Annual WTAMU/TASB School Board Conference
Zoom Information


9:00 - 12:15 For New Board Members Only

Presentation Presenters Affiliation Recording Link
Texas Trustee Institute Robert Long & Jacob Cox TASB

9:00 - 10:00 Breakout Sessions (Choose One)

Charting New Territories: AI’s Influence on Educators’ Creativity in Education Ray Barbosa Jr. & Brigette Whaley WTAMU
School Finance Update and Maximizing CTE Funding Lance Terrell  ESC 16
Good Things to Know: Trending Policy Topics Explained Brooke Stroud TASB

10:15 - 11:15 Breakout Sessions (Choose One)

Navigating Through Mental Health Challenges in Texas Panhandle Schools Kassi Gregory & Kenneth Denton WTAMU
What Every School Board Should Know About School Safety

Jeff Rogers, Amee Wells, & Krystal Seymour

ESC 16
Building Strong Relationships with Parents and Families David Koempel TASB

12:15 - 1:45

Legal Blockbusters: Lessons from “Barbenheimer” in School Law  Fred Stormer & Jarod Russell Underwood Law Firm

2:00 - 3:00 Breakout Sessions (Choose One)

Strategic Game Plan: Navigating Tomorrow’s Educational Victory Lawana Pullian & Christine Scroggs ESC 16
What’s the Real Skinny on being a School Board Member? Troy Seagler ESC 16
Compensation Strategies to Effectively Recruit and Retain Staff Amy Campbell TASB
Parent Engagement Amy Duggan ESC 16

3:15 - 4:15 

Innovative Student Programs and Updates in Texas Panhandle Rural Education Highland Park ISD & Canadian ISD ISDs