Sunday Schedule/Registration
Registration in Mary Moody Northen Hall - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Camp Auditions:
12:00pm - 6:00pm: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion
2:00 - 6:00pm: Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Euphonium, All Strings
Step #1: Pick up registration packet in Mary Moody Northen Hall atrium and then go into the recital hall. All campers need to come through registration prior to their camp audition.
- Nametag. Your nametag, which is your identification during camp, must be always worn. The nametag must be visible and above your waist.
Buff Card:
- If you are staying on campus (living in the dorms) during band & orchestra camp, there is a buff card in your packet. It's the size of a credit card. That's your meal card for the cafeteria. The number on the card matches your band camp ID number on your nametag. Buff cards are the property of the university and must be returned when you check out of the dorm. There is a $10.00 replacement charge for a new card each time you lose it
- If you are a commuter, you will also have a Buff card for access to rehearsals. Buff cards are the property of the university and must be returned at the final concert.
- Parking Permit. Parking Permits are not required this summer. However, please stay away from designated spots with a maroon sign in front that are reserved for faculty and staff or otherwise. You will be ticketed if you park in those spaces.
Step #2 ENTER Northen Recital Hall
Your packet will be marked one of the following:
- NOT PAID, you will enter the LEFT SIDE of the recital hall and proceed to the PAYMENT TABLE to pay your balance.
You may pay with a credit card or check. If paying with a check, make checks payable to WTAMU Band & Orchestra Camp, and include a Driver's License Number on the check. - PAID IN FULL, you will enter the LEFT SIDE of the recital hall and you proceed to the stage to receive your FREE CAMP T-SHIRT. Your t-shirt size will be printed on the front of your packet.
Step #3 If you wish to put money (credit or debit card only - no cash or checks!) on your Buff Card, proceed to the Buffalo Gold Card Office, Room 118 of the Jack B. Kelley Student Center (JBK). Click here to add money online.
Step #4 RESIDENTIAL STUDENTS – PROCEED TO THE DORM AND CHECK IN. You will need to show your nametag to get a key to your room. After you have completed your dorm check in, proceed to your audition room for your required camp audition.
Noon-6:00PM for flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, and percussion
2:00-6:00pm for oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, euphonium, all strings.
- Required audition in your assigned rooms during your assigned queue. (Bring your instrument & camp audition music).
- Jazz Band auditions, 1:00pm – 6:00pm. (Audition for jazz bands either before or after the camp audition.) Bring your jazz band audition music to your audition. If auditioning on bass, please bring your own equipment.
- N-1022 – Brass, electric bass, piano and guitar
- N-1023 - Saxophones
- N-1003 - Drums
- Audition results will be posted Monday morning in the Northen Atrium.
Honor Camper meeting in N-1010 at 6:00pm.
SUNDAY EVENING SCHEDULE - (Residential campers)
Dinner at the cafeteria (4:45pm - 6:30pm)
Dorm meetings for all female campers in NRH (7:00pm)
Dorm meetings for male campers in NRH (7:45pm)
Curfew at 10:00pm (review camp schedule at this meeting)
Be very careful not to lose your schedule or nametag. It will cost you $5.00 to replace your nametag! If you need a nametag repair or replacement, go to the Camp Office N-263. Also, do not lose your Buff card. Replacement cost is $10.00. The Buffalo Gold Card Office, Room 118 of the Jack B. Kelley Student Center (JBK) will issue you a new Buff card.
Maps and locations can be found at the link above.
TauBeta Sigma, a national band service sorority at WTAMU, dedicates itself to serving the band and promoting women in music. Our sorority has several fundraisers a year in order to help raise funds for our bands and special projects for the music department and the surrounding community. One of our annual fundraisers is the WTAMU Band & Orchestra Camp "SURVIVAL KITS". Our "SURVIVAL KITS" are our way of helping out the campers as they spend a week away from home. They contain snacks, pencils, and bottled water. Our "SURVIVAL KITS" are a great way to let your campers know that you are thinking about them during their time away from home.
"SURVIVAL KITS" will be sold and delivered immediately at a booth during Band & Orchestra Camp registration on Sunday, July 7th and will cost $6.
We will accept cash, card, check, Venmo, and CashApp. If you wish to pay with a check, please make it out to: Tau Beta Sigma Xi. Our Venmo and CashApp will be posted at our booth.
Thank you for supporting Tau Beta Sigma!
