopied items in a sturdy binding.
Personal Items
- All personal copies of items placed on Course Reserve must be 2-hour, in-library-use only.
- The Library is not liable for the loss and/or damage of personal copies. However, the library staff will contact the patron concerning replacement charges, consistent with library policy.
- The Library will attach stickers, labels, and other items to your books.
- Items owned by the Library may have a different checkout period.
- The Library generally does not collect textbooks.
Confirmation of Availability and Access
- Once processed, your item will be posted and accessible on the Cornette Library's catalog under Course Reserves.
- The library will confirm by email when your reserves are ready.
Note: Please wait for our confirmation email before telling your students that the reserves are available.
Removing Course Reserves
You should regularly review your reserves to make sure they are still needed. The library will send a notice via email to all faculty and staff before the beginning of any given semester. This notice will ask if Reserves need to be renewed for that semester.
Note: Please remember that personal items must be removed from the catalog by staff before they are returned.
Warning: Any items not confirmed for semester renewal by the deadline given will be removed and given back to their owners, or returned to the library’s collections as appropriate.