Periodical Sources
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Periodicals, located on the second floor of Cornette Library, houses the Library's collection of journals, magazines, and newspapers. Journal articles, with a scholarly approach to topics, can help explain the times and conditions which your ancestors lived. Magazines and newspapers contemporary with your ancestors' lives add a day-to-day perspective.
Electronic Databases
Only WTAMU faculty, students, and staff have off-campus access to the following databases except AGRICOLA, ERIC, and MEDLINE (PubMed). All databases may be accessed in the Library. Check with your local public library to see which databases are available through their website.
- Academic Search Complete - various subjects (some full text)
- AGRICOLA - agriculture
- America: History & Life - history of North America
- ERIC - education
- Historical Abstracts - history of the world except North America
- JSTOR - African American studies, economics, history, political science, population studies (full text)
- MEDLINE - medicine
- Project Muse - humanities (full text)
- Newspaper Source (full text)
- Religion & Philosophy Collection (some full text)
- Infotrac Newspapers (full text)
Magazines & Journals
Below is a sampling of journals, magazines and newspapers available to you in Periodicals. To find their locations and dates of publication, search Cornette Library's online catalog. Since this list is not comprehensive, try searching the online catalog for other periodical titles. If you need assistance, please come to the Research & Access Desk.
By Location
US General
- American Heritage
- American Historical Review
- American History
- American History Illustrated
- Current History
- Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine
- History Today
- Journal of American History
- Journal of Social History
- Pioneer America
- Reviews in American History
- William and Mary College Quarterly
- William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine
- William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers
- American West
- Frontier
- Great Plains Journal
- Great Plains Quarterly
- Holland's: The Magazine of the South
- Journal of Southern History
- Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association
- Journal of the Southwest
- Journal of the West
- Mississippi Valley Historical Review
- New England Quarterly
- Panhandle Plains Historical Review
- Plains Anthropologist
- Red River Valley Historical Review
- Southern Historical Society Papers
- Southwest Heritage
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly
- Southwestern Studies
- Western Historical Quarterly
- Alabama Historical Quarterly
- Alabama Review
- Alaska Journal
- Annals of Iowa
- Arizona and the West
- Arkansas Historical Quarterly
- Badger History (Wisconsin)
- California Historical Quarterly
- California Historical Society Quarterly
- California History
- Chronicles of Oklahoma
- Colorado Heritage: The Journal of the Colorado Historical Society
- Colorado History Now: Newsletter of the Colorado Historical Society
- East Texas Historical Journal
- Florida Historical Quarterly
- Georgia Historical Quarterly
- Iowa Heritage Illustrated
- Iowa Journal of History
- Iowa Journal of History and Politics
- Journal of Mississippi History
- Kansas Heritage
- Kansas Historical Quarterly
- Kansas History
- Kentucky Ancestors
- Kentucky Historical Society Register
- Louisiana Historical Quarterly
- Louisiana Historical Society Publications
- Louisiana History
- Maryland Historian
- Maryland Historical Magazine
- Missouri Historical Review
- Nebraska History
- New Mexico Historical Quarterly
- New Mexico Historical Review
- New York History: Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association
- North Carolina Historical Review
- North Dakota History
- NDQ: North Dakota Quarterly
- Ohio History
- Pennsylvania Gazette
- Pennsylvania History
- Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
- Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association
- Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
- South Carolina Historical Magazine
- South Dakota History
- South Dakota State Historical Society History Notes
- Tennessee Historical Quarterly
- Texana
- Texas Archaeology
- Texas Monthly
- Texas Municipalities
- Texas Outlook
- Texas Weekly
- Utah Historical Quarterly
- Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
- West Texas Historical Association Yearbook
- West Texas Today
- West Virginia History
- Wisconsin Magazine of History
- Journal of African History
- Journal of Asian and African Studies
America: North & South (except the United States)
- Canadian Historical Review
- Journal of Latin American Studies
- Journal of Asian Studies
- Journal of Asian and African Studies
- Journal of Southeast Asian History
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
- Central European History
- Eighteenth-Century Life
- Eighteenth-Century Studies
- English Historical Review
- French Historical Studies
- Illustrated London News
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Slavic Review
- Slavonic and East European Review