Daily Schedules
7:00 - 8:45am | Cafeteria | Residential Campers | Breakfast |
8:30am | Legacy Hall | Junior High Commuters - REQUIRED | Meet with Dr. Teweleit, assistant camp director. Bring your instrument & music stand. |
8:30am | N-1010 | High School Commuters - REQUIRED | Meet with Mr. Lefevre, camp director. Bring your instrument & music stand. |
9:00 - 9:20am | Legacy Hall | ALL Junior High students | Camp Assembly (Required for ALL students). Bring your instrument & music stand. |
9:00 - 9:20am | Northen Recital Hall | ALL High School students | Camp Assembly (Required for ALL students). Bring your instrument & music stand. |
9:30 - 11:30am | Buffalo Room | Philharmonic Orchestra (strings only) | |
TBD | Sinfonia Orchestra (strings only) | ||
Legacy Hall | Jr. Honors Band | ||
F-Studio Theatre | Jr. Symphonic Band | ||
AC-203 (Mirror Room) | Jr. Concert Band | ||
AC-202 (Ballroom) | Jr. Varsity Band | ||
9:30 - noon | Alumni Banquet Hall | Symphony Orchestra (strings only) | |
Branding Iron Theatre | HS Honors Band | ||
N-1010 | HS Symphonic Band | ||
N-1022 | HS Concert Band (WW's) | ||
N-1023 | HS Concert Band (Brass/Perc) | ||
F-227 | HS Maroon Band | ||
NRH | HS White Band | ||
11:30/noon - 1:30pm | LUNCH | BREAK | |
1:45pm | All Students | Required Class - see your schedule | |
3:00 - 3:45pm | Legacy Hall | Junior High students - REQUIRED | Commuters are done for the day after the assembly. |
3:00 - 3:45pm | NRH | High School students - REQUIRED | Commuters are done for the day after the assembly. |
4:30pm | Orchestras rehearse & elective classes meet for the first time | Free time for everyone else. | |
4:45 - 6:30pm | Dinner Break (in cafeteria for residential campers; commuters on your own) | ||
7:00 - 8:00pm | TBA | Band & Orchestra Rehearsals | Commuters strongly encouraged to attend |
10:00pm | CURFEW |
*Students should not leave dorms prior to 7:00am.
BREAKFAST (7:00 - 9:00am) in the Cafeteria for Residential Campers
9:00am - Medical Transport Check - sick campers need to wait in the main lobby area of their dorm.
2025 DETAILED SCHEDULE - Coming soon! 2024 schedule listed below for reference
- Junior High Bands and Philharmonic Orchestra Detailed Schedule
- High School Bands and Sympony Orchestra Detailed Schedule
- 1st Period Required Class - at approximately 9:00am; full band/orchestra or instrumental class
- 2nd Period Required Class - at approximately 10:00am; full band/orchestra or instrumental class
- 3rd Period Required Class - at approximately 11:00am; full band/orchestra or instrumental class
- Times and locations will vary depending on which band your child is in after auditions on Sunday, July 7th.
LUNCH (noon - 1:30pm) - See band/orchestra schedule for exact times. Residential campers eat in the cafeteria; commuters on your own (bring money or a sack lunch).
1:30pm - Medical Transport Check - sick campers need to wait in the main lobby area of their dorm.
1:45pm Required Class - Ensembles, theory, marching class, color guard, rhythmic reading, etc.
3:00pm Required Assembly - HS students in NRH; JH students in Legacy Hall or BIT (TBD)
*Commuters can be done for the day at this point. All campers are welcome to attend evening activities. If you are on campus during evening activities, you will be required to attend.
4:30pm Orchestra Classes (Required) - Full Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestra (with winds and percussion) or Sinfonia Orchestra (strings only).
4:30pm Elective class (optional) - jazz bands, color guard, music therapy, drum major classes, etc.
DINNER (4:45 - 6:30pm)
7:00pm Evening Activity (Required for Residents; Optional for Commuters) - location varies per day; check the daily bulletin.
RAs should report to dorms at 9:30pm to meet with Dorm Supervisors
10:00pm Curfew for Residential Campers; RAs will do ROLL CALL & MAIL CALL
RAs check to make sure that students have their NAME TAG/BUFF CARD/ROOM KEY
10:30pm Lights Out
RAs will monitor units until all students are asleep (approximately 11:30pm)
The 1:45 class ensembles will perform on Friday, July 11th. Due to time contraints, the concert will start at 1:30pm. Parents are welcome to attend! Please see the list below of locations for each group. Only the ensembles listed below are performing.
