McNair Scholars - Class of 2024

McNair Scholar Mentor Title of Research
Yadhira (Yaya) Avalos 
Dr. Priscella Correa
“Ethical Implications of Social Media in Health Care”
Raquel Chavez
Dr. Lee Doernte
“Comparative Analysis of Muscle Characteristics Among Long Jumpers, 100 Meter Sprinters, and 1500 Meter Distance Runners”
Castina Dobbins
Dr. Oscar Solis

“The Financial Hardship on Lives that Face Cancer”

Stephanie Espinoza
Dr. Alex Hunt
“Exploring Elements of the Horror Genre in La Llorona
Dr. Carolyn Bouma
“Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus Aureus and its Effect on Antibiotic Sensitivity”
Dr. Maha Shrestha
“Synthesis and Characterization of Epoxidized Limonene”
Dr. Brian Ingrassia
“Mexican American in World War II: Patriotism and Civil Rights”
Dr. John Pipkin “Establishing Fitness Parameters in University Horses Using Cardiac Evaluation”
Dr. Nancy Garcia
“Defining Servingness in Hispanic Serving Institutions: A Photovoice Study"
Dr. Kelsey Abele “Code Switching in Collegiate Forensics”
Dr. Guillermo Marcillo
“Investigating Multi-Decadal Patterns of Changing Temperature and Their Effects on the Growing Season Length in the Texas Panhandle”
Dr. David Sissom
“Epidemiological Study of the Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance of Ticks within the Texas Panhandle”
Dr. Carolyn Baum
“Patterns of Surgical Care and Additional Treatments for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Post COVID-19”
Dr. Emily Kinsky
“The K-Pop Industry and Gender Discrimination Toward Female K-Pop Idols”
Michelle Truong Dr. Maxine DeButte “Childhood Trauma and How it Affects the Developing Human Brain"