- Speculum
- Victorian Studies
Middle & Near East
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Middle Eastern Studies
By Subject
- Agricultural History
- Agricultural History Review
- Cattleman
- Country Gentleman: For the American Farmer and His Family
- Progressive Farmer
- Progressive Farmer and Southern Farm Gazette
- Successful Farming
- American City
- Architectural Record
- Craftsman
- Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Business, Economics, & Labor
- American Federationist: Official Magazine of the American Federation of Labor
- American Labor Legislation Review
- Business History
- Business Week
- Economic History
- Harvard Business Review
- Industrial Arts Magazine
- Journal of Economic History
- Labor History
- Nation's Business
- American School Board Journal
- Educational Review
- Elementary School Journal
- Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
- Texas School Journal
Ethnic & Racial Groups
- American Ethnic History
- American Indian Quarterly
- American Jewish Historical Quarterly
- American Jewish History
- Ethnic and Racial Studies
- Ethnic History
- Hispanic American Historical Review (HAHR)
- Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter
- Indian Historian
- Journal of American Ethnic History
- Journal of Asian American Studies
- Journal of Ethnic Studies
- Journal of Mexican American History
- Journal of Negro History
- Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life
- Wassaja, the Indian Historian
- Journal of American Folklore
- Southern Folklore
- Southern Folklore Quarterly
- Western Folklore
- Journal of Historical Geography
- Hygeia: The Health Magazine
- Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutes for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Persons
Home & Garden
- American Cookery
- American Home
- Better Homes & Gardens
- Country Life
- Country Life in America
- Garden & Home Builder
- Good Housekeeping
- House & Garden
- House Beautiful
- Journal of Home Economics
- Ladies Home Journal
- Practical Home Economics
- Woman's Home Companion
- Civil War History
- Civil War Times Illustrated
- Journal of Military History
- Journal of the United States Cavalry Association
- Military History of Texas and the Southwest
- Military History of the Southwest: MHS
- Military History of the West
- Texas Military History
- Life
- The Nation
- New Republic
- Newsweek
- The Public
- Time
With the exception of the most current issues, the following newspapers are on microfilm. Microfilm readers are available in Periodicals. Copies may be made by WTAMU faculty, students, and staff using a Buffalo Gold card. Visitors may purchase a copy card at the Research & Access Desk on the first floor of Cornette Library. Cornette Library newspapers are available in the Atrium's Reading Area (1st floor) or on the newspaper shelves in Periodicals. Copy machines are available on both floors of the Library.
Dates are shown for those newspaper indexes that are available. Ask at the Periodicals Desk for assistance with these indexes.
- Albany Echo (Jan. 1883 - Feb. 1884)
- Albany Star (Dec. 1882 - Jan. 1884)
- Amarillo Daily News (1960 - 2001)
- Amarillo Globe-News (May 20, 2001 - present)
- Angleton Times (Jun. 1907 - Dec. 1909; Jan. 12, 1917 - Dec. 1923)
- Aspen Times - Colorado (Apr. 23, 1881-Dec. 20, 1884)
- Austin American (May 31, 1914 - Jan. 1975)
- Austin American Statesman (Feb. 1975 - Aug. 1976)
- Barron's - New York (May 1921 - present)
- Canyon City News (Mar. 20, 1903 - Dec. 13, 1907; Jan. 10, 1908 - Sep. 30, 1910)
- Canyon News (Jan. 6, 1927 - present)
- Christian Science Monitor (Nov. 1908 - present)
Index: 1950 - present - Daily Universal Register (1785 - 1787, became the Times - London)
- Dallas Morning News (Oct. 1985 - present)
- Dubuque Daily Times-Journal - Iowa (1860 - 1865)
- Guymon Herald - Oklahoma (1908 - Apr. 27, 1916)
- Indianapolis Journal (Sep. 1857- May 1860, Jan. - Jun. 1861, Jan. 1864 - Dec. 1865)
- Japan Times (1941 - 1977)
- Los Angeles Times (1969 - 1979)
- Macon Daily Telegraphy - Georgia (Feb. - Aug. 1860; Jan. - Jul. 17, 1861; Jan. - Jul. 9, 1862; 1864)
- Macon Daily Telegraphy and Confederate - Georgia (Jan. - Nov. 1865; 1866)
- Memphis Daily Appeal (Jul. 18, 1857 - Aug. 9, 1860; Mar. 23, 1861 - Oct. 11, 1865; Nov. 7, 1865 - May 4, 1866)
- Mobile Daily Register - Alabama (Feb. 17, 1859 - Jun. 29, 1860)
- National Observer (Feb. 1962 - Jul. 11, 1977)
Index: 1962 - 1977 - Nashville Tennessean and the Nashville American (1912 - 1925)
- New Pittsburgh Courier (Jan. 1967 - Jan. 1988)
- New York Times (Sep. 18, 1851 - present)
Index: Sep. 1851 - present - Pittsburgh Courier (Jan. 1923 - Jan. 1, 1966; 1990 - 1992)
- The Prairie (Sep. 19, 1969 - May 22, 1970)
- Randall County News (Oct. 1913 - Oct. 1924; became Canyon News Jan. 1927)
- Stayer (Sep. 19, 1901 - Dec. 1902; became Canyon News Jan. 1908)
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Jan. 1, 1945 - Dec. 1977)
- Times - London (Jan. 1788 - present)
Index: 1790 - present - Tulia Herald (Jan. 11, 1918-1979)
- Wall Street Journal (Jul. 1889 - present)
Index: 1955 - present - Washington Post (1954 - 1978)
Index: 1972 - Aug. 1977