- located in the Jack. B. Kelley Student Center | - located in Mary Moody Northen Hall |
Junior High Percussion II Ensemble | High School Percussion III Ensemble |
Junior High Flute Ensemble | High School Percussion II Ensemble |
Junior High Trombone Ensemble | High School Flute II Ensemble |
Junior High Double Reed Ensemble | High School Flute I Ensemble |
Junior High Horn Ensemble | High School Double Reed Ensemble |
Junior High Trumpet Ensemble | String Quartet |
Junior High Clarinet II Ensemble | High School Trombone II Ensemble |
Junior High Clarinet I Ensemble | High School Trombone I Ensemble |
Junior High Saxophone Ensemble | High School Trumpet II Ensemble |
Double Bass Ensemble | High School Trumpet I Ensemble |
Junior High Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble | High School Horn Ensemble |
High School Saxophone Ensemble | |
High School Clarinet Ensemble | |
High School Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble |
The WTAMU Virgil Henson Activities Center is open for band campers. This includes a walking track, a bowling alley, racquetball courts, and basketball.
In addition, the following special events are planned:
Monday, July 7
4-6pm Pool time for HS Girls, grades 9-12
*Band & Orchestra Rehearsals, 7:00 - 8:00pm
Get-Acquainted Dance 8:30 - 10:00pm, in Legacy Hall
Bingo & Karaoke 8:45 – 10:00pm, in Legends Club
Tuesday, July 8
4-6pm Pool time for JH Girls, grades 6-8
*7:00pm Faculty Recital in Legacy Hall for grades 6-8
*7:00pm Faculty Recital in NRH Hall for grades 9-12
Dance 8:00 - 10:00pm, in Legacy Hall
Bingo & Karaoke 8:00 – 10:00pm, in Legends Club
Wednesday, July 9
4-6pm Pool time for HS Boys, grades 9-12
*7:00pm Guest Artist Recital in Legacy Hall for grades 6-8
*7:00pm Guest Artist Recital in NRH for grades 9-12
Dance 8:00 - 10:00pm, in Legacy Hall
Bingo & Karaoke 8:00 – 10:00pm, in Legends Club
Thursday, July 10
4-6pm Pool time for JH Boys, grades 6-8
*3:00pm HS Woodwind Ensemble/Percussion Ensemble/Brass Choir/Percussion Ensemble in NRH
*3:00pm Brass Choir/Woodwind Ensemble in Legacy Hall
*7:00pm HS Jazz Ens. I & Faculty Jazz Band Concert in NRH
*7:00pm HS Jazz Ens. III & II in Legacy Hall
Dance 8:30 - 10:00, in Legacy Hall
Bingo & Karaoke 8:30 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Friday, July 11
*1:30pm Ensemble Concert in NRH & Legacy Hall (parents are welcome)
*3:30pm Director’s Band Concert in NRH for Junior High campers
*4:30pm Director’s Band Concert in NRH for High School campers
Camp Ball 8:00 - 10:30pm, in Legacy Hall
Bingo & Karaoke 8:00 – 10:00pm, in Legends Club
Saturday, July 12
*Attendance is required at activities that are in bold-face type and preceded by an asterisk. Commuters are encouraged to attend evening activities, but attendance is not required. If possible, we would like you to attend the evening band rehearsals on Monday, July 8th. However, if you are on campus during evening hours you must attend the required activities with the residential students.
Saturday Schedule for Campers & Concert Schedule
JH Varsity | same as warm-up | 9:45am, BIT | 10:30am, BIT |
JH Concert | same as warm-up | 9:45am, F-Studio | 11:00am, BIT |
JH Symphonic | 8:30-9:30am, F-Studio | 10:45am, F-Studio | 11:30am, BIT |
JH Honors | 8:30-9:45am, N-1010 | 10:00am, NRH | 10:30am, NRH |
HS White | 10:15-11:15am, AC-202 | 11:45am, F-Studio | 12:15pm, BIT |
HS Maroon | 10:30-11:30am, AC-203 | 1:00pm, F-Studio | 1:30pm, BIT |
HS Concert | same as warm-up | 10:00am, N-1010 | 12:00pm, NRH |
HS Symphonic | 8:30-9:30am, BIT | 12:15pm, N-1010 | 12:45pm, NRH |
HS Honors | 8:00-9:30am, NRH | 1:00pm, N-1010 | 1:30pm, NRH |
Philharmonic Orchestra | 9:00-10:30am, F-175 | 12:15pm, F-175 | 1:00pm, BIT |
Symphony Orchestra | same as warm-up | 10:00am, F-227 | 11:15am, NRH |