Reference Sources

Temporary Library Closure

Due to an asbestos abatement, Cornette Library will be closed Saturday, March 8th – Sunday, March 16th.

In-person library services will be available at the temporary Library @ The JBK Service Desk from 8 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 5pm from Monday, March 10th - Thursday, March 13th.

Map of JBK

The library building will reopen on Monday, March 17th.

Services that will be affected.
  • A library service desk will be available and staffed at the south end of Legacy Hall for faculty, staff or students that need in-person help regarding research. The service desk will be closed each day from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm for lunch.
  • Library staff will relocate to the Student Senate Room in the JBK during that work week (Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th) and will be providing some services.
  • Interlibrary loan (ILL) will be affected in the following ways:

    • Wednesday, February 26th – Sunday, March 16th: ILL requests for physical items will not be processed.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL items can be returned to the temporary service desk in the JBK at the south end of Legacy Hall.
    • Monday, March 10th – Thursday, March 13th: ILL requests for database articles will not be processed.
  • Books placed on reserve will not be available during this time.

Services that will NOT be affected.
  • Chat service will still be available 24/7 during this period.
  • You can still reach the library by calling extension 2215. Library staff can still be reached via email during this time and by return phone if you leave a voicemail message for them and/or by contacting your library liaison.
  • Online article & ebook access will be unaffected by the library closure.

The library is currently undergoing renovations to increase the safety of the building. Please look at the Cornette Library Maintenance and Renovations Libguide for more information.

Reference departments in most libraries collect sources containing factual information, usually in a format that does not require reading the entire text of the source. These sources allow users to find background information such as names, dates, events, places, statistics, and definitions of words. This information can help you place your ancestors in context and provide you with clues for further research. For example, if you wish to find a brief history of the Texas community where your ancestors settled in the 1920s, consult The New Handbook of Texas. If you aren't certain about the location of a town, try an atlas or a gazetteer. For the definition of a legal term in a court or land record, check Black's Law Dictionary.

Although Reference books may not be checked out, you can use our scanner to make digital copies. You can also make photocopies using your Buffalo Gold card or a copy card. Copy cards may be purchased at the Research & Access Desk on the first floor of the Library. Photocopy machines are located near the Research & Access Desk. Ask at the Research & Access Desk for assistance with photocopying.

General Genealogy Research Guides

The guides listed below include information on how to do genealogical research. They should also be of assistance to those researching various topics in American history.

Blockson, Charles L. Black Genealogy. 1977.
CS 21 B55 Ref.
Everton, George B., Sr. The Handy Book for Genealogists. 1971.
CS 16 E85 1971 Ref.
Filby, P. William (Comp.). American & British Genealogy & Heraldry. 1975.
Z 5311 F55 1975 Ref.
Greenwood, Val D. The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy. (3rd. ed.) 2000.
CS 47 G79 2000 Ref.
Schreiner-Yantis, Netti (Ed.). Genealogical & Local History Books in Print. (vol. 2). 1976.
Z 5313 .U5 G45 v.2 Ref.
Smith, Clifford Neal & Smith, Anna Piszczan-Czaja. Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research. 1976.
CS 2541 S66 Ref.
Szucs, Loretto Dennis & Luebking, Sandra Hargreaves (Eds.). The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy. (rev. ed.) 1996.
CS 49 .S65 1997 Ref.
U.S. National Archives & Records Service. Genealogical Research in the National Archives. 1983.
Z 5313 .U5 U54 1983 Ref.

Specific Resources


Brasch, Ila Wales & Brasch, Walter Milton. A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of American Black English. 1974.
Z 1234 D5 B7 Ref.
Cederholm, Theresa Dickason (Comp. & Ed.). Afro-American Artists: A Bio-Bibliographical Directory. 1973.
N 6538 N5 C42 Ref.
Holloway, Joseph E. & Vass, Winifred K. The African Heritage of American English. 1993.
PE 3102 .N4 H65 1993 Ref.
Jackson, Irene V. (Comp.). Afro-American Religious Music: A Bibliography and a Catalogue of Gospel Music. 1979.
ML 128 .S4 J3 Ref.
Logan, Rayford W. & Winston, Michael R. Dictionary of American Negro Biography. 1982.
E 185.96 .D53 1982 Ref.
Sampson, Henry T. The Ghost Walks: A Chronological History of Blacks in Show Business, 1865-1910. 1988.
PN 2270 .A35 S25 1988 Ref.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Negro Population in the United States, 1790-1915. 1918 (reprinted 1968).
HA 205 A33 1968 Ref.
Who's Who in Colored America. 1933-1937, 1950.
E 185.96 W54 Ref.


Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture: A Popular Survey of Agricultural Conditions, Practices and Ideals in the United States and Canada. 1909.
S 493 B2 Ref.
Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture: Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation of Horticultural Plants,....Together with Geographical and Biographical Sketches. 1910.
SB 45 B15 1910 Ref.
Edwards, Everett E. A Bibliography of the History of Agriculture in the United States. 1967.
SB 21 A46 no.84 Ref.
Kennedy, Joseph C. G. Agriculture of the United States in 1860; Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth Census, Under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 1864 (reprint ed. 1973).
HD 1753 1860b Ref.
Pillsbury, Richard & Florin, John. Atlas of American Agriculture: The American Cornucopia. 1996.
G 1201 .J1 P5 1996 Ref.
Salisbury, Lutishoor & Zellar, Gary (Comps.). Bibliographical Resources to the Literature of Agriculture and Rural Life in Arkansas, 1820-1945. 2001.
S 37 .S35 2001 Ref.
Schapsmeier, Edward L. & Schapsmeier, Frederick H. Encyclopedia of American Agricultural History. 1975.
SB 441 S36 Ref.
Schlebecker, John T. Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on the History of Agriculture in the United States, 1607-1967. 1969.
Z 5075 .U5 S28 Ref.
Stuntz, Stephen Conrad (Comp.) & Hawks, Emma B. (Ed.) List of the Agricultural Periodicals of the United States and Canada Published During the Century July 1810 to July 1910. 1941.
Z 5073 S8 1973 Ref.
Winburne, John N. (Ed.). A Dictionary of Agricultural and Allied Terminology. 1962.
S 411 D57 Ref.

American Indians

Boas, Franz. Handbook of American Indian Languages. 1969.
PM 108 B7 1969 Ref.
Champagne, Duane (Ed.). The Native North American Almanac: A Reference Work on Native North Americans in the United States and Canada. 1994.
E 77 .N37 1994 Ref.
Grossman, Mark. The ABC-CLIO Companion to the Native American Rights Movement. 1996.
KF 8203.36 .G76 1996 Ref.
Heard, J. Norman. Handbook of the American Frontier: Four Centuries of Indian-White Relationships. 1987.
E 76.2 .h33 1987 Ref. (5 vols.)
Hoxie, Frederick E. & Markowitz, Harvey. Native Americans: An Annotated Bibliography. 1991.
E 77 .H698 1991 Ref.
Johansen, Bruce Elliott. The Encyclopedia of Native American Legal Tradition. 1998.
KF 8204 .E53 1998 Ref.
Johnson, Michael G. The Native Tribes of North America: A Concise Encyclopedia. 1994.
E 76.2 .J64 1994 Ref.
Markowitz, Harvey & Adams, McCrea (Eds.). American Indian Biographies. 1999.
E 89 .A46 1999 Ref.
Olson, James S. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of American Indian Civil Rights. 1997.
KF 8210 .C5 E53 1997 Ref.
Prucha, Francis Paul. Atlas of American Indian Affairs. 1990.
G 1201 .E1 P7 1990 Ref.
Prucha, Francis Paul. United States Indian Policy: A Critical Bibliography. 1977.
E 93 .P7 Ref.

