George Pacheco, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Media Communication
Office: Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex 271
Email: gpacheco@wtamu.edu
Phone: 806-651-4022
Professional Profile
George joined the WTAMU communication faculty in 2021. Prior to that, he was the director of WT's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) titled Campus to Community. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Communication Studies from WT and a Ph.D. in Communication from The University of Southern Mississippi.
Teaching and Related Service
Within our department, George teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Intercultural Communication, Media, Gender and Culture, and Public Speaking. He is also a co-advisor for F1RSTGEN and the newly formed Iota Omega honor society; both organizations are centered on supporting and celebrating the accomplishments of first-generation college students. In the community, he has worked on the planning committee for the United Way of Amarillo & Canyon's annual Day of Caring and was recently appointed to serve on the United Way's board of directors.
Research and Creative Activity
His research interests include first-generation college students, communication pedagogy, identity, and stereotypes, and using humor as a rhetorical strategy. He has published numerous book chapters and articles and has presented papers at state, regional, and national conferences. He is the lead author of the edited book First-Gen Stories for Success. George also serves on the editorial board for the National Communication Association's Communication Teacher journal and the Center for First-Generation Student Successes's Journal of First-Generation Students Success.