Doing Business with the Government
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United States
General Guides
- Federal Contracting
- Designed to help prospective and existing small businesses understand the basics about contracting with government agencies.
- How to Win Contracts
- Search for federal government contracting programs and opportunities.
- Small Business Development Center
- A centralized, one-stop platform for businesses to access services to help them grow and hire. Uses technology to connect small businesses and exporters to the services and information relevant to them, from various agency's websites.
- Federal Government Contracting: A Resource Guide
- A guide to finding information on federal government contracting, from the Library of Congress.
Specialized Resources
- Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
- FAR provides uniform policies for government acquisition of supplies and services by executive agencies of the United States government. It is issued and maintained jointly by the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and NASA. Also useful is the 2015 publication The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the Congressional Research Service.
- Federal Contract Opportunities
- The "single government point-of-entry for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000." Government buyers advertise business opportunities in this one online location handy for commercial vendors.
- Wage Determinations
- Department of Labor wage determinations under the Davis-Bacon Act. All Federal Government construction contracts and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000 must contain Davis-Bacon wage determinations.
- Intended as a "portal to all export-related assistance and market information offered by the federal government", includes sections on: export basics; market research; partners & trade leads; pricing, quotes, negotiations; shipping & documentation; finance; trade shows & events; counseling & advocacy; and help with trade problems.
- GSA Multiple Award Schedule
- Long-term contracts between the General Services Administration and commercial firms to provide supplies and services to government agencies. Includes links to the schedules and information for contractors on how to participate.
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
- Searchable index of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS is scheduled to be reviewed every 5 years for potential revisions, so that the classification system can keep pace with the changing economy. So new NAICS codes may be created every 5 years.
Agency Guides
- Doing Business with USDA
- Includes procurement procedures and policies, special programs, types of products purchased, as well as directories of Web sites, offices, and people.
- Doing Business with DOD (Department of Defense)
- An introductory overview for companies based in the United States as well as a guide for foreign companies.
- Doing Business with DOE (Department of Energy)
- Includes links to business opportunities, registration information, contacts, procurement information, etc.
- Contracting with EPA
- Includes links to business opportunities, EPA acquisitions resources, procurement policies, contact directories, and other useful resources.
- Doing Business with the Interior (Department of the Interior)
- Includes links to contact information, acquisitions information, electronic commerce opportunities, and other resources.
- Business Opportunities (Department of Justice)
- Includes procurement information, resources for small businesses, services and sales links, multi-user contracts, and procurement opportunities.
- Resources for Partners (Department of Transportation)
- Includes business opportunities, DOT acquisitions and grants information, the DOT Electronic Posting System, the DOT Electronic Grants Project, and other transportation related opportunities.
- Federal Acquisitions Jumpstation
- Organized by agency, the page provides links to various agency procurement web sites.

- Purchasing from the Comptroller of Texas.
- Includes links to statewide contracts, vendor resources, procurement resources, and training and policy development.
- Start a Business In Texas
- Information on registering a business, state permits and licenses, and employer requirements. From Texas Economic Development, Office of the Texas Governor.
- Centralized Master Bidders List - HUB Directory Search
- A master database used by State of Texas purchasing entities. Vendors must register with the CMBL to receive bidding opportunities.
- Texas Taxes
- Links to Texas tax rules, tax code, tax forms, sales tax information, seminars, and publications. Also includes the State Tax Automated Research (STAR) System which provides "a comprehensive online tax policy research system."
- Texas Business and Commerce Code
- The business laws of the state of Texas. Under drop-down menu for code, select "Business and Commerce Code." Use the Index to Sections Affected to update through the current Legislature.
- Corporations Section (Texas Secretary of State)
- Links to forms and filing information for businesses and non-profit organizations.
- City of Amarillo
- Texas Smartbuy Membership Program
- Local Texas governments purchase non-IT goods and services through vendors that are members. Program formerly known as the State of Texas CO-OP.