Archives - Europe

Roberts, Stephen, Cooper, Alan, & Gilder, Lesley (Comps.). Research Libraries and Collections in the United Kingdom: A Selective Inventory and Guide. 1978.
Z 791 .A1 R6 1978 Ref.
Smith, Clifford Neal & Smith, Anna Piszczan-Czaja. American Genealogical Resources in German Archives. 1977.
CS 2541 S6 Ref.
Lewanski, Richard C. Subject Collections in European Libraries. 1978.
Z 789 .L4 1978 Ref.
Welsch, Erwin K. Libraries and Archives in France: A Handbook. 1979.
Z 797 .A1 W44 1979 Ref.

Archives - United States

American Library Directory. 1992-.
Z 731 .A53 Ref.
Benavides, Adan, Jr. (Comp.). The Bexar Archives (1717-1836): A Name Guide. 1989.
CD 3539 .A888 B46 1989 Ref.
Blosser, Susan Sokol & Wilson, Clyde Norman, Jr. The Southern Historical Collection: A Guide to Manuscripts. 1970.
Z 6621 N8 S65 Ref.
Colley, Charles C. (Comp.). A Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Arizona Historical Society. 1972.
CD 3099 .T8 A7 1972 Ref.
Darnay, Brigitte T. (Ed.). Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers. 1988-.
Z 731 .D57 Ref.
Day, James M. (Comp.). Handbook: Texas Archival and Manuscript Depositories. 1966.
CD 3531 D3 Ref.
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Guide to American Historical Manuscripts in the Huntington Library. 1979.
Z 1236 .h36 1979 Ref.
Howell, J. B. (Ed.). Special Collections in Libraries of the Southeast. 1978.
Z 732 .S92 S64 Ref.
Kielman, Chester V. (Comp.). The University of Texas Archives: A Guide to the Historical Manuscripts Collections in the University of Texas Library. 1967.
CD 3539 .A8 T4 Ref.
Mikolajczak, Michael Allen. A Selected Catalog of Books in the Seventeenth-Century Research Collection of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 1982.
Z 733 .U89 U54 1982 Ref.
Morgan, Dale L. & Hammond, George P. (Eds.). A Guide to the Manuscript Collections. (Bancroft Library-University of California, Berkeley). 1963.
Z 6621 C159 Ref.
National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Historical Documentary Editions. 1986.
Z 6616 .A2 h4 Ref.
U.S. Library of Congress. The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1959-1961. 1965.
Z 6620 .U5 N3 1959-61 Ref.
U.S. Library of Congress. The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1965, Index 1963-1965.
Z 6620 U5 N3 1965 Index 1963-65 Ref.
Williams, Sam P. (Comp.). Guide to the Research Collections of the New York Public Library. 1975.
Z 733 N6 W54 Ref.

Art & Architecture

American Art Annual. 1928-1948.
N 9 A3 Ref.
Dawdy, Doris Ostander. Artists of the American West. 1974.
N 6536 .D38 Ref.
The Dictionary of Art. (Grove). 1996.
N 31 .D5 1996 Ref.
Grauer, Paula L. & Grauer, Michael R. (Comps.). Dictionary of Texas Artists. 1999.
N 6530 .T4 G73 1999 Ref.
Harris, Cyril M. Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. 1975.
NA 31 H32 Ref.
Hunt, William Dudley. Encyclopedia of American Architecture. 1980.
NA 705 .H86 Ref.
Jones, Lois Swan. Art Information and the Internet: How to Find It, How to Use It. 1999.
N 59 .J66 1999 Ref.
The National Register of Historic Places, 1972. 1972.
E 159 .N34 1972 Ref.
Osborne, Harold. The Oxford Companion to the Decorative Arts. 1975.
NK 30 O93 Ref.
U.S. The Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record. America Preserved: A Checklist of Historic Buildings, Structures, and Sites. 1995.
E 159 .A37 1995 Ref.
Yarwood, Doreen. A Chronology of Western Architecture. 1987.
NA 200 .Y37 1987 Ref.
Who's Who in American Art. 1938/39-1995/96.
N 6536 W5 Ref.

Associations, Organizations, & Societies

Encyclopedia of Associations.
HS 17 .G33 Ref. (Research & Access Desk)
Preuss, Arthur (Comp.). A Dictionary of Secret and Other Societies. 1924.
HS 12 P6 Ref.
Schmidt, Alvin J. Fraternal Organizations. 1980.
HS 17 .S3 Ref.


Numerous biographical sources are located separately from the remainder of the Reference collection. Ask at the Research & Access Desk for the location. You'll also find additional biographical information in subject encyclopedias and other works located elsewhere in the Reference collection. Also check under headings like American Indians, Art, Business, Education, Law, Medicine, Texas, & Women in this guide for additional biographical works.

American Council of Learned Societies. Dictionary of American Biography.
E 176 D563 Ref.
A Biographical Directory of Librarians in the United States and Canada. 1970.
Z 720 .A4 W47 1970 Ref.
Dictionary of National Biography: From the Earliest Times to 1900 (British). Also volumes for 1901-1960.
DA 28 D4 Ref.
Garraty, John A. & Carnes, Mark C. (Eds.). American National Biography.
E 176 .D565 1999 Ref.
Herbert, Miranda C. & McNeil, Barbara (Eds.). Biography and Genealogy Master Index. 1981-200.
Z 5305 U5 B57 Ref.
Howes, Durward (Ed.). America's Young Men: The Official Who's Who Among the Young Men of the Nation. 1938-39.
E747 .A72 Ref.
Matthews, William (Comp.). British Autobiographies: An Annotated Bibliography of British Autobiographies Published or Written Before 1951. 1968.
Z 2027 .A9 M3 1968 Ref.
La Beau, Dennis & Tarbert, Gary C. (Eds.). Biographical Dictionaries Master Index. 1975, 1979, 1980, 1982.
Z 5305 U5 B56 Ref.
McNaughton, Arnold (Comp.). The Book of Kings. 1973.
CS 404 .M3 1973 Ref.
The New Century Cyclopedia of Names. 1954.
PE 1625 C43 Ref.
New York Times. The New York Times Obituaries Index. 1858-1968, 1969-1978.
CT 213 N47 Ref.
Personalities of the South. 1975/76.
CT 213 P38 1975/76 Ref.
Roberts, Frank C. (Comp.). Obituaries from the Times (England). 1951-1960, 1961-1970, 1971-1975.
CT 120 .O13 Ref.
Virkus, Frederick A. The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy: First Families of America (vols. 1-4, 6).
CS 69 V814 Ref.
Who Was Who (British). 1897-1970.
DA 28 W6 Ref.
Who Was Who in America. 1607-1973.
E 176 N64 Ref.
Who's Who (British). 1926-1999.
DA 28 W6 Ref.
Who's Who in America. 1910-present.
E 176 .W642 Ref.
Who's Who in Library Service. 1943, 1955.
Z 720 .A4 U58 Ref.
Who's Who in the South and Southwest. 1956-1981.
F 208 W64 Ref.


