The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership degree program at West Texas A&M University (WTAMU), a Member of the Texas A&M University (TAMU) System, is an online degree program emphasizing leadership in rural education at primary, secondary, post-secondary, and professional levels. The program is a cohort-based program. Students may choose to pursue one of three pathways of study within the program that will advance their professional and personal goals. The pathways of study include EC-12 Leadership, Higher Education Leadership, and Educational Business and Finance Leadership. A student’s previous experience, research interests, and professional goals are considered in formulating their plan of study.
The EC-12 Leadership pathway is designed to prepare leaders for key leadership positions in public and private primary and secondary schools, including those serving rural communities. Specific leadership skills are developed and enhanced for mid-management (principals, assistant principals, curriculum directors, and special programs directors) and executive leadership positions (superintendents and assistant superintendents) in EC-12 educational settings, and/or executive directors of state education agencies or professional organizations. As an option, Texas Superintendent Certification may be earned in this pathway for students who enter the program with the Texas Principal Certificate. Subject to institutional requirements, graduates are qualified to assume professorships in departments of education in colleges and universities.
A scholarly delivery requirement replaces a traditional dissertation. The scholarly delivery is comprised of a qualifying examination and the production of one written scholarly deliverable that is a publishable empirical research study in the field of educational leadership or a related field. The scholarly deliverable is the outcome of the doctoral student’s empirical research conducted under the direction of a doctoral scholarly delivery committee.
The program requires participation in an annual, on-campus immersion experience that provides collaborative, practical work application focused upon problems of practice and opportunities for innovative design. The immersion experience broadens the educational and cultural perspectives of doctoral students through extensive interactions among faculty members, students, professionals, and cohorts. The Ed.D. program degree requirements, inclusive of coursework and scholarly delivery, can be completed in three (3) years.
If you are interested in seeking a Doctorate of Educational Leadership (Ed.D.), West Texas A&M is here to help you achieve your goals.
- Dr. Eddie Henderson, Program Director
Meet Our Graduates
Dr. Rebecca Vega, Ed.D. Graduate, Cohort 4
Rural and Suburban Superintendent Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes in Relation to English Language Learner Students: A Qualitative, Equity-Focused Exploration
Degree Requirements
Educational Leadership Cognate Courses (12 SCH Required)
Rural Emphasis Courses (9 SCH Required)
EC-12 Leadership Pathway (15 SCH Required)
[Note: "*" indicates required for Texas superintendent certification]
Other content concentration course(s) approved by the program director.