Rhemecka Graham
Major(s): Business Management
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Shaffer
Title of Research: What Are the Effects of Affirmative Action Bans on Admission and Enrollment Rates at Elite State Universities?
Conferences Attended and/or Publications:2014 SACNAS Conference, Ph.D. Project Conference
Career Aspirations: Program & policy analysts who combine research-based advocacy strategies with poverty and income inequality issues.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Running, traveling, intellectual conversations, and cooking
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? This experience has turned the tables for me because now I see academics as a professor would see it. Working with Dr. Shaffer allowed me to see the weekly task of what it looks like to be a professor. Getting that one-on-one interaction made me believe that I can become a professor too. Additionally, the research has prepared me as I have been applying to graduate schools where this type of experience is highly favored. The fact that you can take something you are interested in and create research out of it is amazing. It is because of my McNair research project that I have decided to apply to graduate school for Public Policy at leading institutions in the U.S.
Briana Leeper
Major(s): Mass Communications: Broadcasting-Electronic Media, Minor: Spanish
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Mentor: Professor Randy Ray
Title of Research: Coffee Culture and Independent Music Diffusion in the Texas Panhandle
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: TSCA Conference in Lubbock, TX, Public presentation on Sept. 19, at Palace Coffee Company in Canyon.
Career Aspirations: Post-grad, I would like to enter into the music industry as Music Supervisor for film and TV
Extra-Curricular Interest: I am an All-American sprinter on the WT track team, Peer Leader, member of the Student-Athlete Leadership Team (SALT), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) leadership team, former DJ/show host/director at KWTS radio and member of National Broadcasting society.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar has allowed me to gain valuable research experience regarding an industry that I am very passionate about, as well as given me several tools necessary to pursue a graduate school degree.
Christina Lehman
Major(s): International Business
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Syed Tariq Anwar
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: 2014 Ph.D. Project- Chicago, National McNair Conference- Wisconsin
Career Aspirations: Obtain a Master's Degree and eventually work in Healthcare Administration or Higher Education
Extra-Curricular: Soccer, Traveling, Reading
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar has helped guide me to pursue a Master's degree and it has also helped in guiding me towards a certain career path. I had no idea what career I wanted and being able to do research has enabled me to become more aware and passionate about the things I really want to do. Being a McNair Scholar opened new doors for me and has also allowed me to network and travel to conferences and learn about the possibilities of earning a Master's degree or a Ph.D.
Tyler McCoy
Major(s): Agriculture Education
Classification: Junior
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2015
Mentor: Dr. Kevin Williams and Dr. Lance Kieth
Conferences Attended and/or Publications:
Title of Research: Challenges in Recruiting the Next Generation of Agricultural Science Teachers
Career Aspirations: My current career aspirations are to continue my education and obtain my doctorate degree in Agriculture Education. I am currently on track to do so, as I will be starting my graduate studies in the Spring of 2016 here at WT!
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Becoming a McNair Scholar, was by far the best decision that I have made in my colligate career here at WT. I knew I wanted to go to graduate school….and that was about it. After becoming a Scholar, I have obtained so many skills in regards to research, scientific writing, and much more. Also, my knowledge about graduate school has been widened tremendously! I have become closer to faculty and gained knowledge that could not be obtained without the program! This was truly an incredible experience!
Guillermo Morado
Major(s): Civil Engineering
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Leitch
Title of Research: Hydraulic Fracturing: Possible Contamination of Water Drinking Resources.
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: 23rd National McNair Conference Wisconsin
Career Aspirations: After obtaining my bachelor’s, I plan on working while at the same time furthering my education with a master’s in business. I then aspire on becoming a professional engineer and possibly have my own engineering firm.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Extra-curricular interests that I have are watch movies, visit with friends, travel, do outdoor activities, and read random things that deal with engineering and/or math.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? McNair has opened my eyes to what research is all about and has helped me by giving me skills that will prepare me for my senior year and graduate school. Being a McNair Scholar has facilitated the graduate school application process, it has given me the opportunity to travel to research conferences, and it has given me the financial support to apply for graduate schools and for the GRE. Being a McNair Scholar has made my academic experience more challenging but at the same time more interesting because I have been exposed to opportunities as an undergraduate student that no other program is capable of.

