Emily S. Kinsky, Ph.D.
Jenny Lind Porter Professor of Communication & Interim Department Head for English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages
Office: Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex 161 (COMM) / CC 324 (EPML)
Email: rbrooks@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2412(COM) / 806-651-2486 (EPML)
Professional Profile
Dr. Kinsky joined the Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities at West Texas A&M in 2011. She earned a B.A. in the University Scholar program at Baylor University, and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Mass Communications from Texas Tech University.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Kinsky serves as the interim department head for the Department of English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages.
She teaches Media Design, New Media, Media Innovations, and other courses within the Department of Communication.
In 2017, she helped establish WT's student-powered PR firm, 1910 PR, which is on a select list of affiliated student-run firms with the Public Relations Student Society of America.
She is a member of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and is a past head of the AEJMC Public Relations Division. She is also a member of the Public Relations Society of America and is an Adobe Education Leader.
She serves as a board member on the Commission on Public Relations Education and is on the editorial board for the Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Public Relations Education, and Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.
Dr. Kinsky has served on the Fulbright National Screening Committee the past 4 years and is an Adobe Education Leader.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Kinsky’s major streams of research relate to (1) public relations practice and pedagogy, and (2) media messaging, often examining portrayals of the PR field and the embedding of persuasive or educational messages within fictional narratives.
She currently serves as the research co-chair for the Commission on Public Relations Education and was a lead author for Chapter 5: Data Insights and Strategy in the CPRE's 2023 report on undergraduate PR education.
Google Scholar list of publications