Trisha Brown
Assistant Professor of Sports and Exercise Science
Office: Virgil Hansen Activities Center 219B
Email: tmbrown@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-3647
Professional Profile
Trisha joined the Sports and Exercise Science department at West Texas A&M University in 2014. She received a B.A. in Athletic Training and Health Education in 1997 from Bethel University, a B.S. in Physical Education and M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction in 2003 from Winona State University. Trisha conferred her doctoral degree in Sports Management with a concentration in Sports Leadership from the United States Sports Academy in July 2016.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Brown teaches a variety of courses within the undergraduate curriculum to include SES 2342-Personal Fitness Concepts, SES 2355-Theory and Practice of Non-Traditional Games, and SES 3325-Programming for the Health and Wellness of Children. Additionally, she is involved as a graduate faculty member teaching courses specializing in Sport Management.
Research and Creative Activity
Trisha’s research interests include the evaluation and retention of undergraduate students, cognitive function in regards to physical activity and cases involving sports law.