Alicia Macchione, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Office: Old Main 433
Email: amacchione@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2684
Professional Profile
Dr. Macchione joined the Department of Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work in the Summer of 2023. She obtained her B.A. degree in Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in 2019, and a MA and PhD in Psychology from The University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in 2021 and 2023.
Teaching and Related Service
Dr. Macchione teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the psychology program including social psychology, statistics, and motivation & emotion.
Dr. Macchione is a member of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the world’s largest organization of personality and social psychologists, where she regularly attends annual conferences to present research findings and learn about current on-going research in the field.
Research and Creative Activity
Dr. Macchione has published research investigating the development and implications of stereotypic attitudes and biases in certain contexts. More specifically, she is interested in understanding the minority experience--in particular the intersection of gender, ethnicity, and race, and its implications for identity development and educational attainment. Some of Alicia's recent work has focused on repairing what is often referred to as the leaky pipeline in STEM majors and careers, by examining potential interventions to help increase the participation of underrepresented groups in these fields.
Dr. Macchione's research lab, the Social and Evolutionary Psychology Lab (SEPL), is always looking to recruit new students who are interested in pursuing psychological research. For more information, check out he lab's website: https://wtresearch.wixsite.com/social-ev-psych-lab. If you are interesting in applying to join the SEPL, email Dr. Macchione for an application (amacchione@wtamu.edu).