Kayla Mosher
Major(s): Biology and Biochemistry
Classification: Junior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2016
Mentor: Dr. Nick Flynn
Title of Research: Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Interleukin-1β
Conferences Attended and/or Publications:
Career Aspirations: Acquire a Medical Degree and become a practicing physician.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Sports, Lead WT, Pre-Healthcare Club, American Chemistry Society, National Society of Leadership and Success, Hospice Volunteer, Kickboxing
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar allowed me to make connections with faculty and staff at WT in a way that not many students get to experience. It has opened many doors and taught me how to ask for help, use resources that are available, and keep working through the messes that you can make during research. Practicing research in the field of my major made me all the more eager to learn.
Jorje Ramos
Major(s): Psychology Classification: Junior Anticipated Graduation Date: Fall 2014 Mentor: Dr. Jovana Vukovic Title of Research: Mate Retention Tactics in Social Media
Israel Rivera
Major(s): Business Management and Administration
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Robin Patterson
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: SACNAS Conference in Los Angeles and McNair Scholars Conference at UNT
Career Aspirations: After WT I plan on getting my MBA and work for a few years before I return back to get my law degree. I hope to work with business and law for a Fortune 500 company.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Leadership Board Member, Enactus Member Pulse (Peer Educators), Member for two years serving as Vice President for one and receiving Best New Member Award, Active member of the Catholic Student Center, Society of Human Resource Management Committee Chair, Mortar Board Committee Chair, National Society for Leadership and Success member
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Doing this research over the summer really helped me see the other side of education and what it can mean. This program was a lot of work but made this research mean that much more to me and gave me good experience for my future master’s degree. McNair also gave me the opportunity to go out and talk with hundreds of schools and jobs that are really interested in McNair Scholars which opens up a lot of doors.
Krystal Robles
Major(s): Psychology Classification: Senior Anticipated Graduation Date: Fall 2014 Mentor: Dr. Timothy Atchinson Title of Research: “College Women’s Body-Image Compared to Different Idealized Body Types in the Media”
Valeria Rodriguez
Major(s): B.S. Biology Minor Chemistry
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Carolyn Bouma
Title of Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Antibacterial Properties Demonstrated by Silver Nanofoam
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: SACNAS Conference, University of North Texas McNair Conference
Career Aspirations: I plan to work my way up into medical school. I decided to first receive a certification in clinical laboratory sciences and then a master's degree in molecular pathology. After this I would like to live abroad and work in a laboratory for a while, then come back to the states and apply for medical school .
Extra-Curricular Interest: Music, sports, crafts, hanging out with friends, movies, TV, all the typical stuff.
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? As a McNair Scholar I have learned a ton! While doing research with the McNair program I developed this trail of thought that you need to have as a scientist or a professional researcher. With this trail of thought I learned everything from searching for information and knowing how to apply it, to gathering data and knowing how to interpret and report it. These skills have really helped me out not only in the classroom but in my daily life in general. McNair also aids you in looking for and applying to graduate programs. I used to get a bit intimidated when it came to planning for life after college, but with McNair I learned about all the options available and I am not as intimidated anymore.
Myles Smith
Major(s): Communication Studies Classification: Junior Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2015 Mentor: Dr. Trudy Hanson Title of Research: An Exploratory Study of “Selfies” and their Use in Social |

Emylee Wood
Major(s): Biology
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Mentor: Dr. Carolyn Bouma
Title of Research: A Comparison of the Perspectives of Physician Assistants and Their Patients toward Patient Care
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: University of North Texas McNair Conference
Extra-Curricular Interests: Working as an EMT and tutor, running, failing miserably at yoga, hiking, reading, and volunteering
Career Aspirations: Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? Being a McNair Scholar has allowed me to conduct research in my field of interest. My research has allowed me to talk to patients and healthcare providers, which will be a necessary skill for my future career. I have learned how to overcome obstacles in research while working in a low-stress environment and how to adapt to changes that are outside of my control. This program has facilitated research that will help me get into PA school and provided GRE test preparation. The McNair Scholars program has also put me in contact with a very helpful and supportive mentor and allowed me to travel to conferences.

Kenneth Wooten
Major(s): Sports and Exercise Science
Classification: Senior
Anticipated Graduation Date: Dec 2014
Mentor: Dr. Charles Chase
Titile of Research: Ethnographic Assessment of Entry-Level Applications of Basic Weight Lifting Principles in High School Summer Workout Programs
Conferences Attended and/or Publications: 23rd McNair Scholars Conference Wisconsin, UNT McNair Scholars Conference
Career Aspirations: To become an athletic director/head football coach at the preparatory or college level.
Extra-Curricular Interests: Studying weight lifting techniques and reading. Aspiring to learn more about NCSA certification and administrative procedures
How has being a McNair Scholar enhanced your academic experience? I can honestly say that graduate school was not a viable option for me before McNair. I felt that this program along with Dr. Chase’s motivation to do and be better than I was the day before, I feel that I have a different drive to accomplish things that I wouldn’t have alone. I know what graduate students go through with this process, and I was able to reap the benefits of my hard work through the conferences and accolades I received. It made me strive for more than just the 4-year degree.