Countries of the World

Temporary Library Closure

Due to an asbestos abatement, Cornette Library will be closed Saturday, March 8th – Sunday, March 16th.

In-person library services will be available at the temporary Library @ The JBK Service Desk from 8 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 5pm from Monday, March 10th - Thursday, March 13th.

Map of JBK

The library building will reopen on Monday, March 17th.

Services that will be affected.
  • A library service desk will be available and staffed at the south end of Legacy Hall for faculty, staff or students that need in-person help regarding research. The service desk will be closed each day from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm for lunch.
  • Library staff will relocate to the Student Senate Room in the JBK during that work week (Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th) and will be providing some services.
  • Interlibrary loan (ILL) will be affected in the following ways:

    • Wednesday, February 26th – Sunday, March 16th: ILL requests for physical items will not be processed.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL items can be returned to the temporary service desk in the JBK at the south end of Legacy Hall.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL requests for database articles will not be processed.
  • Books placed on reserve will not be available during this time.

Services that will NOT be affected.
  • Chat service will still be available 24/7 during this period.
  • You can still reach the library by calling extension 2215. Library staff can still be reached via email during this time and by return phone if you leave a voicemail message for them and/or by contacting your library liaison.
  • Online article & ebook access will be unaffected by the library closure.

The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.

General Guides

Library of Congress Country Studies
Includes detailed descriptions and analyses of 101 countries of the world, focusing on "lesser known areas of the world or regions in which U.S. forces might be deployed". Each book includes discussion of the setting as well as the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.
U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets
Formerly "Background Notes." Not as detailed as the Library of Congress Country Studies, but not as brief as the CIA World Factbook. Each report includes sections on: geography, people, history, government and political conditions, economy, general foreign relations, U.S. relations with the country, and travel and business information.
CIA World Factbook
Brief descriptions of every country in the world. Entries include geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. For editions before 1990, visit the Cornette Library Government Documents Unit.


Current Maps

National Geographic Society Maps
Has geopolitical and/or geophysical maps for all the continents and oceans.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Includes public domain maps, primarily from the U.S. government, which have been scanned in to make the available on the Web. Sections include: current interest maps, world maps, countries, states, Texas counties, and maps.

Historical Maps

The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection: Historical Maps
Scanned in maps from their collection, as well as an extensive collection of links to maps at other sites. Organized by region and then by name.
Map Collections (Library of Congress)
Focusing on Americana and other cartographic treasures from the Library of Congress, these maps are generally not copyrighted. Organized into: cities and towns; cultural landscapes; conservation and environment; military battles and campaigns; discovery and exploration; transportation and communication; and general maps.
Historical Map & Chart Collection (NOAA)
Oover 20,000 maps and charts from the late 1700s to present day, focusing on nautical charts, hydrographic surveys, topographic surveys, geodetic surveys, city plans and Civil War battle maps. Click on "Image Catalog" to search by keyword, or browse by region or type.
Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century
Includes socioeconomic trends, systems of government, population, war, and religion, as well as specific events, times, and countries.

Travel Guides

United States Government

Passports and Travel (
Links to travel information from the US government, including passport card, travel requirements, travel safety (including airline carryon restrictions), travel warnings, and tips for international travelers.
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Includes visa and passport information, travel warnings, services and information for Americans living abroad, and medical and legal services abroad.
CDC Travelers' Health
Notices about disease outbreaks around the world. In particular, check out the Destinations section.
Students (U.S. State Dept.)
Information for students or student advisors about study abroad. Click on link to "Countries and Areas" at top of screen for travel information and advisories.

Other Sites

Lonely Planet Online
Destination and practical travel information from a publisher of travel books. (Some features may work better with Google Chrome.)
Arthur Frommer Online
Another collection of travel information from a leading travel publisher.
WHO Travel Advice
Vaccination requirements and health advice for travel around the world from the World Health Organization.
Cornette Library: Government Information: Summer Travel
Links to government travel information about the Texas Panhandle, Texas, United States, and around the world.

International Organizations

Other Useful Sites

United States Government

World Leaders and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Lists the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Cabinet and/or Ministers of government. Organized by country.
Market Research Library
Under tab for Market Intelligence, may find Export Guides or search Market Intelligence. The Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) which "present a comprehensive look at countries' commercial environments, using economic, political and market analysis." Each report includes sections on: economic trends And outlook; political environment; marketing U.S. products and services; leading sectors for U.S exports and investments; trade regulations, customs and standards; investment climate statement; trade and project financing; business travel; economic and trade statistics; U.S. And country contacts; market research; and trade event schedule.
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Submitted annually to the Congress by the State Department, the reports cover "internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights".
U.S. Embassies and Other Diplomatic Missions
Links to U.S. diplomatic and consular posts around the world.

Other Sites

Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Brief descriptions of all the languages and dialects spoken around the world. Includes number of people speaking the language, location, ethnic groups involved, literacy, some cultural information, and religion. Organized by region and then country.
International Information Centers
From the University of Texas at Austin. Each center covers different topics, but common subjects are economy, geography, government, libraries, science, and society. For example:Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)