Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's degree and who possess financial need as determined by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). All students meeting eligibility requirements are offered the Federal Pell Grant.


  • You must have a qualifying Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the FAFSA.
  • Recipients must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Students are limited to receive the equivalent of twelve semesters at full-time enrollment in Pell Grant

Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status.

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Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG)

The Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG) is a program administered by the State of Texas to provide assistance to students with financial need and seeking a first bachelor's degree. This is a grant, and it does not have to be repaid. This grant does not require a separate application. It is awarded through the standard process based on the FAFSA/TAFSA applications received.


  Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status.

  Texas resident or non-resident

  You must demonstrate financial need and be enrolled at least half-time

  Register for Selective Service or be exempt from the requirement

  No individual award may be more than the student's financial need

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College for All Texans



Resident Undergraduate Designated Tuition (RUDT)

The Resident Undergraduate Designated Tuition (RUDT) is a program administered by the State of Texas to provide assistance to students with financial need and seeking a first bachelor's degree. This is a grant, and does not have to be repaid. This grant does not require a separate application. It is awarded through the standard process based on the FAFSA/TAFSA applications received.


Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status. You must demonstrate financial need and be enrolled at least half-time.



The Toward Excellence, Access & Success (TEXAS) grant was established in 1999 by the Texas Legislature to provide need-based financial assistance to Texas students. This program is subject to funding availability from the state of Texas. Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status.


  • You must be a Texas resident.
  • Register for Selective Service or must be exempt from this requirement.
  • You must have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance.
  • You must demonstrate exceptional financial need as determined by the FAFSA or TAFSA.
  • You must be a graduate of an accredited high school in Texas.
  • You must have completed the Foundation, Distinguished or Recommended high school curriculum. We encourage you to have a final high school transcript mailed directly to the Office of Admissions, WTAMU Box 60907, Canyon, TX 79016, in order to expedite the verification of eligibility for this program.
  • You must enroll in a non-profit public college or university in Texas within 16 months of graduation from an accredited public or accredited private high school in Texas, and
  • You must not have accumulated more than 30 semester credit hours, excluding those earned for dual or concurrent courses or awarded through credit by examination (AP, IB, or CLEP), have earned an Associate Degree from a public technical, state or community college in Texas and enroll in any public university in Texas no more than 12 months after receiving their associate's degree.


  • If you are transferring from another college or university and you previously received the TEXAS grant, you may be eligible to continue receiving it at West Texas A&M University.
  • If you are a student athlete, you must have NCAA  compliance approval to be eligible for this program.

Renewal Requirements

At the end of the first year, you must meet West Texas A&M University Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements (2.0 GPA and 67% completion) in order to be considered for a second year in the TEXAS Grant program. After completing the second year in the program, you are required to meet the following conditions at the end of every spring term:


  • Be enrolled at least three-quarter time as an undergraduate student who previously received a TEXAS Grant award and has not yet been granted a baccalaureate degree
  • Have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance
  • Have a calculated financial need
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP): Cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 with a 67% completion rate
  • You must complete 24 semester credit hours each academic fall, spring and summer, however, credits by exam/AP credits do not count toward completion.

Student eligibility for a TEXAS Grant ends once he or she has attempted 150 semester credit hours or the equivalent unless the student is granted a hardship extension. For this purpose, "attempted hours" is defined as every course in every semester for which a student has been registered as of the official Census Date, including but not limited to, repeated courses and course the student drops and from which the student withdraws. For transfer students, transfer hours and hours for optional internship and cooperative education courses are included if they are accepted by the receiving institution towards the student's current program of study.

If you do not meet the aforementioned requirements, you will lose eligibility for the program.

Proration based on enrolled hours

TEXAS Grant will be prorated based on hours enrolled at West Texas A&M University. The prorated amounts shall be calculated each semester using the following schedule:

  • If enrolled for 12 or more hours - 100% of award will be disbursed
  • If enrolled for 9-11 hours - 100% of award will be disbursed
  • If enrolled for 6-8 hours - No award, unless hardship appeal has been granted or unless student is in the last semester before graduating. A current degree plan must be on file in our office. If so, award will be prorated. 50% of award will be disbursed.
  • If enrolled for fewer than 6 hours - No award

Hardships or Other Proper Causes

Should you fail to meet the requirements for renewal, you may submit an appeal to the TEXAS Grant Program Coordinator to review your eligibility based upon extenuating circumstances. The request must be submitted in writing and must detail the reason behind the request. Reasons that may be considered include:

  • A severe illness or other debilitating condition that affected academic performance;
  • An indication that you are responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person and that your provision of care affected your academic performance; or
  • Other extraordinary circumstances that may have impacted your ability to meet renewal requirements.

