Many students realize that post-graduate education is necessary to be a practicing psychologist. However, applying to graduate school can be a daunting process. This class provides a road map for being competitive during the application process and gaining acceptance into graduate programs. We will discuss what programs are available to students (for example, Masters or doctoral degree?), alternative routes to the research focus of your choice (for example, I want to study autism – should I study clinical or developmental psychology?), and concrete strategies for preparing your application (for example, writing a personal statement and asking faculty members for letters of recommendation).
This course is intended to demystify the application process, give you an opportunity to discuss your questions (and fears), and create a community of students sharing an important (and sometimes overwhelming) process. By the end of the semester, you will have a complete graduate school application – and will hopefully also have acceptance letters on the way!
The course is offered Fall only. Contact Dr. Ashley Pinkham for more information: