Paula Schlegel
Associate Lecturer of Communication Studies
Office: Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex 190
Email: pschlegel@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-2806
Professional Profile
Schlegel earned a B.A. in speech and theater with a minor in mass communication from Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She holds an M.A. in communication from WTAMU.
She is a member of National Communication Association and the Texas Speech Communication Association.
Teaching and Related Service
Schlegel teaches basic public speaking and persuasion. She also advises students seeking a Bachelor of General Studies degree or a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree.
Research and Creative Activity
She works with the communication faculty to discover entertainment choices and time usage choices of WTAMU students. Schlegel also is a professional storyteller and a member of Storytellers of the High Plains and the Tejas Storytellers Association. Her stories are performed in different venues from the preshow of TEXAS to museums and public schools. The topics are seasonal but are often tied to area history or to familiar legends.