A financial aid advisor or administrator will respond to your request through your West Texas A&M email account. Additional supporting documentation may be requested. A copy of all correspondence will be placed in your financial aid file. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee any adjustments can or will be made.

Helpful Links

College for All Texans



Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is available to undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipients with high financial need. Preference is given to students who are attending on a full-time (12 credit hours) basis. This fund does not require a separate application. It is awarded through the standard process based on the FAFSA.


Award eligibility varies based on Enrollment Status. You must be in a minimum of 6 credit hours to be eligible.

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Direct Subsidized Loans

Direct Unsubsidized Loans

Direct Plus Loans


College Access Loans (CAL)

The College Access Loan (CAL) Program provides alternative educational loans to Texas students who are unable to meet the cost of attendance. The amount of federal aid for which a student is eligible (regardless of whether actually accepted) must be deducted from the cost of attendance in determining the CAL loan amount.

Eligibility Requirements:

Students must

  • Be a Texas resident; and
  • Be accepted for enrollment and enrolled at least half-time in:
    • a course of study leading to a certificate, an associate's, bachelor's, graduate, or higher degree; or
    • an approved alternative educator certification program;
  • Meet satisfactory academic progress requirements
  • Receive a favorable credit evaluation or provide a cosigner who has good credit standing and meets other requirements.

Students may borrow no less than $100 and up to the cost of attendance minus any other financial aid.

The College Access Loan (CAL) is repaid to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

  • Loans have a six-month grace period from the date a borrower ceases to be continuously enrolled as at least a half-time student at an eligible institution;
  • Principal balances under $30,000 have up to a ten-year repayment period with minimum monthly payments of $50;
  • Principal balances of $30,000 or more have a repayment period up to 20 years;
  • The loan will not be sold to another lender;
  • Postponements of loan repayment and income-sensitive or graduated repayment schedules are available.

For more information regarding College Access Loans or to apply, please visit


Alternative Loans


Alternative (private) loans are administered and processed by private lending institutions to be used for educational costs after exhausting potentially more favorable federal and state financial aid options first.

Visit FastChoice to search for an Alternate Loan.

Application Process

Alternative Loans take longer to process than federal loans due to the multiple disclosure statements and right-to-cancel period required by federal lending laws . Please read carefully to understand the process.

  • Select your preferred lender and apply through the lender’s website. NOTE: Check the table below to ensure you are using the correct school code.
  • When applying for your loan, you will be asked for your Loan Term. The loan term can be for one or both semesters in the academic year. Please use the dates below to determine your preferred loan term.
  • Financial Aid will then receive your loan request from the lender and notify them if you are eligible to receive the loan and the amount you are eligible to receive.

           *This process will take 10-15 business days from start to finish, please plan accordingly*           


 2022-2023 LOAN TERMS                                              
FALL 2022 8/26/2024 12/13/2024
SPRING 2023 1/21/2025 5/15/2025
SUMMER 1 2023 6/4/2025 7/8/2025
SUMMER 2 2023 7/9/2025 8/14/2025


Tips for Student Borrowers
Own your Loan

Ask your lender questions, you are responsible for knowing what type of loan you are applying for and what the terms of the loan agreement as well as the repayment process. We highly recommend that you apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) before you apply for an alternative loan.


Here are some questions to ask your lender to get a good idea of the loan you are applying for:
  • Is the interest rate variable or fixed? A variable interest rate can change, but a fixed interest rate will stay the same as long as you have the loan.
  • Is the interest capitalized? If it is, the amount of money you ultimately owe increases as the interest accrues over time.
  • Is there an origination fee? Origination fees are charged by some lenders to cover their cost to process your loan. 
  • Are there fees for paying off the loan early?
  • Are there any borrower benefits? For example, some lenders may offer a discount on your interest rate if you sign up for automatic monthly payments.
  • When do you need to start repaying the loan? Some lenders require you to pay while you are in school. Others will defer payments until after graduation.
  • Is a co-signer required? Many students have no credit history and the lender may require a co-signer on the loan, the lender will inform the students during the application process.
  • Are there other eligibility requirements? For example, some loans require that you meet Satisfactory Academic Progress or are enrolled full-time.
Compare Interest Rates

Federal student loans (subsidized or unsubsidized) can often have lower interest rates than alternative loans. Be sure to know all the possible interest rates available so that you are getting the best deal for you! Alternative loan interest rates are based on credit history and may require a cosigner for students with limited credit history.

Know your Repayment Options

Federal student loans and alternative loans will have different repayment options. Learn about the differences so that you can choose which one will work best for you.