West Texas A&M University
Specialist in School Psychology Program

Program Description

The Department of Psychology, Sociology, & Social Work at West Texas A&M University offers a graduate degree program at the Specialist level that provides training in school psychology. The program is designed to meet both the requirement for state licensure* (L.S.S.P.) and national certification (N.C.S.P.). Graduates of the program will be prepared for employment as school psychologists in public schools or other related organizations and agencies.

​The program is designed to be accessible to working students and all classes will be offered on nights and/or weekends. Some classes will also contain web-based components of training. Students may opt to complete the program on either a full-time (three classes per semester) basis, with the degree completed in about 4 years, or part-time (one or two classes per semester) basis, with the degree completed in 5-6 years.

If you want to help kids and families, this is the way to do it!

Who are School Psychologists?

Professional Organization Links

Program Accreditation

The Specialist in School Psychology program is Fully Accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) from February 1, 2025 through February 1, 2032!

Program Annual Report and Student Outcomes Data

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) collects and reports graduate program information at this website: Program Annual Report and Student Outcomes Data.

Special Texas Reimbursement Opportunity

The Small and Rural Schools Network, through a grant from the Texas Education Agency, is continuing to make funding available for current school staff members to further their education to become an Educational Diagnostician or a LSSP.  Applicants that currently work in a small and rural LEA, and will pledge to continue working in one after becoming certified, could receive reimbursement for tuition, books, and other costs associated with going back to school (TEA, 2022).

Apply Here by April 15th!

SSP Program Information

Program Requirements  
Program Philosophy  
Program Mission  
WT School Psych Handbook
For detailed information about all aspects of our program, see our student handbook.
Graduate Admissions
Small and Rural Schools
Special Education Supports Scholarship


Dr. Kenneth Denton
(806) 651-2608