Franklin, Benjamin, V. (Ed.). Boston Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers, 1640-1800. 1980.
Z 209 .B7 B67 Ref.
Hubbard, Freeman. Encyclopedia of North American Railroading: 150 Years of Railroading in the United States and Canada. 1981.
HE 2751 .H8 Ref.
Krooss, Herman E. Documentary History of Banking and Currency in the United States. 1969.
HG 2461 K76 Ref.
May, George S. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography: The Automobile Industry, 1896-1920. 1990.
HD 9710 .U52 A787 1990 Ref.
Nasrallah, Wahib. United States Corporation Histories: A Bibliography, 1965-1985. 1987.
Z 7164 .T87 N37 1987 Ref.
Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers and First Hands in All Lines: The Buyers' Guide, 1905-1906. 1905.
T 12 .T58 Ref.
Who's Who in Insurance. 1958.
HG 8523 W5 1958 Ref.
World Who's Who in Commerce and Industry. 1955, 1961-1968/1969.
HF 3023 .A2 W5 Ref.
World Who's Who in Finance and Industry. 1969-1980, 1996/1997.
HF 3023 .A2 W5 Ref.


Parise, Frank (Ed.). The Book of Calendars. 1982.
D 11.5 .B67 1982 Ref.

Census (U.S.)

DeBow, J. D. B. Statistical View of the United States...Being a Compendium of the Seventh Census. 1970.
HA 201 1850 .A42 Ref.
Lunt, Edward Clark. Key to the Publications of the United States Census, 1790-1887. 1976.
Z 7165 .U5 L85 1976 Ref.

Chronologies, Decades, & Timelines

American Decades. 1994.
E 169.12 .A419 1994 Ref.
Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. 1991.
D 11. G78 1991 Ref. (Research & Access Desk)
Leonard, Thomas M. Day by Day: The Forties. 1977.
D 11.5 .L46 1977 Ref.


Benamati, Dennis C., Schultze, Phyllis A., Bouloukos, Adam C. & Newman, Graeme R. Criminal Justice Information: How to Find It, How to Use It. 1998.
HV 7419.5 .C75 1998 Ref.
Crawford, William. Report on the Penitentiaries of the United States. 1969 (reproduced from the 1835 ed.).
HV 9473 C9 1969 Ref.
DeSola, Ralph. Crime Dictionary. 1982.
HV 6025 .D43 Ref.
Lentz, Harris M., III. Assassinations and Executions: An Encyclopedia of Political Violence, 1865-1986. 1988.
HV 6278 .L45 1988 Ref.
Nelson, Bonnie R. Criminal Justice Research in Libraries and on the Internet. 1997.
HV 7419 .C73 N45 1997 Ref.
Rafter, Nicole Hahn & Stanley, Debra L. Prisons in America: A Reference Handbook. 1999.
HV 9471 .R36 1999 Ref.


Walsh, William S. Curiosities of Popular Customs and of Rites, Ceremonies, Observances, and Miscellaneous Antiquities. 1897.
GT 31 W2 Ref.


Matthews, William (Comp.). American Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of American Diaries Written Prior to the Year 1861. 1959.
Z 5305 U5 M3 1959 Ref.
Matthews, William (Comp.). American Diaries in Manuscript, 1580-1954: A Descriptive Bibliography. 1974.
Z 5305 U5 M32 Ref.

Dictionaries & Glossaries

Adams, Ramon F. Western Words: A Dictionary of the American West. 1968.
PE 2970 .W4 A3 1968 Ref.
Cassidy, Frederic G. (Ed.). Dictionary of American Regional English. 1985.
PE 2843 .D52 1985 Ref.
Granville, Wilfred. A Dictionary of Sailors' Slang. 1962.
PE 3727 S3 G7 1962 Ref.
Skeat, Walter W. & Mayhew, A. L. A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words, Especially from the Dramatists. 1968.
PE 1667 S5 Ref.
Smith, Cornelius C., Jr. A Southwestern Vocabulary: The Words They Used. 1984.
PE 2966 .S65 1984 Ref.
Watts, Peter. A Dictionary of the Old West 1850-1900. 1977.
PE 2970 W4 W3 1977 Ref.


Klein, Bernard (Ed.). Guide to American Directories: A Guide to the Major Directories of the United States. Covering All Industrial, Professional, and Mercantile Categories. 1975.
Z 5771 G8 1975 Ref.
Spear, Dorothea S. Bibliography of American Directories Through 1860. 1961.
Z 5771 S7 Ref.


Derks, Scott (Ed.). The Value of a Dollar: Prices and Incomes in the United States, 1860-1999. 1999.
HB 235 .U6 V35 1999 Ref.
Friedberg, Robert. Paper Money of the United States: A Complete Illustrated Guide with Valuations. 1953.
HG 591 F7 Ref.
Glasner, David (Ed.). Business Cycles and Depressions: An Encyclopedia. 1997.
HB 3711 .B936 1997 Ref.
Hutchinson, William K. American Economic History: A Guide to Information Sources. 1980.
Z 7165 .U5 H89 Ref.
McCloskey, Donald N. & Hersh, George K., Jr. A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980. 1991.
Z 7164 .E2 M43 1991 Ref.
Porter, Glenn (Ed.). Encyclopedia of American Economic History: Studies of the Principal Movements and Ideas. 1980.
HC 103 .E52 Ref.
Postan, M. M. (Ed.). The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. 1966.
HC 240 C3 Ref.
Prather, Dewitt G. United States National Bank Notes and Their Seals. 1986.
HG 607 .P73 1986 Ref.
Taylor, George Rogers (Comp.). American Economic History Before 1860. 1969.
Z 7165 .U5 T37 Ref.
Williams, Judith Blow. A Guide to the Printed Materials for English Social and Economic History, 1750-1850. 1966.
Z 7165 .G8 W7 1966 Ref.


American Council of Learned Societies. Directory of American Scholars: A Biographical Directory. 1957-1982.
LA 2311 C32 Ref.
Conrad, James H. (Comp.). Texas Educational History: A Bibliography. 1979.
Z 5811 .C6 Ref.
Cordasco, Francesco & Brickman, William W. A Bibliography of American Educational History: An Annotated and Classified Guide. 1975.
Z 5815 .U5 B5 Ref.
Herbst, Jurgen (Comp.). The History of American Education. 1973.
Z 5815 .U5 h37 Ref.
Leaders in Education: Biographical Directory. 1941, 1971, 1974.
LA 2311 L4 Ref.
Monroe, Walter S. & Shores, Louis. Bibliographies and Summaries in Education to July 1935. 1936.
Z 5811 .A1 M69 Ref.
Monroe, Will S. Bibliography of Education. 1897 (republished 1968).
Z 5811 .M75 1968 Ref.
Ohles, John F. Biographical Dictionary of American Educators. 1978.
LA 2311 B54 Ref.
Park, Joe (Ed.). The Rise of American Education: An Annotated Bibliography. 1965.
Z 5815 .U5 P28 Ref.
Who's Who in American Education. 1928-1963/64.
LA 2311 W45 Ref.


Baughman, Ernest W. Type and Motif-Index of the Folktales of England and North America. 1966.
GR 67 B3 Ref.
Bratcher, James T. Analytical Index to Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, Volumes 1-36. 1973.
Z 5982 .B7 Ref.
Brown, Mary Ellen & Rosenberg, Bruce A. Encyclopedia of Folklore and Literature. 1998.
PN 41 .E48 1998 Ref.
Brunvand, Jan Harold. (Ed.) American Folklore: An Encyclopedia. 1996.
GR 101 .A54 1996 Ref.
Dundes, Alan (Comp.). Folklore Theses and Dissertations in the United States. 1976.
Z 5981 D85 Ref.
Flanagan, Cathleen C. & Flanagan, John T. American Folklore: A Bibliography, 1950-1974. 1977.
GR 105 F4 Ref.
Haywood, Charles. A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong. 1951, 1961.
Z 5984 .U5 H3 Ref.
Stith, Thompson. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. 1966
GR 67 T52 Ref.
Tully, Marjorie F. & Rael, Juan B. An Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Folklore in New Mexico and Southern Colorado. 1950.
Z 5984 .U6 T84 1977 Ref.



