The University Police Department and/or Office of Communication and Marketing Services, in coordination with the President, issues Crime Alerts when an event occurs that may pose a known and foreseeable danger to members of the WTAMU community or their property. These warnings may be issued via e-mail, broadcast mail, posted fliers, direct mail and/or media announcements.

Click on the link below to view that Crime Alert.


Timely Warning Notification: Attempted Sexual Assault - 2/22/25 

Timely Warning Notification: Fondling- 1/21/25

Timely Warning Notification: Stalking - 11/26/24

Timely Warning Notification: Burglary - 11/16/24

Timely Warning Notification: Stalking - 11/7/24

Timely Warning Notification: Sexual Assault - 10/21/24

Timely Warning Notification: Sexual Assault - 09/28/24 

Timely Warning Notification: Stalking - 09/23/24

Timely Warning Notification: Fondling, Domestic Violence & Stalking - 09/12/24

Timely Warning Notification: Fondling - 09/10/24

Timely Warning Notification: Sexual Assault - 09/10/24

Timely Warning Notification: Stalking - 08/19/24

Timely Warning Notification: AMARILLO Burglary - 02/19/24

Timely Warning Notification: Sexual Assault - 01/29/2024

Timely Warning Notification: Burglary - 10/30/23

Timely Warning Notification: Stalking & Domestic Violence - 08/29/23

Timely Warning Notification: Aggravated Assault & Domestic Violence - 08/22/23

Timely Warning Notification: Fondling - 7/13/23

Timely Warning Notification: Simple Assault - 7/13/23

Timely Warning Notification: Assault - 7/13/23 

Timely Warning Notification: Domestic Violence and Stalking - 7/10/23

Buff Alert Timely Warning Notice: Stalking - 11/07/2022

Buff Alert Timely Warning Notice: Sexual Assault - 10/04/22

Buff Alert Timely Warning Notice: Burglary- 10/04/22

Buff Alert Timely Warning Notification: Sexual Assault - 4/19/2021

Buff Alert Timely Warning Notification – Domestic Violence/Dating Violence/Stalking – 9/2/2020

Buff Alert Emergency Notification – COVID-19 – 8/24/2020

Crime Alert - Stalking and Continuous Violence Against the Family - 07/06/20

Emergency Notification – COVID-19 – 4/27/2020

Crime Alert - Assaultive Offense - 03/04/20


Buff Alert Emergency Notification: COVID-19 Health and Safety Message 10/14/20

A Buff Alert Emergency Notification is being distributed as a requirement of the U.S. Department of Education Clery Act, which guides what health and safety information universities share with their campuses.

As expected with our return to campus operations and activities on or about the WTAMU campus, there has been an increase of reported COVID-19 cases. In particular, 46% of the WT cases reported have occurred in the past two weeks. The Canyon-Amarillo area is operating at a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Level Red Amarillo Public Health Level Red which indicates a sustained increase or widespread transmission in active COVID-19 cases and stressed local hospital capacity in the Amarillo Area. The University requests that we all continue to do our part for the health and safety of ourselves and those around us. The campus has been responsive and is responsibly following required steps to continue operations and protect the health and safety of our campus and community at large.

As a reminder, if you experience symptoms of or test positive for COVID-19, refer to the Employee Guide for COVID-19 Positive Tests and Symptoms or the Student Guide for COVID-19 Positive Tests and Symptoms. To report COVID-19 cases among WT students, faculty, or staff, potential exposure, or inquire about issues related to COVID-19 on WT’s campus, please send an email to For more information visit the WTAMU health information page. Recent trends and long term data of WTAMU COVID-19 cases are provided on this page.