Jessica Adame
Major(s): Criminal Justice Corrections
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016
Mentor: Dr. Lisa Garza
Title of Research: "Barriers Hispanic Students Encounter in College"
Career Aspirations: I hope to graduate with my bachelor’s in Criminal Justice in May 2016. I hope to make a career out of helping minorities.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar has helped me in so many different aspects of my school and professional life. It has definitely given me a head start on my career after my undergrad studies. Whether it be Law School, Graduate School, or a Ph.D. program, McNair has challenged my ability to reach my greatest potential. Not only did my undergrad grades soar because I had a better understanding of what a great paper looks like, but It has also given me an idea of what to expect when I further my studies.
In a professional stand-point, I have had the privilege to work with who I believe is one of WTAMU’s finest professor’s, Dr. Garza. I have acquired a relationship where she has taught me what to expect in the professional field, how to communicate and understand the ideas of others; and how to take the knowledge of others and apply it to your work with the best intentions. From her and the McNair staff, I have adopted the skills and expectations that are going to be required in my career post-graduation. After my experience as a McNair Scholar I cannot imagine graduating with my Bachelor’s degree without being a McNair Scholar.

Olaoluwa Aina
Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, B.S.
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016
Mentor: Dr. Freddie Davis
Career Aspirations: To work towards a Master’s degree in a few years and eventually a Ph.D. so I can teach what I have learned to engineer students preparing to step into the workforce.
Extra-Curricular: Reading, Hiking, and Dancing.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? It provided some insight into research and engineering design that prepared me for the Fall 2015 semester. It showed me research comes with ups and downs and you have to be mentally prepared to see it through, never be afraid to take a few steps back, and start over if need be.

Veronica Carillo
Major(s): Accounting and Fiance
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016
Mentor: Dr. Anne Terry ( Macy)
Title of Research: Case study: Volkswagen
Career Aspirations: pursue an MBA and a Ph.D. in business and become a professor
Extra-Curricular Interest: ENACTUS, Association of Finance and Accounting
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? McNair has provided me with the tools to achieve my academic goals while helping me extend my horizons.

Mercedez Hernandez
Major(s) : Pre-Med/Health Science s
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Michelle Bartlett
Title of Research:. How effective is an 80/20 diet compared to MyPlate, as prescribed, with regard to physiological benefits and self-efficacy?
Career Aspirations: Physician - Quite possibly Family Medicine!
Extra-Curricular Interests: "Educational" extra-curricular activities include: Attebury Honors Program, LEAD WT, Joint Admissions Medical Program (JAMP). I also enjoy lifting weights, running, playing video games, healthy cooking, reading, traveling, and having conversations over coffee!
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? As a McNair Scholar, I gained invaluable experience that better equips for me medical school. McNair Scholars have direct access to some of the best resources on campus, graduate/professional school preparation, and knowledgeable mentorship, to name a few. With this program, I now feel more prepared to take my research to the next level in professional school.

Cory Johnson
Major(s): Computer Science Classification: Junior Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2017 Mentor: Dr. Sean Humpherys Title of Research: Mobile Application Development for Voice Production for Aphonic Dysphonic Individuals

Kenya Lewis
Major(s): Sports Exercise Science Classification: Junior Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2016 Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Fiaud Title of Research: Somatotyping Affecting Soccer Players Abilities
Alex Martinez
Major(s): Classification: Junior Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2017 Mentor: Dr. Doty Title of Research: Shakespeare and representations of kingship