Brewer, J. Gordon. The Literature of Geography. 1978.
Z 6001 .B74 1978 Ref.
Cohen, Saul B. (Ed.). The Columbia Gazetteer of the World. 1998.
G 103.5 .C645 1998 Ref.
Monmonier, Mark & Schnell, George A. Map Appreciation. 1988.
GA 105.3 .M65 1988 Ref.
Muir, Ramsay & Philip, George. Putnam's Historical Atlas, Mediaeval and Modern. 1927.
G 1030 .M9 P9 Ref.
Room, Adrian (Comp.). Place-Name Changes Since 1900: A World Gazetteer. 1979.
G 103.5 .R66 Ref.
Shepherd, William R. Historical Atlas. 1964 (9th ed.).
G 1030 S4 1964 Ref.
Skinner, Malcolm, Redfere, David, & Farmer, Geoff. Dictionary of Geography. 1999.
G 63 .S55 1999 Ref.
Webster's New Geographical Dictionary. 1984.
G 103.5 .W42 1988 Ref.


Fage, J. D. An Atlas of African History. 1958 (reprinted 1968).
G 2446 .S1 F3 1968 Ref.


Robertson, C. Grand & Bartholomew, J. G. An Historical Atlas of Modern Europe from 1789 to 1922. 1924.
G 1795 R6x Ref.
Wallis, Helen. (Ed.). Historians' Guide to Early British Maps: A Guide to the Location of Pre-1900 Maps of the British Isles Preserved in the United Kingdom and Ireland. 1994.
GA 93 .G7 h48 1994 Ref.

North America

Andreas, Alfred T. A. T. Andreas' Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1875. 1875 (reprinted 1970).
G1430 .A3 1970 Ref.
Clay, James W., Orr, Douglas M., Jr., & Stuart, Alfred W. (Eds.). North Carolina Atlas: Portrait of a Changing Southern State. 1975.
G 1300 N7 1975 Ref.
Day, James M. (Comp.). Maps of Texas, 1527-1900: The Map Collection of the Texas State Archives. 1964.
Z 6027 .A5 T4 1964 Ref.
Gannett, Henry. American Names: A Guide to the Origin of Place Names in the United States. 1947.
E 155 G19 1947 Ref.
Harder, Kelsie B. (Ed.). Illustrated Dictionary of Place Names, United States and Canada. 1976.
E 155 H37 Ref.
Morris, John W. & McReynolds, Edwin C. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. 1965.
G 1366 .S1 M6 1965 Ref.
Paullin, Charles O. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States. 1932.
G 1201 .S1 P3 Ref.
Rooney, John F., Jr., Zelinsky, Wilbur, & Louder, Dean R. (Eds.). This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Cultures. 1982.
G 1201 .E1 T5 1982 Ref.
Sealock, Richard B. & Seely, Pauline A. Bibliography of Place Name Literature United States, Canada, Alaska and Newfoundland. 1948, 1967.
Z 6824 S4 Ref. (1st Ed.) & Z 6824 S4 1967 Ref. (2nd Ed.)
Stewart, George R. American Place-Names: A Concise and Selective Dictionary for the Continental United States of America. 1970.
E 155 S79 Ref.
Walker, Henry P. & Bufkin, Don. Historical Atlas of Arizona. 1979.
G 1510 .W3 1979 Ref.


Allcock, Hubert. Heraldic Design: Its Origins, Ancient Forms and Modern Usage. 1962.
CR 27 A5 Ref.
Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles. The Art of Heraldry: An Encyclopaedia of Armory. 1968.
CR 21 .F7 1968 Ref.
Neubecker, Ottfried. Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meaning. 1976.
CR 21 N48 Ref.
Scott-Giles, C.W. Boutell's Heraldry. 1954.
CR 21 B7 1954 Ref.

Historical Dress


Braun, Louis, Diez, W. Frohlich, Ernst, Gehrts, J., et al. Zur Geschichte der Costume: 125 Bogen, Enthaltend 500 Kostumbilder aus Verschiedenen Jahrhunderten nach Zeichnungen. n.d.
GT 513 D4x Ref.
Bruhn, Wolfgang & Tilke, Max. A Pictorial History of Costume. 1955.
GT 513 B763 Ref.
Davenport, Millia. The Book of Costume. 1948.
GT 513 D38 Ref.
Lester, Katherine Morris & Oerke, Bess Viola. Accessories of Dress. 1940.
GT 2050 L4 Ref.
Racinet, Albert. The Historical Encyclopedia of Costumes. 1988.
GT 510 .R3313 1988 Ref.
Wilcox, R. Turner. The Dictionary of Costume. 1969.
GT 507 W5 Ref.


McClellan, Elisabeth. History of American Costume, 1607-1870. 1937.
GT 607 M22 Ref.
Wilcox, R. Turner. Five Centuries of American Costume. 1963.
GT 605 W5 Ref.


Cunnington, C. Willett. English Women's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century. 1937.
GT 737 .C8 Ref.
Cunnington, C. Willett. English Women's Clothing in the Present Century. 1952.
GT 738 .C8 Ref.
Cunnington, C. Willett, Cunnington, Phillis, & Beard, Charles. A Dictionary of English Costume. 1976.
GT 730 .C86 1976 Ref.
Mansfield, Alan & Cunnington, Phillis. Handbook of English Costume in the Twentieth Century, 1900-1950. 1973.
GT 738 M36 1973 Ref.
Yarwood, Doreen. English Costume from the Second Century B.C. to 1950. 1952.
GT 730 Y3 Ref.


Leloir, Maurice. Dictionnaire du Costume et de Ses Accessoires, des Armes et des Etoffes, des Origines a nos Jours. 1951.
GT 507 L4 Ref.
Piton, Camille. Le Costume Civil en France de XIIIe au XIXe Siecle. 1926.
GT 850 P4x Ref.



Appleby, John T. (Comp.). List of Doctoral Dissertations in History in Progress in the United States, May 1967-May 1970. 1970.
Z 5055 U49 L7 1970 Ref.
Bliss, William D. P. & Binder, Rudolph M. The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform. 1910 (reprinted 1970).
H 41 B62 1970 Ref.
Israel, Fred L. (Ed.). Major Peace Treaties of Modern History, 1648-1967. 1967.
JX 121 I8 Ref.
Kuehl, Warren F. Dissertations in History: An Index to Dissertations Completed in History Departments of United States and Canadian Universities, 1873-1960.
Z 6201 K8 Ref.
Norton, Mary Beth (Ed.). The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature. 1995.
Z 6201 .A55 1995 Ref.
Rundell, Walter, Jr. (Comp. & Ed.). List of Doctoral Dissertations in History in Progress or Completed at Colleges and Universities in the United States Since 1961. 1964.
Z 5055 U49 L7 1964 Ref.
Silvey, H. M. (Ed.). Master's Directories. 1993-1997.
Z 5053 M36 Ref.
Silvey, H. M. (Ed.). Master's Theses in the Arts and Social Sciences. 1976-1992.
Z 5053 M36 Ref.
Zangrando, Robert L., Vivian, Jean Butenhoff & Appleby, John T. (Comps. & Eds.). List of Doctoral Dissertations in History in Progress or Completed at Colleges and Universities in the United States Since 1964. 1967.
Z 5055 U49 L7 1967 Ref.


