Pre-Chiropractic Specialization
Chiropractic is a licensed health profession that utilizes manual therapy and other alternative treatments such as cupping and acupuncture to restore mobility to koints restriced by tissue injury. Chiropractors prioritize healing without the use of medication or surgical procedures, which often involves exercise prescription and nutritional counseling. In order to practice in the United States, chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree, pass a national board exam, be licensed by the state in which they practice, and complete continuing education coursework. Students can also choose an area of specialization such as neurology, pediatrics, animals or even become a certified chiropractic sports physician (CCSP).
This is a basic three- to four-year program of 90 minimum hours for admission to professional schools. Students should consult advisers for proper course selection. Professional school admissions officers make final decisions regarding entrance requirements to their respective schools.
- Common Requisite Courses
- 24 hours in Life Science (at least half with lab)
- Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 2401)
- Chemistry (with lab)
- 15 hours of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Additional admissions requirements and program accreditation information are available on specific program websites.
Texas Chiropractic Schools
Additional Resources
WTAMU Pre-Chiropractic Specialization Advisers
Dr. Gene Farren
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Office: VHAC 231
Phone: (806) 651-2370
Dr. Vanessa Fiaud
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Office: VHAC 230
Phone: (806) 651-2677
Dr. Blake Price
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Office: VHAC 235
Phone: (806) 651-3646
Dr. Rick Haasl
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences
Office: VHAC 217C
Phone: (806) 651-2382