WT Psychology Program |
Typically 10-15 scholarships offered each year, ranging from $500-$5000; One application based on major, due Feb. 1 |
https://apps.wtamu.edu/scholarships/ |
Psychology, Sociology, & Social Work Department; 806-651-2590 |
NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship |
Support for minority students in training programs for school psychology; at least one $5000 award each year, typically due in October |
https://www.nasponline.org/membership-and-community/awards-scholarships-and-grants/minority-scholarship-program |
NASP; msp@naspweb.org |
NASP Graduate Student Research |
Support for student-initiated research; up to three $1000 awards each year, typically due in September |
https://www.nasponline.org/membership-and-community/2021-nasp-awards-scholarships-and-grants/graduate-student-research-grants |
NASP; 866-331-NASP |
APA Division 16 Diversity Scholarship |
APA Division 16 Paul E. Henkin Travel Grant |
McNair Scholars Program |
Support for underrepresented undergraduate students who plan to pursue a doctoral degree; Several areas of support and funding, due March 1 |
https://www.wtamu.edu/research/research-grants-services-programs/mcnair-scholars/index.html |
Killgore Research Center; 806-651-5295 |
WT Undergraduate Student Research Grant |
Support for undergraduate student research and dissemination; up to $3500, typically due in September |
https://www.wtamu.edu/research/sponsored-research-services/student-research/undergraduate-research.html |
Sponsored Research Services; srs@wtamu.edu |
WT Graduate Student Research Grant |
Support for graduate student research and dissemination; up to $3500, typically due in October |
https://www.wtamu.edu/research/sponsored-research-services/student-research/graduate-student-research.html |
Sponsored Research Services; srs@wtamu.edu |
WT Student Travel |
Funding for professional conference travel; up to $250, ongoing but limited |
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Research Awards |
Support for outstanding graduate research in social psychology; various award amounts and dealines |
https://www.spsp.org/awards/annualawards/studentawards |
SPSP; spspinfo@spsp.org |
Small & Rural Schools Certification Reimbursement Grant (TEA) |
School staff from small and/or rural schools can receive reimbursement for education costs (for LSSP), due April 15 |
https://www.smallandruralschools.org/domain/38 |
TEA; Jam Page jam.page@esc15.net |