Clark, J. Desmond (Ed.). The Cambridge History of Africa. 1982-1984.
DT 20 .C28 Ref. (8 vols.)
Ki-Zerbo, J. (Ed.). General History of Africa. 1981-1993.
DT 20 .G45 Ref. (8 vols.)
McIlwaine, John. Africa: A Guide to Reference Material. 1993.
DT 3 .M3 1993 Ref.
Asamani, J. O. Index Africanus. 1975-.
Z 6465 U5 B4 Ref.


Hay, Stephen N. & Case, Margaret H. (Eds.). Southeast Asian History: A Bibliographic Guide. 1962.
Z 3221 H36 Ref.
Howard, Richard C. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 1969-.
Z 3001 B49 Ref.
Skinner, G. William (Ed.). Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography: Publications in Western Languages, 1644-1972. 1973.
Z 3106 S57 Ref.


Henige, David P. Colonial Governors from the Fifteenth Century to the Present. 1970.
JV 431 h35 Ref.


Altholz, Josef L. Victorian England, 1837-1901. 1970.
Z 2019 A56 Ref.
Altschul, Michael. Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1154. 1969.
Z 2017 A43 Ref.
Bell, S. Peter. Dissertations on British History, 1815-1914: An Index to British and American Theses. 1974.
Z 2016 B43 Ref.
Brown, Lucy M. & Christie, Ian R. (Eds.). Bibliography of British History, 1789-1851. 1977.
Z 2019 .B76 1977 Ref.
Douglas, David C. (Gen. Ed.). English Historical Documents. 1955-1977.
DA 26 E55 Ref.
Butler, David & Freeman, Jennie. British Political Facts, 1900-1968. 1969.
JN 231 .B8 1969 Ref.
Davies, Godfrey (Ed. of 1st Ed.) & Keeler, Mary Frear (Ed. of 2nd Ed.). Bibliography of British History: Stuart Period, 1603-1714. 1967.
Z 2018 .D25 Ref.
Graves, Edgar B. (Ed.). A Bibliography of English History to 1485. 1975.
Z 2017 .B5 1975 Ref.
Grose, Clyde Leclare. A Select Bibliography of British History 1660-1760. 1967.
Z 2016 G86 1967 Ref.
Hanham, H. J. (Comp. & Ed.). Bibliography of British History, 1851-1914. 1976.
Z 2019 .H35 1976 Ref.
Havighurst, Alfred F. Modern England, 1901-1970. 1976.
Z 2020 H38 Ref.
Higham, Robin (Ed.). A Guide to the Sources of British Military History. 1971.
Z 2021 M5 h44 Ref.
Levine, Mortimer. Tudor England, 1485-1603. 1967.
Z 2017.5 L4 Ref.
Read, Conyers (Ed.). Bibliography of British History: Tudor Period, 1485-1603. 1959.
Z 2018 .R28 1959 Ref.
Royal Historical Society. Writings on British History, 1901-1933. 1968.
Z 2016 R88 1901-33 Ref.
Sachse, William L. Restoration England, 1660-1689. 1971.
Z 2018 S3 Ref.
Sawyer, P. H. Anglo-Saxon Charters: An Annotated List and Bibliography. 1968.
Z 6605 .A56 S3 Ref.
Wilding, Norman W. & Laundy, Philip. An Encyclopaedia of Parliament. 1971.
JN 555 W5 1971 Ref.

Latin America

Grieb, Kenneth J. Central America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: An Annotated Bibliography. 1988.
F 1428 .G74 1998 Ref.
Veliz, Claudio (Ed.). Latin America and the Caribbean: A Handbook. 1968.
F 1408 V43 Ref.
Werner, Michael S. Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society & Culture. 1997.
F1210 .E63 1997 Ref.

North America

Beers, Henry Putney. Bibliographies in American History: Guide to Materials for Research. 1938.
Z 1236 .A1 B4 Ref.
Bemis, Samuel Flagg & Griffin, Grace Gardner. Guide to the Diplomatic History of the United States, 1775-1921. 1935.
Z 6465 U5 B4 Ref.
Buhle, Mari Jo, Buhle, Paul, & Georgakas, Dan. Encyclopedia of the American Left. 1998.
HX 86 .E85 1998 Ref.
Burns, Richard Dean (Ed.). Guide to American Foreign Relations Since 1700. 1983.
Z 6465 .U5 G84 1983 Ref.
Chavez, Fray Angelico. Origins of New Mexico Families in the Spanish Colonial Period; In Two Parts: The Seventeenth (1598-1693) and the Eighteenth (1693-1821) Centuries. 1975.
F 795 C5 1975 Ref.
Fogarty, Robert S. Dictionary of American Communal and Utopian History. 1980.
HX 653 .F65 Ref.
Gudde, Erwin G. California Gold Camps: A Geographical and Historical Dictionary of Camps, Towns, and Localities Where Gold was Found and Mined; Wayside Stations and Trading Centers. 1975.
F 865 G82 1975 Ref.
Hale, Richard W., Jr. (Ed.). Guide to Photocopied Historical Materials in the United States and Canada. 1961.
Z 6209 H3 Ref.
Hart, James D. A Companion to California. 1978.
F 859 .H33 Ref.
Ireland, Norma Olin (Comp.). Index to America: Life and Customs--Eighteenth Century. 1978.
Z 1236 .I73 v. 2 Ref.
Ireland, Norma Olin (Comp.). Index to America: Life and Customs--Seventeenth Century. 1976.
Z 1236 .I73 v. 1 Ref.
Kouwenhoven, John A. Adventures of America 1857-1900: A Pictorial Record from Harper's Weekly. 1973.
E 178.5 K69 Ref.
Jackson, Kenneth T. (Ed.). Atlas of American History. 1978 (rev. ed.).
G 1201 .S1 J3 1978 Ref.
Kavenagh, W. Keith (Ed.). Foundations of Colonial America: A Documentary History. 1973.
JK 49 K38 Ref.
Recent Social Trends in the United States: Report of the President's Research Committee on Social Trends. 1933.
HN 57 P7 1933 Ref.
Roller, David C. & Twyman, Robert W. (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Southern History. 1979.
F 207.7 .E52 Ref.
Shumsky, Neil L. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and Suburbs. 1998.
HT 123 .E5 1998 Ref.
Shumsky, Neil L. & Crimmins, Timothy (Eds.). Urban America: A Historical Bibliography. 1983.
HT 123 .U725 1983 Ref.
Train, Arthur, Jr. The Story of Everyday Things. 1941.
E 161 T74 Ref.
Writings on American History. Covers the years 1902-1989/90.
Z 1236 W7 Ref.

Immigration & Ethnic Groups

Bolek, Francis (Ed.). Who's Who in Polish America. 1970.
E 184 .P7 W49 1970 Ref.
Buenker, John D. & Burckel, Nicholas C. Immigration and Ethnicity: A Guide to Information Sources. 1977.
Z 7165 .U5 B83 Ref.
Hoglund, A. William. Immigrants and Their Children in the United States: A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations. 1986.
Z 7164 .I3 H63 1986 Ref.
Levinson, David & Ember, Melvin. (Eds.). American Immigrant cultures: Builders of a Nation. 1997.
E 184 .A1 A63448 1997 Ref.
Thernstrom, Stephan. (Ed.). Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. 1980.
E 184 .A1 H35 Ref.
Wasserman, Paul & Morgan, Jean. (Eds.). Ethnic Information Sources of the United States. 1976.
E 184 .A1 W27 Ref.