Christopher Martinez
Major(s): Interdisciplinary Studies: Special Education Cert.
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016
Mentor: Betty Coneway, Ph.D.
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi: 12 th Annual TAMU System Pathways Symposium
Title of Research: Implementing an Inclusive Education: Experiences and Perspectives of Educators
Career Aspirations: Upon the completion of my undergraduate studies, I wish to obtain a position as a special education teacher within the Texas Panhandle while continuing my education. I aspire to received A Master’s of Education emphasizing in educational diagnostician to further my role as a special education practitioner and leader. Further in the future, I can see myself with a Ph.D. in Special Education instructing future teacher candidates at West Texas A&M for the field of education.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Outside of studies I enjoy being with family and friends, running, working out, listening to music, and buying stuff. Additionally, I love to learn even outside of the classroom, new learning experiences are so exciting to me, often I find myself reading more about something I’ve encountered.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a part of the McNair Scholar program has been one of the best academic experiences I have experienced, and I am honored to be a McNair Scholar. Through the experience I have gained a wonderful insight into the practices of being a researcher. As a result of being exposed to university-level research I have discovered a stronger desire to obtain a graduate degree with more confidence and preparation.

Alejandra Munoz
Major(s): Animal Science Classification: Senior Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016 Mentor: Dr. Kevin Williams Title of Research: |

Monica Prado
Major(s): Studio Art with an emphasis in Printmaking and Painting
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2015
Mentor: Professor Scott Frish
Title of Research: Pattern and Pastoral Aesthetic: An Exploration of Design and Agrarian Culture
Career Aspirations: In the future I would like to pursue a professional career as an artist with my own studio. I would like to conduct my own research, demonstrations, and have workshops for the public and aspiring artists within the facility.
Extra-Curricular Interest: Drawing, painting, and photography. I am also fascinated with YouTube and frequent pages that are inspirational and have positive influences on viewers.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar has greatly enhanced my academic experience at West Texas A&M by introducing me to like-minded scholars who are dedicated to great research. It has been a great learning experience and I have enjoyed challenging myself this year with my project and thesis.

Name: Marissa Rivera
Major(s): Mass Communication: Advertising and Public Relations
Classification in Fall 2015: Senior
Anticipated Graduation date: May 2016
Mentor: Dr. Butler Cain
Title of Research: Fanship Levels and Sports Marketing
Conferences Attended and or Publications:
Career Aspirations: I would like to eventually work with the San Antonio Spurs assisting game-day operations at the AT&T Center. Extra-Curricular Interests: I am a member of the Catholic Student Center, new student orientation Peer Leader, as well as a member of the Bateman Competition Team for PRSSA.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? This program really tested my abilities in the best way possible. I was challenged academically, and that made me a better scholar. Conducting my McNair research was probably one of the hardest things I’ve done while in college, but finishing it and seeing the work I produced gave me the greatest sense of pride and accomplishment. Graduate school is now a possibility when I had never really considered it before.
Jose Robledo
Major(s): Biology (B.S.)
Classification in Fall 2015: Senior Anticipated Graduation date: May 2016 Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Fiaud
Title of Research: "Investigation of Language Communication Barriers Physical Therapist Encounter with the Emerging Hispanic Population"
Conferences Attended and or Publications: Pathways Conference in Corpus Christi
Career Aspirations: After I graduate from West Texas A&M University, I hope to pursue a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I hope to eventually earn a Ph. D. in Physiology and contribute through research in improving human health. I want to become a professional in my field and inspire others with my same background into earning an advanced degree. Extra-Curricular Interests: Active member for the Hispanic Student Association for 4 years serving as Public Relations, Secretary Officer and current President of organization, Current Secretary for Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, Active member of the Catholic Student Center, National Society of Leadership and Success, Pre-Healthcare Club member, Tri-Beta National Biological Honor Society member.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience?
Being a McNair Scholar has opened my eyes to a different side of education. The opportunity to make a difference through research during this summer was such an incredible experience. This helped me work harder in my classes as I prepare to head into Graduate School. As a McNair Scholar, this experience has blessed me with so many opportunities from different schools around the nation. There are many opportunities for underrepresented groups of society to pursue advanced degrees; I am definitely taking this opportunity. I am eternally grateful for the help and support of the McNair program and directors Mike Cook, and Victoria Salas.