Eric Meljac
Associate Professor of English
Assistant Director of Gender Studies
Office: Classroom Center 319M
Email: emeljac@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2486
Professional Profile
Dr. Meljac joined the Department of English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages in 2014. He received a B.A. in English in 2000 and an M.A. in English in 2002, both at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. In 2013, Dr. Meljac earned a Ph.D. in Literature and Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Meljac maintains a diverse instructional portfolio, teaching courses in critical theory, as well as European literature, sub-Saharan African Literature, and Arabic literature. He developed and teaches courses in African literatures and African American literatures. He serves as faculty advisor for West Texas A&M’s creative writing journal, The Legacy. He is a passionate advocate of creative writing, hosting nationally-recognized poets through the Dorothy Patterson Poetry Series.
Research and Creative Activity
With a background in critical theory, Dr. Meljac's research concerns the artistic expressions of literary modernisms in 20th- and 21st-century narratives. In particular, Dr. Meljac enjoys studying writing about decadent literature--the literature of the taboo and transgression. His current projects include a piece on Oscar Wilde and his concept of Jesus as an artist, an upcoming monograph on Proust, and an essay on Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse.
Dr. Meljac’s essays have been published in the Journal of Modern Literature, The Explicator, the Journal of College Writing, IMPACT: The Journal for the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning, the Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture, and Literature/Film Quarterly.