Indexes & Abstracts (Print)

  • America: History & Life (North America; 1964-1995)
  • Applied Science & Technology (1958-1998)
  • Bibliographic Index (1937-1998)
  • Biography Index (1967-present)
  • Book Review Digest (1905-present)
  • Book Review Index (1965-present)
  • Historical Abstracts (the world except North America; 1955-1996)
  • Humanities Index (1974-1998)
  • Index to American Little Magazines (1900-1967)
  • Index to Literature on the American Indian (1970-1979)
  • Index to Texas Magazines and Documents (1987-present)
  • Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957)
  • International Index to Periodicals (1907-1965)
  • Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (1890-present)
  • Social Sciences & Humanities Index (1907-1974)
  • Social Sciences Index (1974-1998)
  • Women Studies Abstracts (1972-present)


Department of Labor Research. Rand School of Social Science. The American Labor Year Book (1916, 1917-1918, 1932). 1916, 1918, 1932.
HD 8059 A5 Ref.
Filippelli, Ronald L. Labor Conflict in the United States: An Encyclopedia. 1990.
HD 5324 .L32 1990 Ref.
Fink, Gary M. (Ed.). Labor Unions. 1977.
HD 6508 L234 Ref.
Labor in America: A Historical Bibliography. 1985.
Z 7164 .L1 L3 1985 Ref.
McBrearty, James C. American Labor History and Comparative Labor Movements: A Selected Bibliography. 1973.
Z 7164 L1 M15 Ref.


Boner, Marian. A Reference Guide to Texas Law and Legal History: Sources and Documentation. 1976.
KFT 1275 B65 Ref.
Calvi, James V. & Coleman, Susan. American Law and Legal Systems. 1989.
KF 387 .C28 1989 Ref.
The Code of Virginia. Second Edition, Including Legislation to the Year 1860. 1860 (reprinted 1970).
KFV 2430 1860 A25 Ref.
Elias, Stephen & Levinkind, Susan. Legal Research: How to Find and Understand the Law. 1995.
KF 240 .E35 1995 Ref.
Friend, William L. Anglo-American Legal Bibliographies: An Annotated Guide. 1996.
KF 1 .L55 1996 Ref.
Garner, Bryan A. Black's Law Dictionary. 1999.
KF 156 .B53 1999 Ref.
Hening, William Waller. The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619 (Henings Statutes, 1619-1792). 1823 (facsimile reprint 1969).
KFV 2425.2 1809b Ref.
Miller, Oscar J. & Schwartz, Mortimer D. (Comps.). Recommended Publications for Legal Research 1995. 1996.
KF 1 .R43 1995 Ref.
Newman, Roger K. (Ed.). The Constitution and Its Amendments. 1999.
KF 4557 .C66 1999 Ref.
Texas Decisions Reported in the South Western Reporter. 1928-.
KFT 1257 .T39 Ref.
Texas Decisions Reported in the South Western Reporter Second Series. 1928-.
KFT 1257 .T4 Ref.
The Southwestern Reporter (Containing All the Current Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee, Court of Appeals of Kentucky, and Supreme Court and Court of Appeals (Criminal Cases) of Texas. 1887-.
Z 7164 .L1 L3 1985 Ref.
Texas Digest Covering Cases from State and Federal Courts, 1840 to Date. 1961-.
KFT 1257 .T5 Ref.
Vile, John R. Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789-1995. 1996.
KF 4557 .V555 1996 Ref.
West's Texas Digest 2d.
KFT 1257 .T5 1982 Ref.


Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors (Allibone's Dictionary of Authors). 1886.
Z 2010 A4305 Ref.
Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB)
PS 221 .D5 Ref.
Kunitz, Stanley. American Authors, 1600-1900. 1938.
PS 21 K8 Ref.
Kunitz, Stanley. Twentieth Century Authors: A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Literature. 1942, 1955.
PN 771 K86 Ref.
Watkins, John, Shoberl, Frederic, & Upcott, William. A Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. 1966.
Z 2010 B61 1966 Ref.
Who Was Who Among North American Authors, 1921-1939. 1976.
Z 1224 W6 Ref.
Who's Who Among North American Authors, 1921-1939. 1927/28-1936/39.
Z 1224 W5 Ref.
Who's Who in Literature. 1932-1934.
Z 2011 L78 Ref.

Local History

Kaminkow, Marion J. United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography. 1975.
Z 1250 U59 1975 Ref.
Kammen, Carol & Prendergast, Norma. Encyclopedia of Local History. 2000.
E 180 .K25 2000 Ref.


Bathe, Basil W. Seven Centuries of Sea Travel from the Crusaders to the Cruises. 1973.
VM 18 .B3713 1973 Ref.
Kemp, Peter (Ed.). The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. 1976.
V 23 O9 Ref.
Layton, C. W. T. Dictionary of Nautical Words and Terms. 1955.
V 23 L4 Ref.
Lloyd, Christopher. Atlas of Maritime History. 1975.
G 1060 L65 1975 Ref.
Noel, John V. The VNR Dictionary of Ships & the Sea. 1981.
V 23 .N63 Ref.


Baird, Violet M. Texas Medical History in the Library of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. 1972.
Z 6661 .U5 T48 Ref.
Bullough, Bonnie, Bullough, Vern L., & Elcano, Barrett. Nursing: A Historical Bibliography. 1981.
Z 6675 .N7 B84 Ref.
Clark, Mary Virginia (Comp.). Medical Reference Works, 1679-1966: A Selected Bibliography, Supplement I.
Z 6658 B63 Suppl. 1 1991 Ref.
Dictionary of American Medical Biography. 1984.
R 153 .D53 1984 Ref.
Dictionary of American Nursing Biography. 1988.
RT 34 .D53 1988 Ref.
McGrew, Roderick E. & McGrew, Margaret P. Encyclopedia of Medical History. 1985.
R 133 .M34 1985 Ref.
Norman, Jeremy M. (Ed.). Morton's Medical Bibliography: An Annotated Check-list of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine (Garrison and Morton). 1991.
Z 6660.8 M67 1991 Ref.
Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 1995.
R 121 .S8 1995 Ref.
Walton, John, Beeson, Paul B., & Scott, Ronald Bodley (Eds.). The Oxford Companion to Medicine. 1986.
R 121 .O88 1986 Ref.



Banks, Arthur. A World Atlas of Military History to 1500. 1973.
G 1030 .B27 1973b v.1 Ref.
Banks, Arthur. A World Atlas of Military History, 1861-1945. 1978.
G 1030 .B27 1973b v.3 Ref.
Esposito, Vincent J. (Ed.). The West Point Atlas of American Wars. 1959.
G 1201 .S1 U5 1959 Ref.
Heitman, Francis B. Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, From its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. 1903.
U 11 .U5 H6 1965 Ref.
Marley, David F. Wars of the Americas: A Chronology of Armed Conflict in the New World, 1492 to the Present. 1998.
E 18.75 .M374 1998 Ref.
Quick, John. Dictionary of Weapons and Military Terms. 1973.
U 24 Q5 Ref.
Smith, Myron J., Jr. American Warplanes 1908-1988: A Bibliography 1991.
UG 633 .S568 1991 Ref.
Todd, Frederick P. Soldiers of the American Army 1775-1954. 1954.
UC 483 K7 1954 Ref.
U.S. Department of Defense. Joint Chiefs of Staff. A Dictionary of United States Military Terms. 1963.
U 24 U56 Ref.

