Emergency Procedures
DIAL 911 | University Police Department 806-651-2300
Download a Quick Reference of Emergency ProceduresMedical Emergency | Fire | Evacuation | Shelter In Place | Active Attacker | Tornado | Bomb Threat | Hazardous Materials
Medical Emergency
Call 911 from any available phone and describe the nature of the medical emergency and the location of the emergency on campus.
If you have been trained; quickly:
- Control serious bleeding by applying direct pressure on the wound.
- If the victim is not breathing, begin CPR; Push hard and fast in the center of the chest.
- If an AED is available, turn on the unit and follow the verbal instructions.
- Remain with the injured person until help arrives.
ACTIVATE the fire alarm using a pull station.
- EVACUATE the building using the nearest exit or stairwell.
- DO NOT use the elevators.
- CALL 911.
- REPORT Locations of individuals needing assistance to first responders.
- NEVER re-enter the building unless instructed to do so by first responders.
- P – Pull the pin on the extinguisher.
- A – Aim the hose or nozzle at the base of the fire.
- S – Squeeze the handle to activate the extinguisher.
- S – Sweep the extinguisher back and forth at the base of the fire.
Quick Reference for Evacuation and Fire Emergencies
- Do not delay your evacuation. Take your phone but leave all personal items.
- Evacuate using the stairs ONLY and get as far away from the building as you can.
- Look to be sure everyone around you heard or saw the alarm and are leaving the building. Warn others as you are evacuating.
- Individuals with disabilities should seek shelter in a protected (enclosed) stairwell. Evacuating persons should inform first responders of locations of persons with disabilities so that they may assist them. DO NOT Re-enter the building unless instructed to do so by responders.
Quick Reference for Evacuation and Fire Emergencies
Shelter In Place
Certain incidents like hazardous spills or campus adjacent threats may require that you and others shelter in place.
- Select a small, interior room, with no or few windows and close all windows and exterior doors.
- If instructed, turn off all fans, heating, and air conditioning systems.
- If instructed, use whatever is available to seal all cracks around the door and vents into the room.
- Remain indoors until an “All Clear” is given, or you are told to evacuate.
Quick Reference for Shelter In Place
Active Attacker
- If possible, quickly exit the building and evacuate to a safe area away from danger. CALL 911
- If it is not possible to exit safely, get to an enclosed room or office and lock and/or barricade the door. Turn off the lights and keep quiet. Silence your phone. Move away from doors and windows.
- If the attacker enters your area, your option may be limited to defending your area to survive. Use anything you can find as an improvised weapon and attack with others if possible. DO NOT GIVE UP FOR ANY REASON. DISABLE THE INTRUDER.
Quick Reference for Avoid, Deny, Defend
Tornado (Severe Storm)
- Move to the innermost part of the building, go to the lowest floor, put as many walls between you and the exterior as you can. Stay away from windows.
- Position yourself along an interior wall or under an interior stairwell. Avoid shelves and heavy furniture that could topple over. Cover your head and neck.
- Do not go outside unless your building is believed to be in imminent danger of collapse.
IF OUTDOORS: Move as quickly as possible to a sturdy, site-built structure. If unable, find a low spot and lay-down in the lowest part. Cover your head and neck with your hands.
Bomb Threat
- Have someone else CALL 911 to report the call.
- Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and ask the following:
- What does the bomb look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- What is your name?
- Where is the bomb and when is the bomb going to detonate?
Hazardous Materials
If a chemical or biohazard spill occurs within any campus building or facility, CALL 911.
- If a chemical spill occurs outside of a building or from an off campus source, follow the shelter procedure.
- In either case, notify UPD if you have been exposed to a chemical
- If exposed avoid contact with other students, faculty, or staff.
- If evacuating, move to an area upwind and away from the doors.
- Use your clothing or other clean, dry material to shield your nose, eyes, and mouth if possible.
- Remain calm and be prepared to move quickly if notified to do so by first responders.