West Texas A&M University police officers are certified Texas Peace Officers and have jurisdiction to enforce local, state and federal laws. That jurisdiction is granted them through the Education Code which gives them jurisdiction in any county where the Texas A&M University System owns, rents, or leases property.  The department employs 18 full-time police officers and strongly encourages reporting of all criminal activity. For suggestions and comments regarding the commissioned division of UPD, please contact us by email.

UPD provides a criminal investigation division for follow-up of any criminal offense reported to UPD. Follow-up is conducted by carrying the investigation through documented steps until all leads are exhausted or a suspect is determined. Cases which are completed to the point of revealing a suspect are presented to the district attorney's office for further action.  To pass on information or if you have questions, please email You may also call UPD at 806-651-2300.