American Revolution

Clark, David Sanders. Index to Maps of the American Revolution in Books and Periodicals Illustrating the Revolutionary War and Other Events of the Period 1763-1789. 1974.
Z 6027 U5 C57 1974 Ref.

Civil War

Griess, Thomas E. (Ed.). Atlas for the American Civil War. 1986.
G 1201 .S5 A8 1986 Ref.
Heidler, David S. & Heidler, Jeanne T. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of the American Civil War. 2000.
E 468 .E53 2000 Ref.
Smith, David R. The Monitor & the Merrimac: A Bibliography. 1968.
Z 733 C15753 no. 15 Ref.
Virginia State Convention of 1861. Biographical Register of Members Virginia State Convention of 1861, First Session. 1861.
F 230 A25 1861j Ref.
Wakelyn, Jon L. Biographical Dictionary of the Confederacy. 1977.
E 467 W2 Ref.

World War I

Banks, Arthur. A Military Atlas of the First World War. 1975.
G 1037 B3 1975 Ref.
Mayer, S. L. & Koenig, W. J. The Two World Wars: A Guide to Manuscript Collections in the United Kingdom. 1976.
Z 6611 .H5 M38 Ref.

World War II

Allen, Mary Moore. Origin of Names of Army and Air Corps Posts, Camps and Stations in World War II in United States. n.d.
UA 26 .A6 A4 Ref.
Bloombert, Marty & Weber, Hans H. World War II and Its Origins: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Books in English. 1975.
Z 6207 W8 B58 Ref.
Collins, James L. (Ed.). The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War II. 1972.
D740 .M3 Ref.
Greet, W. Cabell. War Words: Recommended Pronunciations. 1943.
D 744 G7 1943 Ref.
Griess, Thomas E. (Ed.). Atlas of the Second World War: Asia and the Pacific. 1985.
G 1038.A78 1985 v.1 Ref.
Griess, Thomas E. (Ed.). Atlas of the Second World War: Europe and the Mediterranean. 1985.
G 1038 .A78 1985 v.2 Ref.
Keegan, John (Ed.). The Times Atlas of the Second World War. 1989.
G 1038 .T6 1989 Ref.
Parrish, Thomas (Ed.). The Simon and Schuster Encyclopedia of World War II.
1978.D 740 .S57 Ref.
Snyder, Louis L. Louis L. Snyder's Historical Guide to World War II. 1982.
D 740 .S65 1982 Ref.
Wirsing, Giselher. (Ed.). The War in Maps, 1939/40. 1941.
G 1038 W5 Ref.
World War II from an American Perspective: An Annotated Bibliography. 1983.
Z 6207 W8 W67 1983 Ref.
Ziegler, Janet (Comp.). World War II: Books in English, 1945-65. 1983.
Z 6207 W8 W67 1983 Ref.

Korean War

National Archives and Records Administration. Center for Electronic Records. Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense: Korean Conflict Casualties File, 1950-1957. 2000.
DS 9206 .U6 K67 2000 Ref.


Baker, Theodore. Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 1940, 1958, 1978, 1984, 1991.
ML 105 .B16 Ref.
Heintze, James R. Early American Music: A Research and Information Guide. 1990.
ML 120 .U5 H46 1990 Ref.
Johnson, H. Earle. First Performances in America to 1900: Works with Orchestra. 1979.
ML 120 .U5 J6 Ref.
Krummer, D. W., Geil, Jean, Dyen, Doris J., & Root, Deane L. Resources of American Music History: A Directory of Source Materials from Colonial Times to World War II. 1981.
ML 120 .U5 R47 Ref.
Sadie, Stanley (Ed.). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 1980.
ML 100 .N48 Ref.
Sadie, Stanley (Ed.). The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. 1984.
ML 102 .I5 N48 Ref.


Bardsley, Charles Wareing. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames with Special American Instances. 1967.
CS 2505 B3 1967 Ref.
Benson, Morton. Dictionary of Russian Personal Names with a Guide to Stress and Morphology. 1967.
CS 2811 .B4 1967 Ref.
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning, and History. 1946.
CS 2435 B55 Ref.
Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et Prenoms de France. 1951.
CS 2691 D3 Ref.
Dolan, J.R. English Ancestral Names: The Evolution of the Surname from Medieval Occupations. 1972.
CS 2505 D65 1972 Ref.
Gottschald, Max. Deutsche Namenkunde: Unsere Familiennamen nach irer Entstehung und Bedeutung. 1971.
CS 2545 .G6 1971 Ref.
Hanks, Patrick & Hodges, Flavia. A Dictionary of First Names. 1990.
CS 2367 .H32 1990 Ref.
Hanks, Patrick & Hodges, Flavia. A Dictionary of Surnames. 1988.
CS 2385 .H27 1988 Ref.
Kaganoff, Benzion C. A Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History. 1977.
CS 3010 K28 Ref.
Kolatch, Alfred J. Complete Dictionary of English and Hebrew First Names. 1984.
CS 2367 .K63 1984 Ref.
Lawson, Edwin D. (Comp.). Personal Names and Naming: An Annotated Bibliography. 1987.
Z 6824 .L39 1987 Ref.
The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography....
E 176 N28 Ref.
Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. 1969.
CS 2485 S63 Ref.
Smith, Elsdon C. New Dictionary of American Family Names. 1973.
CS 2481 S55 1973 Ref.
The Surnames of Ireland. 1969.
CS 2411 M25 1969 Ref.
Woods, Richard D. Hispanic First Names: A Comprehensive Dictionary of 250 Years of Mexican-American Usage. 1984.
CS 2375 .U6 W66 1984 Ref.

Natural History

Meisel, Max. A Bibliography of American Natural History: The Pioneer Century, 1769-1865. 1967.
Z 7408 .U5 M52 Ref.

Newspapers, Magazines, & Journals

The 1986 IMS Directory of Publications. 1986.
Z 6951 .A97 1986 Ref.
Bennett, Scott, Dixon, Diana, Hiller, Mary Ruth, Madden, Lionel, et al. Victorian Periodicals: A Guide to Research. 1978.
PN 5124 .P4 V5 Ref.
Boehm, Eric H. & Adolphus, Lalit (Eds.). Historical Periodicals: An Annotated World List of Historical and Related Serial Publications. 1961.
Z 6205 B6 Ref. & Z 6205 B73 1972 Ref.
Brigham, Clarence S. History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820. 1947, 1975.
Z 6951 B86 Ref.
Charno, Steven M. Latin American Newspapers in United States Libraries: A Union List. 1969.
Z 6947 L36 Ref.
Daniel, Walter C. Black Journals of the United States. 1982.
PN 4882.5 .D36 1982 Ref.
Devers, Charlotte M., Katz, Doris B., & Regan, Mary Margaret (Eds.). Guide to Special Issues and Indexes of Periodicals 1976.
Z 6951 S755 1976 Ref.
Edgar, Neal L. A History and Bibliography of American Magazines 1810-1820. 1975.
PN 4877 E3 Ref.
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media. 19 -19 .
Z 6951 .A97 Ref.
Gregory, Winifred. American Newspapers 1821-1936: A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada. 1937.
Z 6945 A53 Ref.
Hansen, Sandra J. New Mexico Newspapers: A Comprehensive Guide to Bibliographical Entries and Locations. 1975.
Z 6952 N4 G7 Ref.
Lathem, Edward Connery. Chronological Tables of American Newspapers, 1690-1820. 1972.
Z 6951 L3 Ref.
Library of Congress. Newspapers in Microform: Foreign Countries, 1948-1983. 1948/83.
Z 6945 .U515 1948-83 Ref.
Library of Congress. Newspapers in Microform: United States, 1948-1983. 1948/83.
Z 6951 .U469 1948/83 Ref.
Milner, Anita Cheek. Newspaper Indexes: A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers
Z 6951 .M635
N. W. Ayer & Son's American Newspaper Annual and Directory: A Catalog of American Newspapers. 1926, 1951, 1968.
Z 6951 .A97 Ref.
Ulrich, Carolyn F. Periodicals Directory 1935: A Classified Guide to A Selected List of Current Periodicals, Foreign and Domestic. 1935.
Z 6941 P44 1935 Ref.
Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada. 1965.
Z 6945 .U45 1965 Ref.
Xerox University Microfilms. Two Centuries of British Periodicals: A Guide to the Microfilm Collection. 1974.
PN 5124 .P4 T8 1974 Ref.

