Andrew Reynolds
Professor of Spanish
Director of Spanish Program
Office: Classroom Center 320D
Email: areynolds@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2466
Professional Profile
Dr. Reynolds has taught at WTAMU since 2009. He received his B.A. in Spanish from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Hispanic Literatures from Indiana University.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Reynolds teaches all levels of Spanish, from beginning language courses and Spanish for Heritage Speakers to advanced courses in Hispanic cultures, literatures, and linguistics.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Reynolds’ research seeks to understand how textualities, images, and print technologies impact culture and literary history in 19th- and 20th-century Spanish America. His first book, The Spanish American Crónica Modernista, Temporality, and Material Culture: The Unstoppable Presses of Modernismo, was published in 2012 with Bucknell University Press. A collection on global modernisms, Behind the Masks of Modernism: Global and Transnational Perspectives, co-edited with WTAMU colleague Bonnie Roos, was published with the University Press of Florida in 2016. He has recently published scholarly articles in journals such as Revista Iberoamericana, Decimonónica, Latin American Literary Review, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos and A Contracorriente.