Current Issue  

The fifth edition of Tracks highlights work on Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, dissassociation in Jane Eyre, Du Boisian double consciousness in the poetry of Honorée Fanonne Jeffers, and postcolonial subjectivity in Season of Migration to the North. The 2023-2024 editor-in-chief is Rachael Draper. 

Cover image Kara Speedy painting of Palo Duro Canyon

Printable Version of Tracks V 

Now Accepting Submissions for Tracks 6

Tracks is a student-edited research journal housed in the English, Philosophy, and Modern Language department at West Texas A&M University. Submission is open to all outstanding undergraduate research in the humanities at WTAMU, including literature, the arts, history, social studies, communication and cultural studies.

Submission guidelines:

  • Essays should be roughly 8-14 pages, multimedia projects and longer papers up to 20 pages will also be considered.
  • Please include your full name, major, and WT ID number.
  • Citations can be in any appropriate scholarly method (Chicago, APA, MLA, etc.)
  • Send questions and submissions to
  • Deadline to submit for the next issue is September 13.


For inquiries or submissions:
Dr. Rebecca Weir
Mary Moody Northen Hall, 161
WTAMU Box 60238, Canyon, TX 79016