Oral Interviews

Havlice, Patricia Pate. Oral History: A Reference Guide and Annotated Bibliography. 1985.
Z 6201 .H38 1985 Ref.
Mason, Elizabeth & Starr, Louis M. (Eds.). The Oral History Collection of Columbia University. 1973.
Z 6621 C725 1973 Ref.
Meckler, Alan M. & McMullin, Ruth. Oral History Collections. 1975.
Z 6204 M4 Ref.
Oral History Index: An International Directory of Oral History Interviews. 1990.
D 16.14 .O74 1990 Ref.

Performing Arts

Frick, John W. & Ward, Carlton (Eds.). Directory of Historic American Theatres. 1987.
PN 2289 .D57 1987 Ref.
Hartnoll, Phyllis. (Ed.). The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. 1983.
PN 2035 .H3 1983 Ref.
Lennep, William Van. The London Stage 1660-1800: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments & Afterpieces Together with Casts, Box-Receipts and Contemporary Comment. 1960-1968.
PN 2592 .L6 Ref.
Odell, George C. D. Annals of the New York Stage. 1970.
PN 2277 .N5 O4 1970 Ref.
Stratman, Carl J. American Theatrical Periodicals, 1798-1967: A Bibliographical Guide. 1970.
Z 6935 S75 Ref.
Wilmeth, Don B. The Language of American Popular Entertainment: A Glossary of Argot, Slang, and Terminology. 1981.
PN 1579 .W5 Ref.

Political Science

Diamond, Robert A. National Party Conventions, 1831-1972. 1976.
JK 2255 C66 1976 Ref.
Holler, Frederick L. Information Sources of Political Science. 1986.
Z 7161 .H64 1986 Ref.
McKee, Thomas Hudson. The National Conventions and Platforms of All Political Parties, 1789-1905 1906.
JK 2255 M2 1971b Ref.
Raymond, Walter John. Dictionary of Politics: Selected American and Foreign Political and Legal Terms. 1992.
JA 61 .R39 1992 Ref.
Solomon, Samuel R. The Governors of the States, 1900-1974. 1974.
JS 308 .C6 no.533 Ref.
Who's Who in American Politics. 1967-1988.
E 176 .W6424 Ref.


Bowker, John (Ed.). The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. 1997.
BL 31 .O84 1997 Ref.
Lueker, Erwin L. (Ed.). Lutheran Cyclopedia. 1975.
BX 8007 L8 1975 Ref.
Ludlow, Daniel H. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Mormonism: The History, Scripture, Doctrine, and Procedure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1992.
BX 8605.5 .E62 1992 Ref.
Melton, J. Gordon. The Encyclopedia of American Religions. 1978.
BL 2530 .U6 M443 Ref.
New Catholic Encyclopedia. 1967.
BX 841 N44 1967 Ref.
Sandoz, Ellis (Ed.). Political Sermons of the American Founding Era, 1730-1805. 1998.
BR 115 .P7 P53 1998 Ref.

Science & Technology

Bolton, Henry Carrington. A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1665-1895. 1965.
Z 7403 B69 1965 Ref.
Brown, Peter & Stratton, George Burder (Eds.). World List of Scientific Periodicals Published in the Years 1900-1960. 1963-1965.
Z 7403 W923 Ref.
Ferguson, Eugene S. Bibliography of the History of Technology. 1968.
Z 7914 H5 F4 Ref.
World Who's Who in Science: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Scientists from Antiquity to the Present. 1967-1988.
Q 141 W7 Ref.

Social Welfare

University of Minnesota. Descriptive Inventories of Collections in the Social Welfare History Archives Center. 1970.
Z 7164 .C4 M55 Ref.


Chandler, Tertius & Fox, Gerald. 3000 Years of Urban Growth. 1974.
HB 2161 C45 1974 Ref.
Cole, Arthur Harrison. Wholesale Commodity Prices in the United States, 1700-1861. 1938.
HB 235 U6 C56 1969 Ref.
Mitchell, B. R. International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceana 1750-1993. 1998.
HA 4675 .M552 1998 Ref.
Mitchell, R. International Historical Statistics: The Americas 1750-1993. 1998.
HA 175 .M55 1998 Ref.
Mitchell, B. R. International Historical Statistics: Europe 1750-1993. 1998.
HA 1107 .M5 1998 Ref.
Population Redistribution and Economic Growth: United States, 1870-1950. 1957.
HB 1965 K8 Ref.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970. 1975.
HA 202 A385 1975 Ref.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. The Statistical History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present. 1965.
HA 202 A385 1965 Ref.


Finder's Guide to the Texas Women: A Celebration of History Exhibit Archives. 1984.
HQ 1438 .T4 W5 1984 Ref.
Historical and Biographical Record of the Cattle Industry and the Cattlemen of Texas and Adjacent Territory. 1959.
SF 196 .U5 H5 Ref.
Pool, William C. A Historical Atlas of Texas. 1975.
G 1371 S1 P6 1975 Ref.
Texas Edition of Men of Achievement. 1948, 1958.
F 385 B32 Ref.
Texas Women of Distinction: A Biographical Essay. 1962.
F 385 M19 Ref.
Texian Who's Who. 1937.
F 385 T49 1937 Ref.
Who's Who in Texas: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Men and Women of the Commonwealth. 1947.
F 385 W5x 1947 Ref.
Who's Who in Texas Today: A New Biographical Survey of Texas. 1968.
F 385 W55 1968 Ref.
Worthy Mothers of Texas. 1976.
F 385 W65 Ref.

United States Government

Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1971. 1971.
JK 1010 A5 1971 Ref.
Biographical Directory of the United States Executive Branch, 1774-1971. 1971.
E 176 B575 Ref.
Burke's Presidential Families of the United States of America. 1975.
CS 69 B82 Ref.
Collin, P. H. (Ed.). Dictionary of Government and Politics. 1998.
JA 61 .D53 1998 Ref.
Goldman, Perry M. & Young, James S. (Ed.). The United States Congressional Directories, 1789-1840. 1973.
JK 1011 U53 Ref.
Kurian, George Thomas. A Historical Guide to the U.S. Government. 1998.
JK 9 .H57 1998 Ref.
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